What do you recommend - use Foundry Designer or wing it?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tuf jaho, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. tuf jaho

    tuf jaho Ancient
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    this is so i know what i should use because every time i use the Designer it isnt always accurate but when you wing your ideas just dont soar as good.
  2. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I would definitely use it if I were making a map on foundry because the tool is available, and you can always change your design while forging.
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    I would recommend using Google Sketch-up to design maps, but that's because I see things better in 3d and have trouble seeing my ideas exactly in the 2d Foundry designer.
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    either google sketchup, or a pad of paper. i use both.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I certainly advise against Foundry Designer. Forge is a 3D designer. In a 2D application, you can't really display heights and merges. Winging it isn't all that bad too, it will often bring out lots of creativity. Personally, I'd use SketchUp and stick to it loosely.
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I use a paper and pen. Just like SilenceBroken suggested a few comments above. Google sketchup is really frustrating and boring but a pencil and paper is easy and you can get your ideas down.

    Evan on google sketchup, what you build virtually won't look the same as when your actually forging. It looks different and just walking through with a BR and shooting people makes your map seem very different from what you design virtually. And gameplay adjustments make your design better but alter your connection toward your map on sketchup.

    A pad and paper: you can sketch anything quicker and jot your ideas down into something you could make into your map.

    But all in all, forge wasn't meant to be planned out because so many things will differ from what you build on the computer. All though in some situations, google sketchup and foundry designer may be useful paper and pens just works better :)
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I usually go through several steps before I start making my major maps. Here is my run through.

    Brainstorm: Simple, Just think it over in your head.

    Pad of paper: I will go and do all the main structures as well as an overview layout on a pad of picture. This helps me visualize the map and see if ti has the potential to continue forging

    Foundry designer: If it is a foundry map I would like to see this and make damn sure that I have enough objects as well as a slightly neater version of it.

    Sketchup: I will go into sketchup or another 3-D modeler and get a 3-D model of how the map is supposed to turn out.

    Print out some picture or screen-caps of each map for reference during forging. Also try to get CNC of your map by a well trusted friend and forger before moving on to the next step

    Remember, all maps start out with good planning. i guarantee every featured map has gone through several stages of planning.

  8. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I usually sketch out the main ideas/structures, and then forge from what I have in my head. I figure, why forge it twice?
    Of course, I'm by no means a serious forger, so I can't really tell you what you should to for a FOR SERIOUS map. But when just having fun, get the main ideas down and start forging.
  9. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Do whatever your comfortable with. Some people use the designer. It is there for that specific purpose. Some others prefer the use of Google sketchup. I actually think this is easier to use and a bit more precise and a bit more realistic. Although nothing does beat the freedom of a freehand drawing on a nice piece of computer or grid paper. It allows for unlimited boundaries and amounts of design\ possibilities are bound to spring great into even greater ones.
    As for myself I think of a base idea and then wing it from there. I design it as i go in my head. WHatever you feel most comfortable doing...do it!
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    If its frustrating you check out the move and rotate videos on here, the move video in particular I found incredibly helpful.
  11. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    good old fashion pen and paper for me. I actually drew out the bottom level of my map while at work, really slow night that night. I just keep my drawing handy if I think I need some inspiration from it or need to check a structure placement...
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I carry paper and a pen with me wherever I go, and I have a notebook next to my xbox when sudden inspiration hits me (and it has several times, i just put down my controller in the middle of whatever and do a really quick sketch so i don't forget). I go through probably about 30 improvements on my design until i'm happy with it. I give it a few days so I'm sure I haven't missed out anything.

    The first stages generally start with inspiration words and shapes. I guess it wouldn't really make sense if you looked at it, like i'd have four overlapping circles and have something like BO BR 2 or something similar. I basically borrow 'areas' from Bungie maps or forged maps unless I have some kind of idea, because the actual areas themselves aren't very important, the flow is. So I then use arrows and such to figure out the best possible way to set up the extremely basic layout for most flowability.

    Then the 'areas' can get some more detail, like 'structures' and 'cover'.
  13. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    like Insane i usually do that same thing but not next to my xbox, usually it happens when i finish a Test at school and im bored or have nothing to do.

    sometimes ill also wing it, ill be messing around in Forge and im say "Hey this looks kool" and edit/work on it from there.

    Of course when im bored on the pc ill also us the FD, but just a really ruogh sketch. so i use everything, but its up to you. use what ever you wish.
  14. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I like using paper. It never gets frustrating, and you can get everything just how you like it.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I tend to use paper. I don't like Foundry Designer much, or Google Sketchup, and I'm not sure what "winging it" is.
  16. Mr Smiley

    Mr Smiley Ancient
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    I never use the Foundry Designer. Maybe just to get an idea going, but that's it. I usually just wing it most of the time; seem to do better that way. You can never really base your idea until you actually do it the way I see it.

    But I usually never Forge unless very bored. But if I ever do, winging it is usually my best option...
  17. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    I just think of ideas write them down then forge away. Then i hope for the best ^^

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