I had to drop out of this contest, because I realized that I just can't make a Conquest map (seriously... it bothers me how I can't...) and I have another forge project in mind that I'm much more interested in. However, I've seen many great designs from people entering the contest, and I highly anticipate to the see the results of this contest. I may need to make some additional room on my hard drive. :happy:
man, my map is near completion geometry wise. Then I'll be planning out weapons and spawns in this week and I'll finally get to play it! I've been DIEING to play my map. I'm anxious to see how it plays. But I don't care if my map plays well or not. Conquest is one of the best custom gametypes out there and I always enjoy it. I am on the edge of my seat for all of the other conquest maps that will be submitted. I'm especially looking forward to rusty and shadow's as well as Vicious Vice's because I need to see the middle of his map after he used censoring techniques on his design... damn those censoring techniques.
After seeing some of you lots Conquest maps i started a new one last night, its only small at te mo but its basically this:
So what you guys are saying is that even if a premium makes a far superior map, then someone without premium status should win? I mean think about it this way. If a premium makes an AMAZING map, but someone else makes a map slightly worse, then should the worse map get the premium because "The better mapmaker already has premium!". The point of being a premium is making a superior map, so if you truly make a map that is better than one a premium makes, then you deserve the feature. Now I'm entering the contest and I might be angry if a premium wins, but that's life. They made a better map, so they deserve it.
What I was trying to say is that If a premium or colored member wins then they should win, but they should give the count towards premium to the next non colored guy down.(The next best map down that isn't made by a premium.)
but he didn't win the contest. that would defeat the purpose entirely. "you don't need to win, you just need to be the first non-premium member to place, don't strive for the best, just close to it"
Well, I will strive harder if I know I have somewhat of a good chance of getting something out of this tournament besides myself and my partner making a map. So in my opinion if like a colored member wins in every category it will be a kick in the ass. in my ass at least
you have a good chance of winning...if you make a good map a good map will win, thats to be sure, whether its a premium member or not, remains to be seen. the rules remain.
Yeah, I gotcha. Are you participating? And by the way the only thing I keep hearing about is how Rusty's and Shadow's map are going "BLOW" everyone elses maps away.
Lol so when Arnold kept winning Olympia and Universe contests they should have been like oh sorry you have a great body and everything just the medal goes to the runner-up... makes sense I don't know why I didn't come up with that.
Yes I am. my design is unlike any other person's conquest map I've seen on here and I doubt anyone will submit anything of the like. I'd post a pic of the foundry designer screen cap I did, but that would give it away, even blocking out some of it would still give it away. Its going to be an immense ***** to build though. not hyping it up or think it'll win, just saying. : P
I'm really just entering to actually finish a map. My attention spans with maps get very short, and I have not even finished one. Giving me a deadline makes me work harder
Any way I could get some people to send me a FR to help me test my map. Most of my friends mainly play MLG and I think you all know how they are when you throw a game mode with AR starts at them. My GT is PulseKiller, just send me a FR if you are interested.
i had to change my idea. I have now had like 3, the one Im working on is sort of like Paragon: narrow in some places, and with an awesome roof. Think of 2 parallel crankshafts with a connecting piece at the bottom