The Library

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hadokenchild, Jan 15, 2009.

  1. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Glad you liked it. I will address the weapon issues for you.

    First, you're right. No weapons on this map are drop spawned. The reason being partly because this isn't an MLG map or a tactical map, and mostly because of item limit issues. I would have not been able to use as many spawns or even gametypes had I left the max limits the way they were.

    Secondly, the power weapons are placed at each of the 4 teams bases. The typical red/blue teams get the long range weapons first (sniper and sentinel beam) the 3rd and 4th teams get the shotty and mauler respectfully. The power weapons are placed int each corner of the map. The short range power weapons are at equal distance between the red/blue teams. Just go back into forge and boot up slayer to see the team spawns and you'll see what I'm saying.

    Thanks for the feedback I do appreciate it.
  2. Enslaved bunny

    Enslaved bunny Ancient
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    Nice work hadokenchild. I remember testing this map with you one day. We played king of the hill and I thought it played great. Your angled merges for the legs look very impressive. I love the big bridge circle in the middle to. Keep on forgin. 5/5
  3. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    This was a very awesome map to play on. It really has some awesome aesthetic features and I especially like the center. The one thing I wasn't sure about were those double boxes that are just too steep to walk on. I can make it up by doing an angled jump but it's kind of a pain to do so and I'm not sure if you're even supposed to. Other than that it's pretty awesome and it's staying on my hard drive.
  4. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Yes the legs are intentionally angled so they are as close to representing the same angle found on the original Library level.



    While they aren't "exact", I think it pulled off the aesthetic similarities decently enough. The bottom "feet" aren't as steep as the H:CE ones. They'd either be too low in the front or too high in the back to look nice.
    Thanks for the positive feedback and for the DL.
  5. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    I disliked the map because of the very few ways to get up top without having to crouch jump. This was the only thing affecting the gameplay when i played with friends

    the map looked awesome though.
  6. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I found some normal Flowing ways to the level with the Bridge section... is this where your getting at? or the level just a bit higher than that? Because IN Halo 1 ... that was the only way you got up on top of things in halo 1, FYI MAster Chief Could not jump for **** in halo 1.
  7. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    well i will say what others have said befoore, this is a great map. i have played this many times and it kept getting better, wonderful map. It is really good with many people, and it is definatly pleasing to the eye. well done on finishing this, now that i look at it, how did you get all those bridges and stairs so perfect. well done and remember guys, those plasma pistols are powerful in the right hands.
  8. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    I enjoyed testing this map with you guys, though I have to admit this maps best gametype is team slayer. King of the hill was alright but just wasn't as fun as team slayer. Overall sweet map.
  9. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    The center platform was the biggest pain in the ass to do. I had rebuilt it from the ground up 5 times to get everything as flat as possible. The biggest problem I had was getting the pieces above foundry's center line to stay put. It was those pieces that would always shift after doing a save/quit and if I didn't catch it in time it would throw off everything. But basically what I did was floated about half my inventory of double boxes above the center of the map. Then I put all the stairs in first followed by the bridges. I would use man cannons to hold the objects up against the boxes so there was no chance of it being twisted or squed. The hardest part was to get things to look even all the way around. It's onr thing to do a platform with 8 sides, doing one with 24 was a nightmare.
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    great georges jack rabbit! (yes i just made that up) i dont really even know what to say that isn't obvious, some of the greatest interlocking iv'e seen in my life. I love the top level, however i don't really see the resemblance but, that dosen't really matter. What are your top 3 favorite gametypes for this map until then
    5 flood with rocket launchers (argh) out of 5
  11. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    Lol! Thanks for the new sig man.
    As far as fav gametypes go:

    1. Team Slayer
    2. FFA Slayer
    3. Team King
    4. Oddball
    5. FFA King

    I'm currently trying to nail down a good Infection variant, so that eventualy may crack my top 5. Thanks for the positive comments.
  12. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    This map is unbelievable asethetically. I don't really like the gameplay of it. There are too many jumps involved to climb to the top and half the time I was getting killed while trying to jump onto platforms. The map can be a ***** when you spawn down below, and a ton of ppl start killing you from the top.
  13. Bleet Tameheart

    Bleet Tameheart Ancient
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    Well, I took a forgethrough...

