C.A.C. - Voting Thread - Assassin's Creed 2 Hosted by the awesome E93 and DRiSCOLL Alright peeps, Competition #2 is halfway done. We just have to get the voting part done. I don't know about you, but I think it's a bit easier then the first part. I'm surprised with the number of entries we've had, compared to the past competition, and I'm very pleased with them, overall. Please, keep your votes to the art itself, and not the cover. We're not here to have a fanboy discussion, even though we all know the Xbox is better Last thing: You now have to justify your vote. So, you will vote in the poll, and post a justification for your vote. It must be a legitimate reason, or it will NOT count. And if you vote on the Poll, and don't justify your vote, I'll be able to know, since the poll will be public, and your vote will NOT count. Entries: LOCKdownN Spoiler knight kninja Spoiler Linubidix Spoiler Evil Villager Spoiler Zerosun Spoiler knight kninja (2) Spoiler DeathToll77 Spoiler Good luck to you all.
Do you think by any chance you could make another picture with a shrunken version (maybe 200x350) of each of these photos next to eachother?
I was thinking about doing that, but it's a waste, since I can just put them in spoilers. I might later.
knight ninja My vote is for knight ninja's 1st cover. It has the most interesting background and has some very nice layering. There were a couple of really good ones, though.
Knight Kninja's second one was the best, except it was on a PS3 box. Ewwwwwww. =P EDIT: Oh crap, my bad. =D The colors on it make it look cool, and plus it has "movement" to it. Tis like he is asploding from the box.
Would you care to justify your vote? Btw, this is the only time this thread I'm doing this. Next time someone doesn't justify their vote, I just won't count it.
My vote goes to LockDown, though ZeroSun and Kninja are close behind. The reason I chose Lock's is because I think it most adequately displays what the second game would truly be about (for those of you who beat the game, you would understand the city scene in this cover). While those other 2 were good, great even, they didn't say Assassin's Creed 2 they just said Assassin's Creed.
My vote goes to Zerosun. his looks the most like an actual game cover. also, the proportions were perfect for it, not that that matters. The other thing i liked was the lighting on his shoulder. it helped to blend it quite alot. I almost voted for LOCK, but i just couldnt see the actual "Altair" in the city. If it were to be a city theme, there would have to be a different character in it. EDIT: and a suggestion: since Linu's picture didn't work, i think you should PM everyone who has voted by the time that he has fixed it, and allow them to change their vote to his (And only his) if they want. Its only fair.
I think you completely missed what I was trying to say there. Of course they all have the II or 2 and what not, but that's not what I was talking about. Yes, spoiler tag since in order to make my words more clear, I could very well spoil the game, I guess. Spoiler LockDown's sig shows Altair in the city. In Assassin's Creed, the guy you play (Forgot name) is captured by the bad guys (forgot their organization) and they are using his ancestral memories to locate that thing of power (yes, I haven't played this game in awhile). Well, basically they say they need to go, and are bringing that guy (let's just call him Ted) with them for his memories. Earlier, they said the last guy they did this too actually lost his mind, and became his ancestor in his mind. So, I always felt that Ubisoft was clearly setting this up to be a cross between the medieval time frame, and current time, where Ted loses his mind, and starts acting like Altair. So, with that in mind, the reason I said Lock's sig says Assassin's Creed 2 the most, is because the box art tells a different story than the others. While Kninja's and Sun's were great, they basically can be swapped out with the current box art, and you would get the same feeling, with the same story. Lock's best shows a progression in the story, that this second game will be a different experience, and their is a new world to explore.
I voted for Sun's because his looked like an actual box art, although, i hate how it just says "Assassins Creed" on the side, instead of "Assassins Creed 2". The second best was Knights second box art. The reason why i didn't vote for it was because there is a black bar over every thing. Yes, i know sony displays its "Only on PS" and/or "Multiplayer Enabled" but if your going to add the black rectangle, make sure it as the correct content in it. The rest of them were meh. [edit] And Deathtroll didn't have correct spelling.
I voted for Zerosun's cover. I chose it because I just thought to myself 'Which of these would I most likely see in a store?' His looked very professional, although the roman numerals were a bad choice, imo. LOCK's was good and I thought portrayed the essence of a sequel the best, but I didn't like how it implied Altair would be running around modern day streets. I know he probably didn't actually imply that, but it's just what I got out of it. Knight's #2 was also very good, but I thought the AC logo was placed poorly and it really dragged it down.
LOCK, i don't mean to complain, but if you read the rules, E93 said not to pay attention to the box art. more to the actual work
The things he is referring to are part of the work. They can be placed based on where the creator sees fit, and so it is completely viable that he base a decision off of that.
That would be correct, but in this case, I think Lock meant the actual art. Had that been the case, his vote would not have counted. I tried contacting Zerosun, because I didn't like that he didn't use the template. In the entry thread, I had asked entries to use the official templates, but if you wanted to use something else, I'd have you send it to me, so others would be able to use it as well. Since Zerosun has not been on since then, he hasn't received my PM, and I didn't think it would be fair to automatically disqualify him, so I just kindly asked voters to base their votes on the actual art.
I'm sorry if i hated a black rectangle, it was very distracting. Anyways, i was voting for Sun's any way, even if Knights didn't have the black rectangle. His, IMO, is way better than yours, i was just stating which one was second. Don't get pissed if i didn't vote for yours, just leave it be. Well first off, half of the people that talked about mine, didn't talk about the art, they talked about the meaning. Yeah, i know, its for a video game, but just pretend you didn't play the first one, and base it purely off how it looks, rather than what it represent. Also, you can tell he MADE his own template, and it would be impossible for others to use it, because he distorted the original image o it would appear to be 3-D.
You know what? I realized that. I tried to fix it but the layers were long merged. Hell I don't have ****, no Ubisoft logo, or M. But you know what? I can say I tried(even though it sucks) I am rather new to photoshop and have no idea in hell how to do all this cloudy and awesome ****. And my friend can you not read? I am not a troll. lol Oh and sweeney the guys name is Desmond