Made By: SpEcTaCuLar Ra Description Im back with another racetrack on Foundry that is called Spectac Circuit. This is a well made map on foundry with very smooth bank turns that is amazing to drive on and fun to play. The map is mostly blocked off and takes skilled driving for some parts of the map. Also the map is uncheatable. Here are Some Pics: Starting Gate Hill after start First Bank turn 1st straightaway after turn 2nd straightaway 2nd Bank turn Hill after second Bank turn(We were fighting for the lead) Last turn Destination jump Well That's It Hope You Like The Map!!!! Wonder Who Won? Download Gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
wow this looks really good I like the 2 good turns, they look really smooth and well forged. I'm not goin to DL though cuz i don't have any DL spaces left sorry, 4/5
i like this. i am usally not fan of race maps but this looks good and fun. interlocking looks clean and so does the geomearging. i really cant find anything wrong 4.5/ 5 downloaded
Hey this is map is really fun and very smooth,I was looking for something wrong so I could tell you about it and try and help you but their is nothing wrong that I can find,very nice map.I give it a 4.5/5,great map
looks good. ill DL cuz race maps are 1337. it looks a bit sloppy in some places. i also think that the man cannons that are used as rails and push u off the map, if u slip under them. but idk, ill check later. by the looks id say 5/5 just clean it up a bit, on ur next map
Lol, these two fellas are on the same team, so I would say that the red team won. I like the look of this map. Everything is very smooth and well thought out. I really like the second to last picture as it shows many parts overlaying each other. I like it when map makers do that. I'll race it and let you know my feelings on gameplay afterwards. Edit: After racing, I feel like the pictures do the map too much justice. It is a smooth map, but the flow is off. I really liked that first incline where you used the man cannons to give you a perfect boost to make a fun drift. I loved drifting there every time. But the next 180 turn could use a grav lift or a shield door to aid you. (but somehow you managed to lose a grav lift. im assuming that its out with the other random junk outside the map. I dont know why that stuff is there, but it looks tacky.) Then we come to the turn that is lined with shield doors. You get a little air before entering this turn, which completely ruins your ability to effectively use the shield doors, and the shield doors should be in an arc to maximize turning potential. As they are, I usually ended up hitting the last two shield doors perpendicularly (idk if thats a word, but you get what im saying) which bounces you back, causing a loss of all momentum. You should try to get rid of that drop before the turn, so you don't get airborne and make the shield doors form an arc. After this turn is the bridge ramp. Just delete the pallets at the bottom. They often cause loss of control, and you don't need them at all. The ramp works fine by itself, although I would add another shield door arc at the bottom there (you will need to move the shield doors around to free up some. i would start with the two that are standing alone before the shield door-lined turn). This will greatly add to the flow as you can keep you speed going through that turn. Basically, the turns need better/more aid than what you have provided. Other than that, the map is magical. JimP factor: 74% Good work.
i like the racing map and thye start of the race is timed right? very nice racing map ill d/l when i get my xbox 360 turned on very nice tho is thir any jumps?? 4/5 good map thanks
the locking and overall forging is great and smooth, however, nothing about this map screams brilliance. The design is not too unique, but seeing your skills here, with some different ideas, you can make much better racing maps, rather than the basic common layouts and design as shown here.
not bad i like that you used a timed start but like some other people said it is the same layout as most racing maps
Im smashing my keyboard like angry german kid yelling... OMG DIS R TEH BETS MHAP EVAR!!!! But seriously, nice map.
I just raced on it and it was pretty smooth,Theres one things that really kind of kills it,Its the man cannon part,That gives you to much power and not enough time to turn.Mybe take that part out.But otherwise Keep up the forging.!
The thing that grabbed me were the pics. Nice angles, they really makes u think about the track's features. Very good and a definite download.