Forge Like a Pro Contest Winner Cenotaph Created by Iv0ry Snak3 Recommended Players: 8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG CTF Ons v5, MLG Team Slayer v5 Kon Artist & Fritzster write: We have felt that Ivory Snake's map Cenotaph was something special since we first laid eyes on its flowing and well-thought out transitions and play areas. Ivory Snake embraces the competitive nature of MLG design without losing an ounce of his world famous ingenuity. Cenotaph easily separated itself from the ocean of entries in the "Forge like a Pro" contest which consisted of veteran forgers and competitive gaming enthusiasts. Those that have shied away from user created content; yet reminisce about Halo: Combat Evolved will be eager to explore Cenotaph. Ivory Snake thinks outside of the box, when building with the box-- which enables a player to envision an environment and playing area that seems far superior to a shinny old warehouse. Dropping into Cenotaph for first time will bring back good memories of long nights of LAN playing hang 'em high. Cenotaph is an Asymmetrical playground that consists of two unique bases and many high rise catwalks. Cenotaph plays all major MLG game types, and is a representation of the understanding that Ivory has for level design and competitive gaming. Download Cenotaph View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information Interview with Iv0ry Snak3 [FONT="]Kon Artist:[/FONT] Welcome to the Forge Main Frame everyone! Today, I'm joined with my good friend Fritzster. We will be interviewing Ivory Snake, the Winner of the Forge like a Pro. [FONT="]Fritzster[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Hello, Welcome Snake. [FONT="]Ivory Snake[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Thanks for having me. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] How are you guys doing? For those that don't know Fritzster, he was a Co-host of the forge like a pro contest, hosted on Forge Hub, and creator of MLG maps Amplified & Regicide. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I'm doing great. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Same here, doing great. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Let’s get started-- Go ahead and introduce yourself Snake. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well ok, Hi, I'm Iv0rY Snak3, my real name is Arlo Beaumont-Edmonds, I'm only 14 years old and I'm from Sydney, Australia [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Hum, well it seem that Ivory Snake might be a little easier for me to pronounce [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Yeah, just a tad. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Down in Australia, how did you get into Halo and how big is it down there. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well, I originally got Halo CE because it came with the original Xbox. I got it the year it came out and even though I hardly understood it I fell in love with the campaign. I remember calling grunts little dudes and elites big guys whilst playing with my friends because that's all we knew at the time. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Yes, every hardcore Halo fan should know that campaign, good times. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Then of course I continued with the series, buying halo 2 and 3, but I only got XBOX LIVE in February of 2008 so I never got to really experience the Halo 2 online play that so many people speak of. And then in halo 3 I became really into forging because since I had no XBL for the first few months after release, it was a good alternative to continuously running through campaign. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Explain to our subscribers what it’s like in Australia, regarding the video game industry. Xbox is big in the US. How big is Xbox down there and what types of games do most kids play in Australia? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] Xbox is pretty big, there are some minor local tournaments and such every now and d again, but the Nintendo Wii seems to be the preferred console down here. As far as halo goes, I know a few kids from my school who play it; I remember one time turning up to a local tournament and having to play a kid from the year above me in school in the second round I won, but got knocked out the game after. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well, that happens. It's nice to see some of the western type studios expand their circle of influence. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] Yeah, well Bioshock was partly developed in Australia, so I guess we're getting more into the market as it were. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]The video game industry is exploding with talent; can you tell me what other games you enjoy playing, or other genres that most interest you? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well currently I'm really into Fallout 3, the possibilities in the game are endless, I've also quite enjoyed games like mirrors edge and Call of Duty but they don't really compare. I also enjoy the odd song on Guitar her World Tour, but that's more for when I have friends round. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Looks like you're a well rounded Gamer with some nice taste in video games. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I'd like to think so. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]So what were your first impressions of Halo 3? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well I had mixed impressions, I loved the game but without having XBL or any nearby friends to LAN with, it eventually got replaced by GoW and Oblivion. That all changed (obviously) when I got LIVE, and it's still easily my most played game. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]When you first loaded forge, what did you think? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I was kind of disappointed at first, seeing as I first loaded it up on Sand trap and you couldn't really do much there =P. But when I eventually got round to playing around on Construct and on Guardian my views started to change, I remember going into forge with a friend trying to build impenetrable bases and then attempt to know each other's base down, or trying to swat the hornet out of the air on construct with a turret case. Stuff like that really heightened my interest in forge. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Yes, as Halo first launched there were some limitations to editing maps, but with the launch of heroic map pack, did you find yourself even more dedicated and more creative in map making for Halo 3? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Slightly, I had fun messing around in foundry but I could never really create a fully fledged map, it was more the discovery of online communities dedicated to forging that really started the whole process, obviously Forge hub was the main site I lurked about on, and it really inspired a lot of my early forging, and to an extent it still does. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]That's pretty cool that Forge hub was your starting point. A lot of good map designs and techniques started here. Speaking of designs, how influenced were you with previous Halo level designs, which ones particularly stand out in your style of map making? