Sandbox Wishlist - Get Your Ideas In!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Floor Grid:
    Foundry has the extremely useful floor grid, making it easy for forgers to precisely place objects on the map. Including a similar grid in Sandbox (optionally only visible in Forge) would be quite helpful.
  2. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    And for those of you wondering, the Shade Turret that you may see in modded maps is NOTHING like the on in campaign. Probably the only use for a Shade Turret in a map would be to hold off a little bit bigger than narrow hallway. I say this because it takes about 4 seconds or so for your bullets to catch up to where you are looking, if you are looking around at max speed. And by max speed I mean looking left/right with the left stick pushed all the way to the left/right.
  3. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Multiple different types of custom powerups would be nice, but that would involve changing several other things to implement.

    More and better colored signs. How come the 2 main teams are red and blue, we can mark bases with overshield (red) and camo (blue), but yet the signs we get are red and yellow? We should have atleast 4 different signs including red and blue signs.

    Ability to place death barriers. It could be implemented much the same as spawn areas. You spawn it, set the dimensions, and then if someone travels into it in a game they die. But the death barrier needs to not work in forge to not interfere with forging.

    More consistent lifts. This one is pretty obvious, lifts should shoot us where we want them to go.

    Ability to somehow set dimensions of the map. This could be implemented like a spawn zone to be able to set the dimensions of a wall or in some other way. The main problem with foundry is that all maps require a different size. Often times foundry is too small, but in some situations it is too big and it uses a massive amount of resources to block it off. If we were able to set the dimensions, this wouldnt be a problem.

    Less texturizing of the map. There is no need for the yellow bars around foundry or the crane other than for looks. It makes forging a lot harder, and serves no practical purpose.

    Breakable glass items. These were in Halo 2, but for some reason they are not in Halo 3 multiplayer at all. Breakable glass would be good for both gameplay and aethetics.
  4. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    I guess we could summarize all of this up by simply swapping Halo Forge with Far Cry Map Editor ;)
  5. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Basically what's been said before; objects that are completely uniform in shape and texture where we can see the entire hitbox of the object which is a perfect shape with no rounded edges.
    Lifts that are consistent, more filters (some that can actually improve the look of a map rather than obscuring vision).

    What do I want? More campaign objects we don't have access to, some objects of pure scenery, destroyed vehicles/destroyed with turret available vehicles like in campaign.
    I want turrets that can't be ripped off the stand, triangular and cylindrical shapes, more budget due to a canvas that takes up very little memory space to exist (Totally blank).

    Poles/pipes as an object, objective objects supporting more teams, objects where you can choose the colour scheme, and team-only shield doors where only the team it's assigned to can move through this door and it takes on the colour of the team (Even if the team-only thing isn't possible, different colours would boost the aesthetic value of shield doors)

    Don't get me started about switch objects that activate things like doors or teleporters (Containment & Relic).

    /bitching about forge
  6. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    My wishlit is very simple. change nothing in forge but make sure the floor is flat and the map is symmetrical on sandbox not like foundry which is off by a wall width.


  7. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    I've already posted some of these ideas on, but I still want to share it with you guys.

    Death Barrier:
    Depending on what Sandbox really is as a map, we could add in our own death barriers, just imagine using something like king of the hill area, but instead once gone inside you die. And maybe in each area, we could like points within the area where basically we could stretch out the area into any type of polygon/shape instead of just having a box and cylinder

    Turning Off Walls and Floors (fall to your death):

    Basically, we can have the option of turning off the walls and/or floor, this way, we could just simply build everything on solid ground, and then turn off the walls, floor (and ceiling perhaps) to make it into a floating map. This would make forge so much easier to have floating maps. (Finally a perfect Ascension remake.)

