As some people may know (not many) I have recently gotten the RROD and have been forced to drop out of the conquest forge-off. But I have managed to break the RROD long enough to get my map on m,y file-share. My heart lightened and I found out that I can still do the contest. Here is what I thought. I can give the map to somebody else who will do the forging while I can help with sketchup and layout. I could not manage to get any pictures up for you so I will trust that when you see the one base that has been done you will like it. I mean sure it needs some touch ups from a distance but it has potential. What I do have done is top-notch however. Look at the geomerged walls in the base. To geomerge it yet keep the interlocking bump less is a good start. Ignore how it looks right now and give game-play a chance. I am looking for a tough geomerger and inter locker. One who can devote time to the map whenever necessary. My xbox should be back for testing so I will tell you what I think. Way I see this the forger will get 60% of credit and I will take my 40%. If you are interested please download and take a look. No this is not up for takes and if you steal it I will get you perma banned from one of the mods. I will chose the best forger by looking at some of your maps. Here is the template. GT: enter gamer tag Experience: Link some of your maps Availability: how many hours weekly. Conquest experience: IF any this will boost your chances. Download the map here. Yes I know the name is stupid. It is the result of saving as a new map after every geomerge. I am not going to give any of my ideas until after you accept my offer and realize that it could have potential. But the ideas for the rest of the map are better if you are wondering. Don't rate it just on the base.
You may be able to help some.Don't take this offensivly but....... with that map you are working on and all i'd rather have somebody else do it. Not to sound rude or anything. You may be able to help during spawn and weapon placement and such. If I have any trouble with geomerges you kno where to come.
I would love to help, with bobsagit, and halo kid, if they are interested, because they r both amazing forgers! If you have a problem with this, then I can't do it, because I really can't stand to forge by myself...
Well the rules state that you can only have 2 contestants. if you can forge for 8 days alone then I can start to help on weekends and sometimes after school that would be fine. However bringing a third person into this would get you disqualified. Sorry but you might not be the best person. And hurry up I have some great ideas to start on. ~forgegod117~
I want to help so bad, but I just get incredible boredom forging by myself. Although I am a pretty good forger. Maybe if you get your Xbox back in time I will help you, or maybe not... but I guess I could look at the layout and see if I am capable.
Maps I've made are in my sig, I'm dling right now and I'll post back if I'm still interested after I look at it. Good luck finding someone. EDIT: Nvm I'll just do this GT: IVovaK Experience: Dialated | Light3n | Lunaria | Pinnacle | Prey Availability: 40+ hours Conquest experience: I play it a lot, I've never officially made a map though.
Thanks for the symphony. i am probably going to completely drop this project in favor of my map crevice. I believe I can rack up a feature with that. Besides with so many good forgers in the contest It just seems out of reach.
hmm I could give it a shot depending on how much is already done and if I like the layout. No promises though.
Sorry, I would like to help you, but I am way too much on time pressure forging my own map. I already spent 20 hours for 27 objects.... Maybe I can help when I am finished though.