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well I like to think I have a relatively unique style of forging, at least in my non-MLG days. Currently, its Halo CE maps like Prisoner and Damnation that inspire me the most. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]That brings us to the Forge like a Pro contest! Did you make any MLG type maps before this? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well apart from Xyience, no, I had mainly made competitive maps though but not any MLG maps. I did however attempt to make an MLG map earlier but it failed hard, so I went to the MLG forums looking for tips on how to start forging MLG maps, which is where I stumbled upon the Flux (Xyience) design which was my start in MLG. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] Not a bad way to start off. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]When looking at where you started and where you are now, how has MLG and competitive design affected your building process? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well, apart from making my forge much neater, it has really changed the way I think about design aspects, such as Line of Sight (LOS) and map flow because of the different necessities in MLG maps compared to your average competitive map. I actually find a lot more fun making MLG maps just because of the challenge of perfecting all these aspects in one coherent map. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Good-- now you have forged quite a few maps, alone and in teams do you have a preference? And what are some of the different challenges each propose? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Preference between MLG and plain competitive? I prefer MLG; it has a certain feel about it that just kind of attracts me. As for the differences, MLG you have to make it play good, and aesthetics are pointless if it harms functionality, whereas in normal competitive maps you really have to include some fancy aesthetic touches to really sell the map, because otherwise no one will really take any notice. I'm not saying you don't need to think about gameplay in competitive maps, but you really have to have a pretty well rounded map. I try to take a lot of that into my MLG forging that I want my maps to at least look neat and smooth. As for forging solo or forging with a team, I prefer to forge solo just because I can work at my own pace and seeing as I may have a different standard to a lot of forgers out there I prefer solo because it allows me to make the decisions I want whereas when I'm working with a team I always feel like I have to make sacrifices in the map to make my co-forger happy. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]A lot of top forgers do feel the same way. What mostly motivated you to make not just one map, but three maps that were well received for this contest? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well I didn't really feel like I was making them for the contest, (with the slight exception of Pulse which I rushed so I could submit it) but I was making them because I liked the designs or the idea of the map. Delirium for example I started months ago and put on hold to build Cenotaph (and partly cause I was having a hard time with a geo =P) but I finished in time for the contest. I never felt I was making any of the maps for the contest specifically though. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]What kept you motivated to keep making new maps in Forge? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I don't really know actually, most of the time I'll forge a map because I think it has a cool design or it has one feature in it that I really like or something, but why I keep designing maps to forge I don't really know. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] For someone that has forge many maps, seems to have endless ideas for new designs, do you see yourself pursuing a career in the gaming industry? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I'm not really sure, it's certainly an option, but I find all of the coding and programming really confusing, but hey, if I could get paid to design, and like physically sketch maps for use in games hell yes I'd do it, but at the moment, not really. Right now I'm not sure what I want to be so you never know. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well lucky for you, the gaming industry is separated into two parts, mainly artist/designers and programmer/engineers. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Yes, map designing also shows some good qualities for a profession in game design. Well, you certainly have outdone yourself within the past months in forge Snake, are there any new maps that you're creating or would like to announce? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well, I'm pretty much always working on something, so yes. Right now I've got two maps I'm getting ready to submit to ATLAS, and I've also got an MLG map that was loosely based off of Prisoner. After that I may actually remake Prisoner just because I love it so much and I've found a very old un-interlocked and un-geo'd attempt at it that makes me believe that it's really quite possible. After that I'll probably focus on the Matchmaking side of things and try to get a 45 or 50 in any playlist, and depending on what Sandbox brings I may have bigger things planned. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]:[/FONT] We're definitely looking forward to what your new maps will bring to the table. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Are there any tips or advice you could give to new forges before we sign off? [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]I don’t know, just keep forging, I mean, there's no real trick to forging, and no easy way to teach someone, everything I learnt I basically had to figure out on my own using tutorials and the like. But like I said you can't easily teach someone how to forge well, you really just have to take the time to figure it out for yourself. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Kon and I are very glad to have interviewed you. Congratulations on your kickass Cenotaph map and we both hope that you continue to kickass in level design. [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Thank you, and thanks to you both for having me... now I'm getting Breakfast! [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Well said, thank you for your time. Make sure to download Cenotaph. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Also be sure to check out the Forge like a Pro Winners. [FONT="]K[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Take care everyone, and see you all online! This is Kon at the FMF with co-host Fritzster signing off. [FONT="]F[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]Peace Mayne! [FONT="]I[/FONT][FONT="]: [/FONT]C ya! Link to Forge Like a Pro Winner's Thread
hey, nice map, strangly it looks sloppy, but that is just the nature of it, it is very well forged and strategically set up. 5/5
Gotta say, this is definitely my favorite asymmetrical MLG map by Ivory. The merging is flawless, and the structures are inspiring. The tower in the second picture is very cool, and gives me ideas for future projects. I'm designing a new MLG map right now and that structure is going to be a base for a tower in my new map. Congrats on winning the contest Ivory Snake, hope to see more of these style of maps in the near future.