    Auto-Snap Objects and Pre-set Angles:
    You know like every time you try to place a fence wall or wall into some place, and you just move the slightest bit, then the wall still remains stationary but its at some awkward angle. I know you can have a double box and have it support it to make it straight, but its just annoying. So you can just have the object auto-snap itself at and angle (preferably as an option instead of having Bungie's AI "do the work for us".

    That also leads me to my second point, when we hold the object while in edit mode, we could also have a spare button that isn't used in forge, for example pushing down the left joystick or B, and it will allow us to browse through some preset angles. For example, when you spawn a wall, its facing to the "side", and you push down the left joystick, and it snaps itself so that the face of the wall faces to the "front".

    Like the one in high ground, these we should probably we like foundry doors, it can slide right through objects or map geometry. The tunnels can have about 3 general kinds: 1st: hollow pipes, you are capable of traveling through the pipe from either end. 2nd: one sided pipes, you are capable of going through one end and the other end is sealed. 3rd: doubled ended sealed pipe, for aesthetics.

    Signs and Glowing Lights:
    I will absolutely love this to happen. You know those signs located just about everywhere on human based map. Those danger signs, or trash signs. We could have some of those, so you have a rocket launcher, then you pick out the sign, and place it above the space on the rocket launcher or right on the floor before it. same things with fusion coils.

    As some people have said, modders have extracted some things from the original map and placed it on the map, like shade turrets, and on foundry, i've even seen people mod in those yellow glowing lights, i know this is a really small thing, but we could also forge red or yellow lights.

    (Even) More Objects

    Only thing I request from this is that we should have more weapon holders and teleporters for telewriting

    EDIT: (got even more ideas)

    Fog of War:
    I'm sure all of you guys know what that is, and we could also edit in the radius of the fog of war, such as something lke 10 feet of visibility. Or if you enter this certain area, it will get harder and harder to see.

    Filter Radius:
    You know that pen and ink filter, you could place that into a zombie spawn place, so that humans wouldn't go inside there and spawn kill. Explanation if needed: The filter will only last within a certain area, so if you're a cheap human with a turret, as you go closer within the filter radius and zombie spawn, and lets say you have the pen and ink filter, it'd get harder and harder to see making you extremely vulnerable to zombie attacks.

    And maybe we could add in the glowing lights as a guide for the zombie to know where to exit out from the spawn.
  8. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    I think that all Scenery objects (at least immovable ones) should be able to change theme. Like you go to a list of Forge options and change the theme to say... Forerunner? Then all the scenery changes to a Forerunner looking style. You could even have different type of each theme. Like Covenant 1, Covenant 2 etc. Heck there could even be a Flood one (more on this later). Maybe a "concrete" one so that it looks like The Pit. This new skin changing feature would be a great asset, especially couple with Matty's hue changer.

    About the Flood thing. What if you could add Flood objects like the one on Isolation? It would make aesthetics on a Flood themed map much better.
  9. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    There is only ONE thing that I'm asking for in this map. I don't care if its bumpy, shitty looking, or smaller than foundry, I just want NPC's! Think about it. You could actually MAKE a war between the covenant and UNSC forces, instead of just putting a bunch of their weapons somewhere and calling it 'their' base. Think about the possibilities. The mini-games would be astounding. You could even have solo games, like when you get bored, just pop in a solo game, and start playing with NPC's. I know this would be very very very very very hard, but it would sooo be worth it.

    Now for the things that might actually happen.

    Color-changing : Basically, the ability to change the color of any and everything to a certain color. Like you could have one side of the map black, and one side white. Or you could have an alternating pattern. A follow the yellow brick road thing maybe.

    Flying : Yep, you heard me, make an object (powerup) or something that lets you fly! Maybe it could be equipment, a jetpack, like those brutes in campaign. I know it wouldn't be that hard, you already can fly in forge, and it would be soooo awesome. Combined with elastic barriers, this would make maps incredible. You could add an entire new meaning to duck hunt. You could have flying zombies with rocket launchers, making it so you have to hide in structures. Anything!!!!

