Runnin on Empty

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by GMF Painkiller, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I downloaded this map and I got to the "Always go with the pane" picture but, are you supposed to get in that mongoose? because I really can't reach it...
  2. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    yes. Crouch and walk forward then look down.
  3. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Lol the picture description clues are very reminiscent of another puzzle maker in these here parts.

    To people regarding lack of interlocking in puzzle maps, you're fools! Aesthetics have no place in a puzzle map, it's about the challenge, not how pretty it is! If you actually knew anything about playing puzzle maps you would know this.

    Anyhoo it looks cool and I'll be checking it out. You'll only get a vid from me if I break it.

    Completed it. I don't think I broke it. (Kudos for that)

    I liked it. Nothing crazy, just a nice arrangement of well-built puzzles. None of them particularly had me stumped for any long period of time, but I liked how they came together.

    My only complaint were two parts where it was possible to have a "game over" situation, where you'd be stuck and have to reload the map. I always consider that a flaw in puzzle design if you have to reload the map. One was near the beginning, if you didn't grab the sword you couldn't grab the needler, so you'd be trapped in that room, forever! Another was later on that I can't remember now because it was yesterday when I played it, but rest assured there was another room that could trap you.

    Other than that complaint it was good. Keep at it! See if you can't expand the creativity and variety of your puzzles next time!
    #23 buddhacrane, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2008
  4. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Thanks for the back up on the whole interlocking thing. i agree, puzzle maps should be built only for the challenges not the looks.
    And yes i did like your metaphor type hints so yes i tried to make my own. (I hope it's okay) I personally started making my first puzzle map after i played you hell on earth map.
    I tried to make it as break-proof as possible. I am usually pretty good at breaking maps so i dont think its possible to break but if you find a way just tell me.
    I tried to make it so it didnt have any game-over situations but i started to run out of materials. (I'm not that good at using the space to well)
    Me and my friend have started to make a puzzle map together and, I cant say much, but we have figured stuff out a lot of things never seen before. We are moving slowly but we are trying to make it break-proof, no game-over situations, and as fun and challenging as possible.
    #24 GMF Painkiller, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
  5. tylyr1

    tylyr1 Ancient
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    I finshed it a few days ago, I just had the time to come post this here now, but I liked it. My favorite was the last room and the part that you had to "clean out your room". The only thing that I didn't like to good was trying to find the turrets behind the walls and stuff (mostly because it doesn't involve thinking and isn't really a puzzle type thing. Also because a lot of people do it and it's really commen) But otherwise, Great Puzzle!
  6. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    The mongoose is very easy to see if you pay attention. True people do this a lot but i only made those to connect the rooms. And I only did it four times two of which you could see what to grab or reach. I havent seen a puzzle map that doesnt use that method at least once (other than yours which, I have to say seem more like jump maps than puzzle maps). Now, it really isnt that bad to use it once or twice, ecspecially if you can see what to grab and its really easy to do. But, i do know how you feel i hate playing maps that all they are is scanning the walls and ceilings. For most of you puzzle map makers and players you would agree that Buddhacrane is one of the best if not the best puzzle maker presently. If you have played his maps then you know that even he uses it once or twice in each map, partialy to connect rooms and also as a tool for another challenge. Thanks for the "Great Puzzle" comment.
    #26 GMF Painkiller, Oct 20, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  7. Whatupdog

    Whatupdog Ancient
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    Hey I really enjoyed the puzzle. I can't wait for your next! Try not to use any turret glitching next time around. Also, I reccomend trying to connect rooms without using teleporters.
  8. s3anz2

    s3anz2 Ancient
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    A good map doesn't need any interlocking at all. I'm tired of puzzle and jump map makers getting bashed because they didn't interlock everything. If it is very challenging, and fun to play. Who gives a crap whether or not it has interlocking. Good work Painkiller. You got my Dl 4.5/5

    Be sure to check out my new jump map called Jumping on Stuff.
    Here is the link. -
  9. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Thanks. The way I see it only competetive maps need aesthetics which is more than just interlocking. And good luck on my map. If you beat it send me a film.

    SSSPPP YA DEAD Ancient
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    Hey dude whats up its me haha!!! I BEAT THIS MAP
  11. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
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    This map is very good.

    It is a hard puzzle map and i have not yet completed it yet. I'm stuck at the part where you kill you self with the needler and it drops to the ground below you.

    I'm just going to ask what do u do at the part im stuck at?
  12. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    Well I will tell you that you do NOT drop the needler when you kill yourself, I mean you can but it won't help you. I'll you what to do in a PM. Read the clues on the pics they help. They're not as good as Buddha's but they will help.
    #32 GMF Painkiller, Nov 1, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008

    SSSPPP YA DEAD Ancient
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    Why does every map have to have interlokcing. Cant you people relize that interlocking in puzzle maps is stupid because it messes up everything.
  14. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    That is a fantastic theory, and just what scientific proof do you base this hypothesis on? I'm curious as to how interlocking "messes up everything".

    I don't know about your argument, but I have at least one example where interlocking is absolutely neccessary - Mongoose Clipping; If you give someone a mongoose and don't interlock your walls then the player can clip out of the room anywhere that any of the objects meet because the whole area will be filled with gaps to clip through.

    You will also need to interlock objects if you need to make a room a particular size since walls and stuff are set widths, interlocking allows you to vary those widths.

    There are other reasons too.

    A puzzle map does not require interlocking for neatness though. A puzzle map is not about aesthetics, neatness, prettyness e.t.c. It is about the challenge and the gameplay. As far as I'm aware though it never actually "messes up everything".
  15. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    good points, but i think he meant it in a way that it gives it more challenge:

    your doing a puzzle map, and you walk into a room with a tone of interlocking, and a crack in the corner, you see the crack nd shoot, you hear the explosion of a fusion coil, and a tele becomes unblocked, easy enough.
    EXAMPLE 2:
    You walk into the room, but it has very little interlocking (not breakable or terreble looking though) and theres a ton of cracks, it takes a while to figure out what to do, so its harder.

    Of cousre, buddha, i am not Anti-interlocking in puzzles, just explaining interlocking can degrade a puzzles difficulty

    (of course, your puzzles are almost impossibl with interlockings)
  16. Gurren Lagann F

    Gurren Lagann F Ancient
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    Sorry for posting in an old thread, but I'm stuck in this one section.


    Can somebody please help me?
  17. Jesus

    Jesus Ancient
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    Have you managed to find the needler? If so, use the picture as your hint.
  18. Gurren Lagann F

    Gurren Lagann F Ancient
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    Okay, I think I did this right. I found the needler, committed suicide and dropped the needler down to the platform below. Now, I'm stuck again.
  19. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    I not a big fan of puzzles but i thought i check this one out.
    it looks pretty clean i have a qustion what room is the first picture of because i cant figure it out. over all 3.5/5 i might d/L but thanks for a ok map
  20. GMF Painkiller

    GMF Painkiller Ancient
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    The first room, like I said before, is inside the building in a fenced off area.

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