Congrats on both the feature and the contest. From the very first second I saw this I knew for sure this would be featured. I am REALLY surprised that Delirium wasn't. The map is quite fast-paced and it promises very fun and exciting games especially when both teams have the score of 49 in TS. I like all of the high and low cat walks you have placed and the interlocking on those is very clean.
This map is a pretty epic piece of work. I really like the layout and the forging is flawless. Everything is silky smooth and looks gorgeous. Another great Asym. MLG map from Iv0ry. I would have liked to have seen a non-MLG weapon layout just to see what he would have included, but I like my changes well enough. Great job. JimP factor: 78%
mmmmm? thats weird, im exactly the same as snake, except im 15 and lost live again because of bloody telstra :O like word for word the same, except i always get frustrated with forge when it doesnt work out how i planned lol AUSSIEEEEE for life snake, i honestly thought that everyone here was from aus ROFL i didnt even know that popularity levels differ so greatly between here and the US:O Anyways yes i love the map, catwalks are my favoruite Awww well, back to muay thai and parkour, take care everyone
Cenotaph is one of my favorite MLG maps. Congrats on the win Iv0ry, you deserve it for making somthing as awsome as this.
Hey, dun forget us Brits. Congrats Iv0rY, on both the contest and the Feature, but I'd say both were a sure bet for you with the entries that you pumped out and the exquisite tastiness therein. As you say in the interview, working with finetuned LOS and map division can be incredibly rewarding, and proves that MLG Forging is not as boring and formulaic as some would have us believe, there's a wealth of diversity within the discipline, and arguably refined builds and choices are that much more satisfying because maps come under such scrutiny with every game. And you really demonstrate it with Cenotaph, bringing some fantastically varied angles and shots from point to point. The soaring lines of the bridge walkways are not only visually stunning, but bring that ninja jumping into play in a surprinsingly multi-directional way. It's a real stretch from the simple sideways jumps up to A and B sides on Onslaught, and I for one really love it. Hang 'Em High was like 90% of my games on H:CE, 1v1's with my friend Jack and often a few other guys sitting in to bump it up to 4+ player FFA. Occasionally we'd go for some Rate Race, or some Chiron just for lols, but Hang 'Em High was my home, and I don't feel the least bit hesitant in naming this a righteous spiritual successor in it's own distinct MLG style. You've not only settled into MLG forging quite disgustingly well, but also done your own thing and kept your vintage flair right from the start, bringing your own style to the genre and labeling each map as, most certainly, your own, and not some nameless Amp variation. For 14, you're frankly an embarrassingly good Forger, and I too would say that you would do well in pursuing some kind of game design career if you keep on like this. But even now, I think that your new found MLG stride could well see you with a map going into the Pro Circuit, and I for one would not be sad to see one of your babies, current or future, go into the MLG playlist. Simply stunning, keep knocking these out and they'll keep getting eaten up.
Wow, even more asymmetric MLG maps that are actually staying on my hard drive! I really can't decide if I like Regicide or Cenotaph better. I remember downloading this because someone nominated it for best MLG map, and I downloaded it and it was awesome. Definitely one of my two favorite MLG maps.
To be honest i like cenotaph a lot better, i didn't think regicide was that good, but thats just my opinioni. Anyway this is one of the best MLG maps i have seen. I love lookin at your maps Snake
I have to agree I loved this map. The gameplay felt similar to hang em high from halo 1. Probably because of the placement of bridges. Great job.
im not sure i get what everybodys saying i feel the second pic on the far right the double box would look much cleaner ... needs to be closer to other box . in third pic the bridge that touches the other bridge is crooked ... also to me this map looks like a bridge fest and open at bottom .. sorry decent layout but not for me 2.5/5 i forgot to add the dumpsters standing straight up... theres to many and is very basic basic technique for adding cover i would have merged something in ground .. those just look thrown in.. and the double wall in back u should merge into back wall
It's kind of hard to determine what exactly you are talking about, but after deciphering your many fragments, it seems that you are basing your opinion off of the three pictures, instead of downloading the map, or even looking at the original thread. The double box is perfectly interlocked. It may look bad from that angle, but believe me, it's good as is. And the bridge is crooked? Of course it is. It's called a RAAAAMP. An object placed at an angle with another object (crooked) so that one can walk up to the second object without use of jumping or climbing. And the dumpsters? Sure there are many other ways to create cover, but it is kind of hard to do so when you use every other object is used to create the most epic MLG map since Xyience. Please. If you are going to give a bad review, at least do the map's maker the common courtesy of downloading the map, and playing a custom game on it or at least doing a forgethrough.
oh so its a i know also that the bridge was at a angle im just saying where they meet together its real crooked however the map could have used more geo merging when u use all of foundry thats how it should be sorry and yes box could have been alot better lookin .. just saying for me it could have been alot cleaner lookin... thats nothing more than constructive criticism and ivory snake im a big fan of ur maps by the way... i still wanna be ur friend he he