    Terrain editor : The ability to edit the terrain. Not like heavy stuff, as in Farcry 2, but light things, maybe a hill that you set the base on, that would have FLYING guys drop down on, from overhangs. Or maybe you could have A MOUNTAIN, and then CAVES, in the mountain! You could do many great things with this.

    Outside: Please!!!! I hate how you have such a small scale of height in foundry. Please make this map outside! I always have hated it how foundry was basically the only map that you could forge amazingly on, yet it was by far the shortest map ever! Think of all of the things you could do on foundry if that barrier were just a little bit higher.

    Elastic barriers : Death barriers people? Really? Noobs would just abuse this by making maps where you repeatedly die after you spawn. I really don't think that's an option for the new maps. But, before all of your hopes are dashed, think of elastic barriers. You know, those barriers that push you away when you walk into them? It wouldn't be hard at all, because all you would have to do was take the invisible barriers from the map borders. Duh! It would make forging revolutionary. Think of making a map on... say half of Avalanche. We all know how annoying and wasteful of good boxes it is. Instead, just pop up a free elastic barrier, cover the whole thing, and go on forging your map. Yes people, its brilliant!

    Control over powerup time : You know what I mean, like when your making an overshield, you can choose how long you want it to stay on the person, you could make it forever, so that maybe one person gets spawned on a never-respawning overshield, and they become a leader of some sort? Or maybe your making a ninja map or something. A 5 minute active camo would be nice, forcing the ninja to go grab his other active camo not in about 90 seconds, but having a full 5 minutes to do what he needs to do.

    More teleporter channels/free teleporters : We've all asked ourselves these questions, why only 10 teleporter channels, why do teleporters cost five whole dollars, when weapons only cost two? Haven't you wanted to do a last minute revision to a map, like fixing something with a teleporter or two, only to find out, you've run out of money! That really sucks man. Now your map will just go on being flawed. Or you could just cut back on weapons maybe! Awesome, now just delete five weapons off your map to get two teleporters. Now for the extra channels, I know people may not have this problem a lot, but it would still be nice in the long run. Having extra channels would be good for making a random teleporter maybe, or something along those lines. Use your imagination

    Auto-geomerges/interlocks : Best.Idea.Ever. Besides flying of course. Have a button in forge make it so that you can allow your items to 'sink' into anything and everything else.
    You could do perfect interlocking on it, making it so you don't have to guess for those tough angled interlocks, simply move the object around until it's good. Also, interlocking and geomerging the same object at the same time? No problem. The geomerging would also be so much easier, it would blow your mind. No more having to meticulously save and quit an object, then save and quit teleporters all around it, then save and quit door(s) into it, then finally geomerge it, only to have it turn out wrong? Nope, just sink it into the ground however you want it.

    Now I could have gone on and one people, but its 1:30 PM, wait... WHAT?! Anyway, I didn't want to steal other peoples ideas in this, and I also have to get off like... now!
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Conkerkid11's Sandbox Wishlist

    Every object in this list is either set in Environment, Weapons, Vehicles, Immovable Objects, Movable Objects, or Other in that order. ​

    And perhaps this will not just be a Map Editor but a Map Maker. Think about the difference between these.​

    Also, if you have ever played the Far Cry 2 map maker mode then you know what the real deal is, and what Forge should evolve to. If you could do in Halo 3 what you can do in Far Cry 2, then no map in Forge would look alike. ​


