Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    So by lying, that lets us know that God is there? I think that is more of a joke than an argument.
  2. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Here's the two conflicting options:

    1. How can there be God when there's all these screwed-up things happening?

    2. How was the universe created? (not the Big Bang, before the Big Bang)
  3. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Number 1 is a good argument, number 2 no-one knows, that doesn't mean we all should assume it was a God...
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    So because there are good things in the world there isn't god either?

    Second prove that god didn't set anything into action would be hard to rule out god... sorry who was saying anything about good arguments?
    #324 G043R, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  5. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
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    He doesn't exist. that's all i'm saying.
  6. KZI H3ll RaV3N

    KZI H3ll RaV3N Ancient
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    I may be a bit late on this.

    But heres my two cents as an Atheist.

    Why continue to argue about what could be and what couldn't be. Why cause difference on a fact that could be true and could never be true. Generally, it all depends on the person itself. Me, I respect others decisions, their views, their values. Just the way I am. But what gets me most is why people argue about the simplest things. Big bang theory, "god", and where did we come from.

    People dwell on the past, as they do dwell on the future. But why not just dwell on the present. I mean besides, were here, were living, were changing, were thinking, breathing, but as most people do, they dwell upon the past to look for answers on the future, and vice versa.

    Rather then dwell upon the past and future, dwell upon the present. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a Gift... that is why it is called the present.

    All in all. My... belief. Live. Nothing more, nothing less. Live. Live life for what it is, not what it isn't. Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.

    Cheerio mates xD
  7. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    If people believe that God is some all-powerful being that controls our lives, than why would you consider living? I mean you basically don't have to try at life if there's an all-powerful being just tweaking fate. I thing that there isn't a God, just people who make their own decisions.
  8. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I don't know if God is or was real and I sure as hell don't believe he has ever existed but why do people always have to put those who believe in God down? Wether God is or isn't real, they choose to believe that God is real, and at least that gives them a little bit of hope. Like when you want something really bad, like millions of pounds or dollars, you hope for it, well maybe they just simply hope that there is a God. Also, sorry for the slight change of topic, but I've don't think I've ever heard someone say something like "Your stupid, you believe in Vishnu" or "Dumbass, Allahs not real", why is that?
  9. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Dwelling on our past and the possibilities of our future is what separates us from the rest of the animals on this planet. The more we examine ourselves, our history, our mistakes, our potential........the more "human' we become. Self examination is is death. I can understand why it is comforting for a person to believe that god controls their lives, they are not responsible for any decisions, and when they die they will be in paradise forever and ever. I think, though, that those beliefs come at the sacrifice of our self examination and our self improvement. If we only focus on today we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past in the future. By focusing on the past, asking the really hard questions like "How did we get here?", and being willing to accept the data we arrive at regardless of it's contradiction to early human dogma, we come closer to understanding the universe and our role in it. Looking into the past and trying to truly understand why humans created religion in the first place can help us identify the primal human needs and fears that religion addresses. I believe understanding ourselves in that way will help us as a species move towards a more logical interpretation of spirituality in the future.
  10. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    I don't usually reply to this thread, but when I see ill informed people like you I just have to say something. God does not tweak fate, we have free will, I know what your referencing to but it says that he knows the ultimate choice we will make, but we actually have to make it.

    EDIT: and why is this thread still going? It is impossible to truly prove or disprove, no matter how many big words Nitrous uses, or how many references to physics he uses.
  11. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Like I said before, I don't believe in God, but if someone who believes God is real was asked if God is real then why does so much bad things happen in the world. You might get one of these two answers:
    1. Who is to say that what you refer to by saying 'bad', is bad? If something is bad or not is a matter of opinion​
    2. Bad things may happen but alot of good things happen too, and isn't God a better God for letting us live independently (excluding government and equivalents), and letting everyone believe in there own thing, rather than just him?​
  12. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I'm still confident that one morning I will get up, check the FH Debate section, and find that Nitrous has finally done it. We, the members of FH will read it first, but it will then spread like wildfire to all the nations of the world. Nitrous will have created an indisputable, airtight proof that God does not exist. The post will be written using 100% equations in the universal language of math.

    Until that day we will continue to debate. I think we all know that this debate, just like most of the other good debates in the forum, will not be ended or answered. "So why go on?" is your question. I can only answer for myself, but it is a battle for the minds. Most people will scan through the debate, already coming in with an unmovable opinion, but some will read through every response because they have not yet made up their minds. These are the people we are "fighting" for. Both sides present their best argument and the readers are either swayed in a different direction, unchanged, or even stronger in their convictions. Debates are a never ending battle for minds and will not stop even if you don't see the point in continuing.
  13. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Couldn't put it better myself. A perfect example of this is Eons. He came in here questioning his beliefs and now he has his own opinion and advocates for both sides. That is what this debate does.

    I am pretty sure he is majoring in Bio not Physics.
  14. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Beyond his intelligence, that is Nitrous' basic point: You cannot give no-where near solid eveidence, so why, or how do people beleive?
  15. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    You've never heard the religious equivalent of racism? (And, umm, that last bit contradicts your first part; unless you were saying only Christians are put down.)

    What is "bad" may be relative to the times, but there is always a general consensus to what is "right". That's why killing has never been taught as something good, unless someone says it's for a "cause".

    I see no reason for either side to be completely wrong; there could be a God, but maybe not. Ignorance is what gets me. If you don't know why you believe something is absolutely true (like the bible) then don't believe in it. It's like a building; if the foundation is weak, the building will fall. By questioning yourself and accepting that you may be wrong, you grow and strengthen what you believe in.
  16. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Wait, I don't get it are you mad? I said all those things. Let me show you.

    I was just supporting you.
  17. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I was emphasizing your support. =P
    More emphasis = more power.
  18. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    OHHH (<_<) (>_>) I knew that. I interpreted QFT as quit ****ing talking. Opps.
  19. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    For a few days, and maybe now I've thought that the universe is like a fishbowl or a petri dish. We are the experiment of God (as we call him) who is just a scientist of a bigger world. We are like bacteria when we do experiments. While God has been doing experiments with this world, friends of him (other gods from any other religion) have been visiting and reviewing his doing. And what we would call aliens are just other experiments of other gods who add together these worlds to create a bigger universe/petri dish/fishbowl.
    Yeah...i know pretty retarded huh? Oh well, there's my imagination for yeah.
  20. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Ok, God is all about your belief in him. Sure, The Bible gives proof that He exists, but you have to believe that proof. God's existence is in your belief that he exists, not a long argument on where the facts are. That being the case, this is a debate that can't be won, if the argument is only over if he exists or not. On my end, I believe the proof that The Bible gives us is true, and I believe in God. Nobody can be universally right on the subject. The arguments over His factual and scientific belief is right to the people who argue there's no proven facts about his existence, and the the arguments regarding his existence through their beliefs are right from where they stand.
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