Sandbox Wishlist - Get Your Ideas In!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    about the weather filters.. i know that Bungie doesn't want to remake coagulation or blood gulch (yes i know Valhalla is its "spiritual successor", but all there would need to be is a weather filter. make it rainy and foggy, then the weapons like the spartan laser and missile pod are half as effective.

    anyways, i would like to see:

    Boxes with determinable length/width. There would be something in the options bar that lets you do this.

    Boxes w/ determinable openings. Specify the number of openings on it and where.
  2. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Personally, I just hope Sandbox comes with a halfway decent default setup. Even if it just has every item that's in every map now, I'll be happy. I also hope that with Sandbox comes a loving, accepting Shishka.
  3. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Interesting idea. Another couple additions to the mancannon would be:

    • power level
    • height
    • size
    Just some thoughts.
  4. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    the power level???? there is only one possible power level for a mancannon...


    yes that is the only possible power level.

    but i know size wouldnt work, maybe you could add randomization to where it would land so instead of landing directly in one spot every time, you can select the landing zone
  5. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    Dear Bungie,
    My name is cakeChart, and this is a list of what I want for Mythic Day.
    -Perfect (1x1x1) sized single boxes.
    -Perfect (1x2x1) sized double boxes.
    -Walls that you can adjust the size of, like when you determine how large a KOTH hill is.
    -Stairs that only reach out one box as well as the normal two.
    -More fx!
    -$1000+ limit.
    -Every weapon and equipment available in game. I want it all!
    -Scenery including chairs and tables.
    -Destructible, but immoveable walls.
    P.S. I have been very very very very very very good this year.
  6. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    okay for a sandbox wish i would like the map to be a flat square... honestly that would be so easy to forge on but the other community members will probaly boycott bungie for doing it. also to make an elephant a forge object. finally im not sure if its possible but invisible barriers or at least GIANT walls so you dont have to use up half your budget to close the map off
  7. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    Instead of varied sizes, i think it would be easier for all immovable objects to be proportional in sizeand the option of making some immovable objects mergable like doors. When you put doors their sides are mergeable.

    And guys, the budget is so the game doesn't lag all the time.
    But what would also be really awesome is if item's were a LOT smaller memory wise, that way like each immovable object could be like $1 each and each movable/weapon would be $2 to $3 dollars. Vehicles... 4 to 6 dollars?

    I forgot one more

    HILLS. natural hills of all sizes. not KoTH, like actual hills you could walk on, and you could change height, width length, etc. Of course there wil be a limit to how many hills you can add and stuff... OH and the hill will be 100% mergeable with other hills.

    um... on more thing... nvm i forgot i will edit if i remember

    i remembered.... a deathpit/deathzone/deathbarrier. it would be like setting up a spawn area.

    ABILITY TO TURN THE OBJECT ONE AXIS AT A TIME. just like google sketchup :), that way everything can be perfectly straight and aligned at the exact angle you want it to be.

    oh yeah and i read some guy mentioned switches for doors and stuff....

    that would be awesome. It would be like teleporters. There would be a "sender node" and a "receiver node" type deal. and there would be channels to it so you can open more than 1 door with a switch. and then you can set how long the door will be open.
  8. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    Ok, here's how it's going to go down....late at night, all of the Bungie producers are going to sneak into the FarCry building. using silencers, they will take out the guards and move to download the map editor onto disk. Working late into the night, Bungie will change the graphics in the program and after 3 days of non-stop work they will release it onto Xbox live.

    No but really, one of the big things that I read was the
    1.passenger Hog
    2.Self set respawn times. so if i wanted a box to spawn at 17 seconds it would spawn at 17 seconds. Honestly, with what I know all you would have to do is set the time selctor as a variable in the code and declare it for that object later.
  9. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Immovable tunnels ( like at a play place ) that you can merge and interlock.... And walk/crawl through! With different types: straight, L shaped, Y shaped, 4 way, etc.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    corner walls that are actually 90° angles.
    those glass walls from avalanche.
    immovable objects that work like double boxes, but are the size of dumpsters so i can make thinner pillars.

    more boxes, less roadcones.
    the exploding things like snowbound has in the cave. they look cool.
    id love to be able to shape the ground, like snowbounds upper area... but i know itd be roughly impossible with the current editor.

    a "theme" idea like Tony Hawk 4 had would be amazing...

  11. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Alright, this needs to be said now... Many of you have kinda missed the point of this.

    First off, we do not want another FC2 editor! I am sorry, but that is garbage compared to the simplicity, and effectiveness of Forge. You fail to realize that if we add all these options, we will loose other freedoms. Is it just me, or do any of you like the monitor control we have? Throw in half the stuff FC2 has, and we might have to give up our right and left bumpers.