    • Time of Day - Changing the time of day by the hours so that the mood would be different
    • Season - Along with being able to change what the ground is made of (EXAMPLES: Snow, Water, Grass, Dirt, etc...) you could change the season, and depending on the season, it will be Snowing, Raining, Sunny, Foggy... all depending on what you make the season
    • Surroundings - Will the area around you be like High Ground, with orange rocks surrounding you? or like Avalanche, with iceburg looking rocks surrounding you? This would be kinda like it is in Far Cry 2
    • Trees and Plants - I think with this you would have a selection between a lot of different looking trees or plants and be able to place them wherever you like, also similiar to Far Cry 2
    • Rocks - Rocks come in all shapes and sizes and aren't just for sitting in the middle of the path either, think of this as just any other placeable object, but a rock... xD
    • Clouds and Sky - The sky says many things, like take Last Resort in Halo 3 for example, notice that thing in the sky? Yeah, Bungie did that. But who says we can't? Being able to place things like images and messages for the viewer of your map to look at while playing would be wonderful
    • Water - Being able to create the rivers that run through the level, and the ocean that lies at the end of the map would be amazing, I want an all water level, call it Rapture from Bioshock

    • Silencer - No, not as a weapon, but as a new equipment item. Don't you just hate it when you get that perfect Sniper Position, fire off some shots at the enemy just to be found on somebody's Radar? Well not anymore, pick this thing up and stick it on the weapon of choice! Warning!!! May lower Range of weapon fire!!!
    • Mounted Missile Pod - They were found on a campaign level in Halo 3 known as The Storm, so why not in multiplayer? It would add infinite ammo and more control to an item that really needs both.​
    • C-7 Foaming Explosive - Also known to Call of Duty players C4, this explosive is blown up whenever you want it to and if this Foaming version were implimented into Halo 3 it would make up for the lack of "Boom" caused by the Trip mine. This explosive can be found on Halo Wiki
    • Satchel Charge - This would be a less complicated version of the C-7 Foaming Explosive and would be thrown on the ground and detonated whenever the user feels is best. This weapon was about to be used in Halo 2 on the level Outskirts right before a Hunter ripped through the door itself​
    • Smoke Grenade - Used to signal an emergency evacuation in Halo 3, these would be very helpful when your team is having trouble taking the last territory​
    • Sonic Grenade - Mentioned in the Halo series of books when Drill Instructors would use them and a loud sound would be hear, badly damaging the ears of those nearby. Would be usefull when under heavy fire by the enemy turret, would disorientate the enemy for a certain time. No damage would be caused​
    • Improved Trip Mine - Perhaps nobody uses the Trip Mine for a lot of reasons, but the main reason that I would suggest is that it isn't enough to kill the enemy. Some upgrades that this weapon deserves would be that it should not beep, and should only be partly visable. It should also deal enough damage to kill all within a certain radius​
    • Cloaking - In the Halo 3 Campaign is also an item you can pick up and use to become invisible whenever necessary. Activating this in the Halo 3 multiplayer would give the player a more valuable choice: When will you use it? It's up to you, get tactical​
    • Automated Turret - The hardly noticable item that you pick up on the Halo 3 campains The Ark, The Covenant, and Halo is obviously an auto turret that kills your enemies while you make a clean break for it. Would be highly effective in Infection games and clearly needs to be implimented into multiplayer now​
    • Invincibility - However much it seems overpowered, it isn't. It only lasts 10 seconds and the player can still be assasinated. So really? Why isn't this in multiplayer already?​


    • Honor Guard Wraith - It's a pimped out Wraith, what more is there to say?
    • Troop Transport Warthog - Would be usefull when only one warthog is available and would provide the player with the laser a Killtacular due to the back part providing space for up to three people. Bungie promised it to us in Halo 2, along with a jungle hog. Why not give it to us now?​
    • Jungle Warthog - Similiar to the Snow Warthog on Avalanche, this obviously blends in with the jungle and would make for one pimpin' ride​
    • Rhino - Announced to be a larger, and heavier version of the Scorpion. It will be released in Halo Wars, so why not Halo 3? don't we deserve a tank that can withstand more then two lasers? Rofl!​
    • Shade Turret - Although they are in a modded version of Snowbound, they still deserve to get there rightful place in Halo 3's multiplayer due to their pure awesomeness​
    • Spectre - Although much like the Prowler but not because it is a Covenant vehicle. This vehicle should be brought back into the Halo 3 series to provide players whom make Human vs Covenant maps with an equal to the Warthog
    Immovable Objects

