Close Comabat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ell 93, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Ell 93

    Ell 93 Ancient
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    Close Combat : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details <----Download Here!

    Close combat is set in the bowels of Fort 95, a UNSC stronghold commanded by Miranda Keyes' Cousin, but the covenant are breaching from the inside & under. The UNSC's objective is to wear-off the opposing force...The map is an assymetrical map with one side having the advantage over the other simultaneously. Such as FCC (fusion Coil Cannons) against the infiltraition supply.

    "The smaller sector of Fort 95 is close to invaison. Do whatever it takes to stop them. 8-16 players by Xx Ell 93 xX."

    Gametypes made for this map are;

    Team Slayer (6-8 per team*)
    FFA (not recommended)
    CTF (unique gametype soon released)
    VIP (unique gametype soon released)

    *= team size recommended for all team games.

    Unfortunately, I have not tested the map.


    Here is the main base, the tower to the left is used by snipers, under that there are 2 mongooses & 1 warthog. FCC's are to the right.


    Here is the 'invaded' section of Fort 95. To the left is a Wraith & further up are the weapons, alternate path to wraith & if you go to the corridor on the right...


    ...Leads you to the infiltration point for the 'invaded' side, if you go round the back it leads into the fortress.

    Hope you like the map!
    GT: Xx Ell 93 xX

  2. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    looks kinda of sloppy in places i dont see any visable geomergeing
    why didnt you test it you sould it would tell you if it was good map so you could change any bad thngs or items that were on the map over all 2/5 my opion tho
  3. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    i really dont c any interlocking put into this map, but if u did u could have put in more. now i would seriously test maps before doing anything big with them like posting your map on this website. but with the map, it doesnt really look good, but it doesnt really look too bad. i really dont c how this could possibly be a close quarter map due to all the emptyness in the center of the map, and i recomend not having an armory in each bace, because that really takes off some of the action when it comes to fighting for a weapon. my overall rating would probably be a 2.4/5
  4. Grave Robber

    Grave Robber Ancient
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    it seems a little sub-par but i can see this for infection but just for boredom(not that its boring its just what id play if i was bored) not for a exciting match of infection you would find in some other maps i would give it a 3 out of 5
    #4 Grave Robber, Jan 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
  5. itsmebiff

    itsmebiff Ancient
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    ok first off this doesnt look much like a slayer or objective map it looks more like an infection map. and second there seems to be no interlocking or geomerging and i see some sloppy parts of it i give it a 1.5/5
  6. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    I really like the idea of this map,and it is very fun but you could really use some more interlocking on the outer walls to make it look and play so much better.its a good map though
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    I gave this map a Forge threw today. I saw a bit of where you wanting to go with this map ... but you have tons of budget left to for A much more potentiality of the map to be unlocked ... I feel that there could be a dead zone of free space from the Two bases...maybe being able to fill this space with that budget....
  8. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    ok, seriously? about the geomerging, who really cares that much, his map doesnt seem like it would really need it.

    sure, the map is a little bit sloppy and that needs to be fixed, but saying because there isnt geomerging so it isnt as good, come on.
  9. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    I see you've added more pics since last time... it looks like it might be an alright map, but frankly you have no interlocking, geomerging, and most thinks aren't straight. You basically have no signs of being a good forger. It really looks like you jsut threw this map together, even though I know you didn't, because it does look like it took some time, even though it's crappy, you understand? Well all I can suggest right now is change the name, and fix it all up.
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Hawk... Your point of view is quite your own. But remember its yours only.

    Now thou you don't have the skills of interlocking you still produced a map keep at it if you really want an map that your aiming for you may need to learn more of the trade of a true forger. Now for potential you got it because your forging don't give up.

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