    Second, another thing that makes Forge so great, is that anyone can do it, but those that are truly creative and resourceful can make masterpieces. Is not half the fun in Forge saying "I want this, but how do I achieve it?" and then pulling that off? Here, let me list some stuff I have seen:

    Adjustable object size
    Adjustable man cannon strength
    Destructible objects that cannot be moved

    That's all in the previous page alone. I am sorry, but this isn't working for me. Not only would you really have to change the mechanics of Forge, but it would add unneeded complexity to Forging. All of those things are just the lazy man's way out of solving the problem. Geomerge and interlock objects for size. Angle mancannons, interlock them, and figure out ways to handle trajectory. Make hills with immovable objects. Might I add, that hills have no part in Halo 3, even campaign lacks hills. They seem to lack priority to me, and next thing you know people will be asking for rivers. And Destructable objects? Halo is not about destructability.

    We complain that Bungie never listens to our demands? Well no ****, look at what we ask for? Matty made this thread, asking for simple, little things that would increase the quality in forge, not complicate it, or make things drastically easier where creativity doesn't even matter anymore. Things like plainer geometry, square canvas, more items, things like that. Not these high shooting demands. Face it, we are not getting a Far Cry 2 Map Creator, and personally, I don't want one. If you honestly believe Bungie would ever carry out these far-fetched ideas you have even after looking at them, of course you will be dissapointed. Bungie are not idiots (completely ;) ) and know how to avoid ruining their game. Now, quit with these ideas, because they won't happen, and hell even if they could, I sure as hell wouldn't want them.

    Personally, all I could ask for is a room the size of foundry, square, with no annoying cranes and angled walls, or any of that. Just a nice space, with all the items that Foundry has, with a little bit more of them, and the things from previous maps they left out (such as missle pods).
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    hey... mine were realistic...
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I hadn't seen your post yet silence, so non of that is directed at you. Besides, you gud guy, you have straight head ;)
    Though, the theme idea probably won't see the light of day =/

    Hmm... I have the weird feeling (not influenced at all by the trusted word of somebody....) that Sandbox is a 3 tier canvas... meaning Plane, Skybox, and Pit...
  14. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    I'm surprised nobody thought of putting this yet, but why not some filters to make it night time? Or sun rise? And so on so forth.
  15. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    well heres one, how about the ability to make the levels on ur pc then dload them to halo. but then it may be too easy and no skill involved in making the map.

    also when the mythic map pack comes out, they should release an update to be able to save more custom content instead of just 100slots or whatever the limit is.
  16. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I really don't think fully interlockable/mergable objects in forge would ruin the fun of forge. Having to go through half an hour to get something JUST right sucks. Being able to place it and correct it in a timespan of 5 minutes would be very awesome.
  17. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    You can do something very,very similar to that. It's called modding :)
  18. Metzelda

    Metzelda Ancient
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    I would Like These Objects added...

    Missle Pod Mounted Turret
    Shade Turret

    Grenades that explode on Impact

    Phantom ( Drivable )
    Pelican ( Drivable )
    UNSC Motorcycle ( Something I've been dreaming of )
    Troop Warthog

    Abandoned Building
    ( Flat on all sides ) Single-Quadruple Boxes
    Placable Enemies

  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    The issue with that is that it adds unnecessary complications. If objects could just pass through each other, you would not be able to set braces. So, the hit detection would have to be turned on and off. Also, if this worked with geomerging as well, you'd have to save and quit your items into place. Really, in the end what we do now is fine. Sure, that could save time, but I don't think it is worth the effort.

    @ the person above me

    Your suggestions about Grenades that Explode on impact is impossible. It isn't anywhere in the game, and then you'd have to add a 5th grenade slot. Completely unneeded.
    Also, while driving Pelicans and Phantoms might be cool, it is again, impossible. It is not included within the actual game, so they would not be able to easily add this, if at all.
    And, same goes for the motorcycle. No where in the game, not even modeled, etc. Not happening.
    As for place-able enemies, what's with this fetish? We are editing MULTIPLAYER maps after all. Not to mention, how would you control the AI? Yes, you have to set actions for them to do, cause Halo 3 AI isn't that good.
  20. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    no i mean w/o mods, cuz then it would be easier to edit things on the pc than it is w/ a controller, plus then you would be able to add in terrain on to the map much easier

    another cool thing, that somebody might have already mentioned would be the ability to place invisible barriers(not mods) cuz then you wouldnt have to waste time and materials/budget to make big walls and worry about ppl escaping your map. (of course if they added that there would barely be any use for the map breakers group/guild thing, lolz)

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