    • 3 Categories - Covenant - Forerunner - Human
    • Buildings - Usually maps that are created in Forge have buildings in them for each player to "Hide Out" at. But what if these were objects themselves, such as the picture shown in the spoiler above. What if we could place that structure on Sandbox. What could people make then?
    • Openable Doors - Doors, that, open! OMG! No way! Hax! Just like on High Ground? Really? What if we could place those? The possibilities!
    • Floating Bases - Bases that float, like the above Buildings section, but floating
    • Bridges - No not those silly things you see on Foundry! Those awesome things that you usually see people crossing in the Indiana Jones Movies! A wooden bridge that you can use to cross from one side to the other, preferably crossing a giant pool of water with aligators at the bottom
    Movable Objects


    • Giant Pallet - A giant, breakable wall that bursts into one million pieces when blown up. If created, the editor of the map should be able to choose the strength of the pallet and how many shots it takes to be destroyed
    • Destructible Buildings - A Building of your choice that is labeled "Movable" not because it moves, but because it can be destroyed. The editor of the map should be able to choose the strength of the Building and how many shots it takes to be destroyed. The rubbel from the destroyed building should stay for the entire match due to the rubbel still being the building, but in a much more destroyed state
    • Destructible Bridges - Those wooden bridges that you see in the movies! Except for these ones can be simple destroyed. The editor should be able to choose the strength of the Bridge and how many shots it takes to destroy it. But the bridge should not just go "Kapooph!" It should be destoyed as it is destroyed (EXAMPLE: A zombie uses it's sword and cuts both ropes on one side of the bridge. ACTION: The bridge falls down and hits the other side of the cliff leaving only a bridge at a 90 degree angle hanging from the other side
    • Movable Boulders - Think of a hill climb type map that's like a chase scene where you have the people who occupy the top of the hill can push boulders off of the hill onto the oncoming enemies. Or perhaps the boulders could move themselves? (Save Changes, End Game)


    • Invisible Barriers - Don't you find it annoying that you have to keep building a wall around your map to keep players out? Aren't you even more annoyed that all Bungie has to do to fix this in their maps is to place Barriers? Well why can't we? Sandtrap didn't need any wall to keep players out, it used Barriers and would have looked terrible with a giant wall around it. Give us invisible barriers now!
    • Invisible Death Barriers - Although Bungie cheated by adding invisible barriers in their maps, we still broke out. Only to come upon these things, they kill us over and over again and we can't do anything to stop them but overload the map. Grrrrr... why can't we cheat like Bungie and place these in our maps?
    • Death Barriers That Kill - Like in Sandtrap and Snowbound, along with their Barriers and Death Barriers, they have other things to keep players from leaving the map, like ya know... A MINEFIELD!!! Why can't we place Minefields or Auto Turrets on the outer areas of our maps? Imagine the wonderful things we could do with these!
    • Color Changing/Detail Changing - Being able to edit every last detail, and to be able to paint any object on the ground would add that much of a difference to having a crate, and having a red uber pwn crate that isn't a normal colored crate
    • NPC's - What if you as the editor of your map had the ability to create a person of your choice, and place him wherever on your map you wanted. If you were able to make them do whatever you wanted. From peeing in a corner of the map, to walking back in forth on a path that you chose for him to walk on. What if you could make them defend a bunker? Make them operate a toll both and only let certain people in? What... if?
    A Few Last Words

    Wow, what I typed there seems like it belongs in it's own thread doesn't it? Well, whoever read all that really deserves a reward and I hope some of these ideas are implemented into Sandbox, or if possible. All of them, and one last picture!​

    Oh and notice how in the picture there are more then 16 players... perhaps that video that Bungie made with all the NPC's wasn't a lie and NPC's will be a forgable item on Sandbox... let's hope for the best!​


    Actually, there are about 70 people in this one picture. What is Bungie up to?
  11. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Hopefully I'll try to make a version of GoW 2 or CoD World at War Survival mode. Put the players in a corner, and send a bunch of flood and other guys at them. See how long they can survive.
  12. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    This is my opinion of what bungie should do with forge, not as much about the individual objects, but a change in the general engineering of forge. This is copy/pasted through all of these kind of threads to save me time.

