Welcome forgers to the realm of forgegod117!!!!! Well since the realm is down due to a bad case of Red Ring Of Death I will be starting a new project today. Here is where you come in. I need you to post as many pictures of avalanche as you can. It should be no problem to post a few pictures. Just go into custom games and take a few. To start out I will need picture of this area. And do not ask me what for Cause it is a secret only to be revealed after it is finished. Good luck Remember to take screenshots of both bases as well as the wall separating the bases. Only at the very back of the map. The more pictures the better. The more pictures the more detailed. Do this for me and you shall receive a cookie. Alright lets move out men. ~forgegod117~
Here is a map of the back side of Avalanche, what I think you wanted, going in progression from left to right: Pics in the spoiler tag. Spoiler In an Asymmetric game, so vehicles aren't right for symmetric. I almost forgot, WHERES MY COOKIE?!
The Hawk= + 1 Cookie. And I forgot, If you have more than 3 pictures could you please put it in a spoiler tag. Thanks if you could do this now. Thank you for devoting some of your time this will be more than enough to get started on...................ZZZZZZZZZZZZ. ~forgegod117~ But I still could use more!!!
*Munches on cookie* Mmmmmmm.... Anyway, sorry to sound like a noob but how do you do a spoiler tag? Hehe...
No harm done. Takes time to get used to stuff like this. Do this. Spoiler write text the you need. After text write the same tag except with a slash inbetween the first symbol and the s Spoiler First spoiler tag. Frag man for staff
Spoiler Alright I got it, thanks. But now my post seems so short... and I hate short, meaningless posts!!!mg: Sorry about that... Anyway, could you please tell me what you need this for, since I'm such a big contributor and all...
i have to tell you anyway so here goes. I will be making the first detailed sketchup model of avalanche. Avalanche is the second biggest forge map so I find it kind of a necessity! Thanks for spoilering that for me. ~forgegod117~
Honestly people who have never forged on avalanche are missing out. I have recently done a map on it and the possibilitys are endless. You have death falls for floating maps. Any decent geomerger can make some cool structueres to change it up a bit. SZoldier give it a try some. When people move on to sandbox to thin k I am the primitave one on avalanche..
I've stopped using foundry for this reason. There are just soooo many different types of maps that can be made on avalanche! Better yet there is so much space to work with!
And you have made a perfect example of this with your own map toxic, Castalanche. I also think it would have been a great idea, but now with the new maps coming out I really don't think that avalanche will get much spotlight for a while, if sandbox is what everyone thinks it will be. Just saying, this would have been a lot more useful earlier.