E's Duck Hunt 3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Ell3ment, Jan 18, 2009.


E's Duck Hunt 3

  1. should be featured

    11 vote(s)
  2. is Pretty sweet

    11 vote(s)
  3. is O. K.

    4 vote(s)
  4. is fun, once

    2 vote(s)
  5. Boring

    2 vote(s)
  1. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    E's Duck Hunt 3
    Created by Ell3ment

    Supported Gametypes:

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    Map Description
    Hello again to all my fellow duck hunters, i am happy to present you with an updated version of Duck hunt V.2. Before anyone says anything about it the reason this one is #3 is because i consider all duck hunts before my V.2 as 1 then my V.2 and now the updated #3. This is not a complete remake, i changed a little of the cover but the main purpose of V3 was to fix the "bugs" that made the last version less fun.

    Anyway here is how the game works for anyone who does not know the duck hunting season rules and regulations.
    Duck hunt is a mini game designed to test the luck and skill of the "ducks". These ducks are spawned into a life of almost certain death with only one very simple goal genetically passed down into there feeble minds. This "goal" is to finish the path laid before them using all the tools and cover they have along the way, without getting hit ONCE(one hit kills). Don't take this task lightly for there is one man and one man only standing in the way of your ultimate goal, the sniper, and he was put into existence for the sole purpose to see that you don't get to live a long and healthy life. IF you manage to outshine your fellow ducklings and make it to the winners lounge you get a shotgun and invincibility so you can take the portal and bring some P.E.T.A. justice on your friend the sniper.

    -Removed a major issue of "level hopping"
    -Added a surrounding wall on the bottom
    -slightly changed layout of cover to improve game play
    -Changed sniper box to remove the window panel bars for a cleaner sniping window.
    -Added "death teleporter" outside the barrier in case someone still feels the need to cheat.

    Items on the map
    Level 1 - 2 instant respawn bubble shields(use them wisely), a teamwork relay is suggested
    Level 2 - Nothing(use those bubbles or test your luck
    Level 3 - 2 Deployable covers(make them count)
    Final level 4 - Flare(try to land it on the ledge in front of the sniper) and deployable cover

    Number of players - 16 (More people = more targets = more fun/challenge)

    Download E's Duck Hunt 3
    Download Ducks

    Now onto the true test of any map, the PICTURES

    Snipers Den

    Snipers Den again

    Overview from left side

    Overview from right side(The portal and fence wall stops Level jumping - the portal send you back to start)

    Retaining Wall

    Death portal outside of retaining wall for "clever people"

    Actions Pics
    Planning Ahead(tossed a bubble shield up a level)

    Way to go blocking your own way

    This is why there is bubble shields, way to go team player

    Winners win, losers lose


    Thanks to those who always want to play this and love to break it leading to this much needed updated version. Even after hundreds of games on this map played i still find it fun and challenging, i hope you continue to love it as i do.

    If you missed it up top or decided after the pictures to Download.
    Download E's Duck Hunt 3
    Download Ducks

    Do mini games get featured? Only one way to find out.

    UPDATED VERSION ADDED TO DOWNLOAD LINK. I had to change this newest version slightly to block a previously unknown level "hop".
    #1 Ell3ment, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That looks really good. I normally never have anything nice to say about these, but this is forged well. I see a couple areas where people can cheat to get further up, but other than that, its good.

  3. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Deployable covers can get you anywhere on this map. Maybe you should just take those out. In every duck hunt map I play, I just always grab a deployable cover than get up to higher levels. From the pictures alone, I can tell that I'll be able to do the same on this map.

    However, this map is very well done and looks like it will play well [if the sniper has a good shot ;) ].
  4. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The only area you can really level jump is on the dumpster, and if you made it that far you might as well go through the portal.

    Actually you can't, deployable covers are not introduced until the third platform, this platform is completely covered by the final platforms bridge floor, the best you can do is annoy the people following you by blocking the path.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, it sounds like you'l get a download from me. I just need to see this ;)

    BTW, this is the internet. Being douches in custom gams is what we do :)
  6. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my brother loved v2, and he will like this even more.
    It is very clean. not many people think that interlocking matters in mini games but you just totally proved them wrong.
  7. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a lot of fun. I like your idea of a death pit for those ducks who want to cheat. Good job on the aesthetics, the map looks great.
  8. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated version has been released, during more gameplay another level "hop" area was found. This version has nothing changed except this spot has been blocked.
    Sorry for the inconvenience and i hope you continue to enjoy E's duck hunt 3
  9. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Why is this so not posted in? the gameplay is good and the forging is just as good if not better. congrats on the great map dude.

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    it is a goo dduck hunt map an the interlocking does compliment it but there is a problem. the deployable cover. it can be easiley used to climb up to the next level right when the get it other ten that it looks good
  11. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    Actually you can't, deployable covers are not introduced until the third platform, this platform is completely covered by the final platforms bridge floor, the best you can do is annoy the people following you by blocking the path.
  12. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Dude this is WAY better than the version I have it has a much cleaner look and a great non-cheater system you defiantly have my download.
  13. Velheka

    Velheka Ancient
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    Gettin pretty old by now but never the less, well merged and a nice clean look about it and good gameplay.

    4/5 - Good work!

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    one guy could go to the top,others hide, get deplyable cover and drop it down
  15. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, in over 200 games i have played on this map i have never seen the deployable cover become an issue. Have you actually seen this or just making assumptions based on pics and weapon/item list?
  16. mChucks

    mChucks Ancient
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    Oh this map looks great. I love duck hunt games, but the ones I play aren't nearly as well put together as this one! Nice aesthetics with the interlocking. All together, this is a great map.
  17. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
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    Nice map ive played the original duck hunt (halo 3 and nintendo) this is a great remake. I see the good hours and great job! I will definitly D/L after I delete some maps
  18. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    normaly I am not a fun of the duck game becuase all the the maps are to easy to cheat on. like throughing bubbles at the sniper or using deployable cover to skip levels but it looks like u thought of a way to fix all the problems plus u made a map the looks well made and not rushed together
  19. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like to thank all the supporters who still love this game and continue to tell me just how much they love it.

    For those who are still sceptical i suggest taking the time to download and see for yourself just how much fun this map/game is.

    For those who love it feel free to let everyone else know by making a post here:
    Make a post to see this featured
  20. A Pixel Assasin

    A Pixel Assasin Ancient
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    Ever since Duck Hunt 1 was made, I have loved this game. The first time I played it, I fell in love. I originally found it on Bungie.net, and since then I have obviously come to FH and such. Duck Hunt has become what me and my friends call a "family classic" aka a map that we keep on our HDD's no matter what.

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