First post! For those who may not know, here's what you get for your $90.... I'm pertty sure the PS3 and 360 verions are the same.
WOA REALLY?!@!? A burlap bag, some cheap necklace, a steel case that's flimsy as hell (Halo 2 was my last CE, case is in some ridiculous form), and an iron patch. Really? This really doesn't seem like it deserves $30 more out of my wallet even, 5. Why not just some form of Exclusive-DLC like they had for Fable and FC2 to prolong or enhance gameplay, ya know?
I looooooooove RE, and im dying to get RE5, but id have to agree the bonus stuff is a little weak. I dont even like the scribble artwork.
Meh, i'm thinking about getting the game, but i won't get this. I like LE/SE/CEs that have in game content, rather than physical content, its a little nerdy.
I wouldn't say nerdy, just pointless. Bonus art and **** I can buy at Dollar Tree is not worth 30 dollars. Something like a lunch box and bobble head you got with Fallout... well that is just epic. I'm 15 and my high school is right near the downtown district of our town, cause of this our school is basically the only in the area that allows every grade to go out for lunch. We have a bunch of local shops and stuff to eat at and Dunkin Donuts. W.e well anyways yea that lunchbox, I sooo brought my lunch money to school in it ^_^ People were checking it out, just wishing they had it
Well for Fallout 3, i can make an exception, because that game is the best 60 dollars i have ever spent. But, i have never really gotten in to RE5, so if i buy it, i will just buy the regular version. Plus, that stuff is just lame to begin with, even if i was a hardcore RE fan.
"Tricell? Is that a company you work for?" "The bag? Nah, it's actually this video game thing." "I...see." "It came with this Africa necklace. It's big and cumbersome and looks really weird on me cause I'm a white guy." That's a odd collection of bonus stuff because none of it looks distinctly Resident Evil. Normally there's a connection between the bonus stuff and the established hallmarks of the franchise, but all this junk looks like it's linked exclusively to the new game. So by the time you familiarize yourself with the new game and are in a position to begin appreciating the bonus stuff it's too late because you've already bought the game. Really put the cart before the horse on this one, Capcom.
I'm not going to dish out the extra cash for crap like that. I will however, buy the regular edition (RE is one of the best titles ever)