From what I've learned, it sounds like someone just took a big crap and it's being miss understood :/ Thank you I'll be here all night.
Haha, I have B lunch though. I bet that line was bad, half the school (500+) were in the line. Geez, that sucks. I just stayed in the gym and talked to some friends.
a kid at my school last year brought in a fire cracker and through it in a toilet during lunch and the toilet was destroyed. he was expelled
Lol. I am really surprised I haven't seen this on the news. Apparently pre-inauguration interviews are more important than terrorism at schools.
I'll be amused when a bomb threat ****s up everyone. "Bomb in the building!" When really it's at the escort point, everyone expects the bomb to be inside, when really it's beneath their feet.
Exactly what I was thinking. If someone is smart enough to build a bomb they are smart enough to exploit this. Methinks they need to rethink their strategery! :lol:
Yeah, you infracted all the terrorists, eh Yommy? Yeah, sorry. Just had to do that. This is why I live in Canada. People are usually too cold to go out and buy a gun or bomb, so we just do Code White (intruder) or code black (bomb) for the principal lolz watching us run around. :lol:
lol, have you ever been to Toronto Bluejay? There's atleast one shooting every friday or saturday night...