    Looks like it was pretty well pulled off. I know that just glancing through the comments, that everyone congratulated you on keeping the overall feel of The Library, so I won't retouch that, just for the sake of saving me some effort. :p

    I will say though that it was a pretty clever way of going up to the second floor via the center hole.

    That being said though, I do have a few things that kinda irked me. For starters, considering it's a map with a great focus on long range fighting, it's interesting that there aren't many long range weapons scattered around. Maybe you could suggest in the OP that you have a BR or Carbine starting weapon, so that you're not fighting over your team to get one of the few mid-range weapons..

    Also, just one sniper? I saw the Sentinel Beam approximately across the way from the sniper, but it just doesn't sound like a good trade off, IMHO. The two really aren't interchangable, because of the way that they're used. I would rather suggest a beam rifle on each side, in lieu of the current setup. However, a Sentinel Beam placed elsewhere (either one for each team, or one in the center-ish area for both to fight over, like say, on top near the back wall where the lone plasma rifle is) would work.

    While still staying with the weapons, I saw a huge focus on duel-wielding weapons. Maybe you could trade some of them off with a mauler/shotgun/AR for short to near mid range combat, or possibly even swap some of them for extra grenades.

    And finally, just one minor quibble to tack onto that, on the top side of "A Side", where you used teleporters underneath the library tunnel, it shows as "Teleporter Blocked" when you walk over it. It's something that just throws me off, and kind of an annoyance, but I don't see much of an alternative to diferentiate from the shield door tunnel on B Side... unless maybe you do a shield door and custom powerups, that that could unleash a whole new salvo of problems.

    So, ultimately, it's very well forged, and very good asthetically, but could be improved through some weapon changes...
  14. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    You make some valid points and I thank you for it.
    With only having a few decent tests on this map, The weapon set was never brought up as being of any concern. I also felt that 10 BR's and 2 Carbines were enough without having them all too close together. I also took into consideration that most customs players change the starting weapon to BR anyway.
    In the tests that I did have, the sniper/sentinel setup seemed to work out fine. I pourposly put the SB near the OS the help balance things a bit. People seemed to like it, and it also plays into the theme of the map. I heard planety of ""@#&"n Sential beam! God damit!!" in these games.
    For the dual weilds, I guess I like weapon variety. There's already 1 Shoty and 1 Mauler, any more than that on this map would have been too much and a bit self-defeating given the space.
    For the teleporters at 3rd teams base, yeah I've had one other person complain about that. It was only to add aesthetics to mirror the attackers base. There just weren't enough single sheild doors to recreate it on the other side, so I improvised. I just felt it looked better interlocked.
    I guess if there is enough demand for a tweaked weapon set then I suppose I could load up my canvas version and make a v2. Thanks again for the constructive and positive comments.
  15. Millinoid

    Millinoid Ancient
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    The bases just look secluded and alone. And the bottom area seems so claustrophobic, its hard to tell where everything fits in, maybe I'll just have to see it 4/5.
  16. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    Great map I like the forgeing but you should really put an overview to show how the layout is.
  17. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    It really isn't that way since there are long lines of sight pretty much everywhere on the bottom floor. I guess the "ceiling" the platform makes above players may be what causes a sort of boxed-in feeling, but I personally haven't felt it. Just give it a test run and see what you think.

    The wide shot of the platform is the highest I could go to get the most of the map in one shot.
  18. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    This spells "Feature" with flying colours. This map combined skill, talent and patience. 5 Stars
  19. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    I was buying patience in bulk lol. Thanks for the praise, glad you liked it.
  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Having played a game of team king, there are a few things I would like to say;
    First off, the frame rate of the map in the center, both top and bottom is terrible. Way to many objects interlocked in that one space.
    Secondly, Your map needs some weapon spacing and spawn fixes
    Lastly, you should have more hills around the rest of the map, to facilitate some flow and movment. The rest of the map is terribly under used.

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