Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    this... this is why everyone gets let down and pissed off at bungie.

    Urk and the rest of bungie:

    I am psyched for the new maps, they look awesome. Whatever sandbox is, Im sure it'll be cool and ill take it for whatever it is. Thanks for bothering to keep making stuff for your ungodly selfish and spoiled demanding fans.
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Just thought id throw this into the discussion.




    Don't these look like sandtrap type textures as well?
  3. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I am surprised. Nobody has noticed that when you try and save it off of it is called fools view. Because of the pictures blaze posted I can relate here. Bungie could have drawn a picture of sand trap and said it was sandbox because in reality it is. They made a rough design of sand trap in sandbox and said it was sandbox.

    People need to realize that bungie's next project will be forge centric. (They have left us every clue to believe so). Why would they have shown us the acceptances video and the other one. It would just be rude if it had no point.

    And I have some news for you. I think Urk would lie to us here at forge-hub, because he lied to us over there at These are just my ideas please don't flame me.

  4. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    Now this is what I call an intelligent post. Stop speculating and/or whining because most likely it's not going to be what you want, so deal with it.

    Maybe you could try being thankful for any extra content because a lot of developers don't even bother.
  5. Mr Smiley

    Mr Smiley Ancient
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    What? That's just being gullible and a complete dumbass.

    Why would anyone have no idea about Sandbox, AT ALL, and still wanna buy it? The Bungie community have there rights to complain, speculate, whine, etc. This is the Internet, your gonna have to get use to this stuff. Plus, it's good that people are "speculating" beforehand rather than buy it and not knowing what it is or whatnot. You can't just automatically assume something/someone is cool without even hearing a single thing about it; same thing vise-versa. "It's better to have and not need, rather than need but not have"

    And why call us "demanding?" What are we demanding? That Bungie tell us what it is about? Well hell yes they should! People are gonna buy this map pack not even knowing a single god damn clue what one of the maps is. That's just being selfish and stupid (in Bungie's case) I think. See, what I would call you is a kiss-ass because that's all I ever hear from you; agreeing to the more "top-notch" people.

    Us fans, wherever they may be from; Community or just another average Halo fan wanting to play Halo wants to see Sandbox. Bungie has already dissapointed enough fans as it is, honestly I don't think they even care anymore besides the trustworthy community that knows everything about Bungie. They should see that other fans that play Halo, are very disapointed at this moment. They don't know that Bungie teases us all the time like this, how are they supposed to know; they're new to Halo.

    So honestly man, you need to back the **** off, and just let us the community speak at our own will.
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    Yeah, that last one, i read somewhere that it was them on sandbox. i mean even the name has sand in it. its bound to be something close to sandtrap...

    oh and by the way, look at the walls behind them. on it you can see markings, they almost look like drawings of a shade or something
  7. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I don't know. I think I have to agree with Silence. Sitting here and dreaming about how awesome Sandbox will be will just leave us disappointed in the end. That's why sometimes I like to completely ignore all the game previews and whatnot. I just can't resist with some games though...
  8. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    you are honestly are making yourself look retarded. Bungie always gives us the info 1-2 weeks beforehand and you will know exactly what your buying. Learn patience. Just wait, chill and lay off the emo-ness for a while ok. Your words are completely pointless and yes, you are being demanding whether you realize it or not.
  9. urk

    urk Ancient
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    I really have no clue what you're on about. When did I lie to you, honey?
  10. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Oh. so that is how it is. Didn't Ivory already lock you in the staff tower. How are you typing these messages.

    Back on topic now.

    Can you explain why when saving the picture of of the title of the picture is FOOLSVIEW. Urk. ......... please elaborate

  11. urk

    urk Ancient
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    It's actually "Fool With a View" and I didn't have a hand in naming it. It's just some self-deprecating humor.
  12. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    so it means nothing?
  13. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    It means nothing...OR EVERYTHING.
    Seriously people, I'm sure we'll find out in due time. Making every slightest letter into some giant clue is kinda...overdoing it. Just a little.
  14. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    cheddarboy is right, we'll find out in due time. patience is a virtue. it doesn't matter what we think it is, because when all is said and done and we have the answers we either were right or wrong, and no one is going to be going around says "haha told you so" if they were right.

    we should all just wait until late february or early march to see what it really is.
  15. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    i don't know why everyone is whining about not hearing anything of the maps. Bungie will just release a video taking you through the levels like they did with the other maps. All we need to do is be patient and stop asking for a preview of sandbox. i'm surprised nobody has asked about the other maps aswell. so yeh patience is the key and soon the door to sandbox and the rest of the mythic map pack with open and then you can have all the fun you want
  16. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    The reason no one's asked about the other maps is cause the general assumption is that sandbox will be a forge-focused map. This being a forging community, no one really cares about the two other maps that seem to just be gameplay maps, with no advanced forging stuff.
  17. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    If you look at the skull image on the achievement for finding the skull on Sandbox, the symbol on it's forehead is clearly a monitor. So most likely Sandbox is forge based. So there's your answer.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Mr. Smiley (irony), you need to calm yourself. Referring to members as dumbass and kiss-ass is uncalled for and makes you look like a petulant child who likes to curse when mommy's out of the room.

    Secondly, when you're going to insult someone, learn the correct definition of the corresponding adjective. By definition, gullible means "easily deceived or cheated". The comment made by thesilencebroken that you quoted made no indication of either. He simply meant that he has enjoyed the products that Bungie has made thus far, and as such trust them to provide more of the same.

    Thirdly, if you're not going to fully learn how to spell, at least use the built-in spellcheck in Firefox. It's dis⋅ap⋅point⋅ed. You even misspelled your misspelling.

    Bottom line: Stop acting like a spoiled brat who can't wait until Christmas to open his presents and enjoy the tease like the rest of us. If you know anything about Bungie at all, you will know that all will be revealed in time.
  19. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    Well, i have read this very extensively, and have come to a conclusion that this is turning into another "Secret of Sandtrap" Thread. Anyone here agree with me?

    anyways maybe the big secret after all to it was that Sandtrap was somehow like connected to Sandbox in the same way it sorta is to Epitapth. In a very loosly connected way. kinda like what Blaze pointed out in those pics.
  20. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    He's right

    It is clearly a monitor. Sandbox = Forge Based Map
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