I smell lots of XSATA sales in the future. Best part is, no modding required, only a xsata drive, so it is perfectly legal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcykv9ShnQs
sorry but forgehub is against mods of anytype i know i would love to have now deathbarrier but using a mod for it = not useful to forge peoples
...? how is that though? EDIT: answering my question. read the post, stealth. This would be very helpful to machinama makers I believe. It would be really nice to see what they could do with it (being able to fly real high, and capture different angles that usually would be too high to get out to)
Does this work the same for elastic barriers. And can you save it like that. And replies would be appreciated. Stealth, why do you have to be like that. Read the post. Anyway SCUPizzaboy has found something amazing. I will give this a try tomorrow. Thank you scupizzaboy. ~forgegod117~
What is XSATA? Sorry, I really don`t know. Anyways, nice find, think of the screenshots you could take!
It's what modders(Not just modders, just mainly) use to get the maps onto their computer. It's basically a "cable" that connects to your hardrive and connects into your computer through an USB port. People also use it instead of buying the 120gb hardrive, you can transfer your stuff over to your computer, and transfer it back when you need it. And this is a few weeks old =\
if i ever did that(i probably wont) id just fly as high as possible, then hop out of the hornet, and just enjoy skydiving all the wall back to the ground(for like 3 minutes) oh man that would just be epic....
Maybe DTL... Especially on Sandtrap when the mines don't explode. This is a cool discovery, but I feel it's going to get into the wrong hands.
Yeah something about this just doesn't sound safe...and I'm definitely sure it's against ToS, whether it counts as modding or not. Cool as hell, but honestly bungie should have let us broken deathbarriers in forge anyway.
Wouldn't the ToS be only for xbl? So, if yo mod you box and don't use it online, it's fine. You just void the warranty. Like if I buy a toy and make it better, it's fine.
Possibly but who knows, bungie doesn't like people tampering with their games, they'll find some way to *****. If it's used in machinima and posted on youtube, I think that might be a violation.
XSATA is a neat little tool I bought in 2007 so I could play around with my H2 maps without having to mod it (my old Xbox wasn't modded yet, bleh). Anyways, I only really use it now for backing up saves. Unless you WANT to mod it's not really all that useful.
No I'm pretty sure it's against the rules regardless. Just because they can't catch you doing it doesn't mean it isn't against the rules. They always have the copyright/patent/license agreement crap. Check the 360 manual, I'm willing to bet you that it's against the rules.
Ok, basically let's set aside the fact that this is a mod, for a moment that is. Let's instead think of what this would to the forging community. Imagine a foundry map floating over the water outside, that would be epic. Some crazy pre-DLC snipers game down in the void of Contruct's bottomless pit. This would be intense but obviously impossible considering you'd need to reapply just to play the map.
Although pretty damn cool. I'm pretty sure there is a slight risk in corrupting data on the xbox harddrive by doing this. I would probably do this with an old piece of junk 360 to be safe.