    Three of the most helpful and simple changes that could easily be done in forge:

    -Immovable object traits will be changed. All immovable objects will be pathable, and placed rather than dropped. Pathable is how doors can be merged with anything, the only difference with the new immovable objects is the entire object is pathable. Now, if you place an object, it drops, this is a good thing for other objects, but immovable objects should be placed, or floated, by pressing A.
    -When on the X menu, immovable object's angles can be adjusted on three axis points, along with rotating them normally.

    Some of the more hardcore and less likely changes that could be done in forge:

    -Only one player forge.
    -No physical editor like the monitor, just a view point that can pass through everything until a certain point in each map. (that point would be a invisible wall with scenery behind it, gridded if nothing behind it)
    -The map and objects is translucent, increasing the closer you are. 30m away would be opaque, 15m would be clear.
    -Two main Objects: 1-Normal objects(with cooler name). 2-Geometry.
    Normal Objects:
    weapons (turrets would be geometry)
    equipment (powerups would be geometry)
    AI (sure!)
    Scenery (panels, poles, boxes, shield doors, electric walls, teles)
    Interactables (doors, computers, bridges - halo CE energy bridges!, pipes which eventually fill up the level with liquid, stops at a adjustable time)
    Environment; acts like FX, but with adjustable range. (gas, fox, deadly ninja poison)
    FX; just like normal, more variety, day/night would be appreciated.
    -All geometry fully pathable and floatable, like i have described earlier.
    -On the X menu of the item, interactables and scenery objects will have three axis' of changeable specific angles, along this regular right trigger rotation.
    -For vehicles, interactables and scenery, pressing B on a item will give you the option to change skins.
    -On pause menu, the option to play would be available, and would be played normally
    -Timed events for normal objects (vehicles, weapons, ect) possibly a timeline.
  13. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    This is called playing forge with invite only on.

    Some of the other stuff you said already exists.

    1. An undo button.

    PLZ DEAR GOD IT'S ALL I ASK FOR! I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally deleted something then had to go through a ridiculous process to get it back to how it was before.
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Object Timers:

    I would like to be able to have objects spawn at a certain time ( we have now) but also have an unspawn or disappear function. I don't see it being that big of a deal to implement. Just another option under the X menu on a Forge object.

  15. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I wouldn't mind a trajectory path for the man cannon. As so:
  16. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    The path for the mancannon would be changing the "physics", I don't think that one is possible.
  17. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I meant to show where the man cannon would shoot, to allow better mancannon placement.
  18. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I am glad that you took the time to write all that stuff up but most of it cannot happen.

    I agree with.
    ~Honor gaurd wraith. Damn that looks tight.
    ~troop transport hog. I don't even know why this wasn't included before.
    ~Death and elastic barriers.

    Things I strongly dont agree with.
    ~AN ENTIRE CATAGORY FOR BUILDINGS. forge wouldn't be un if you didn't make anything from scratch anymore.
    ~Specter and rhino. Have you lost your mind.
  19. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Actually, you know, I wouldn't mind the ability to add smoke, lighs, and unusable vehicles / destroyed vehicles.
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I second this hardcorely..

    - Possibly a reversed no spawn at start, so that you can get them to go away. Like doors.
    - switches (close doors, open doors, lifts on and off)
    - floor fans, like the pit lifts

    along with the filters... if its outside.
    - weather filters.

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