
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by OctoDeath, Jan 16, 2009.


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  1. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by OctoDeath
    Edit: Weapon & Equipment list added at end of post - 17th Jan

    Octoplex was submitted to Bungie for consideration for Matchmaking through the ATLAS group on bungie.net
    - This post follows my original submission to the group but with embedded images rather than links
    Download Octoplex
    Please note: Octoplex utilises the symmetry option. When viewing the map in Forge mode, the map isn't presented as it would appear in either a symmetric or asymmetric gametype. To view the map as intended load up in a Custom match.

    Map title:


    Map Description:

    Open and CQB combat. Arena with ways in, out and around. Supports all gametypes. 4- 12 players.




    This is Octoplex


    View from front


    View from rear

    The Bases

    Default bases (used mainly in asymmetric gametypes)


    Blue team (A Side)


    Red team (B Side)

    Side Skybox bases (used in most symmetrical gametypes such as Multi-flag)


    Blue team CTF (A Side)


    Red team CTF (B Side)



    Beyond the base walls (A Side)


    Beyond the base walls (B Side)


    View from inside the fence boxes (A Side)


    View from inside the fence boxes (B Side)


    An example of the long sight lines present on the map (A Side)


    An example of the long sight lines present on the map (B Side)

    Other Screenshots


    Rear structure


    Flag room


    Central walkway




    Spartan laser corridor


    Lift shaft


    Another view of the central area


    About Octoplex

    Octoplex is a forged Foundry map that utilizes all the space the original map has to offer. It features open and close-quarters combat, and supports all game-types. Forged using various techniques such as interlocking, the map is well presented, aesthetically pleasing, suiting the warehouse setting of the original map. But most importantly (in my opinion) it is a lot of fun to play.
    Every object placed on the map, from weapons, to fence walls, to fusion coils, to respawn points to individual grenades have been thoughtfully placed. Being symmetrical the map is well balanced, with no area being too easy to hold down for long. Integral to the map is the long and close range combat. The double fence boxes that overhang the central area provide great close-quarters combat as does the rear structure, whilst the long sight lines from all corners of the map mean players wielding BR’s or snipers can have their fun too.
    Great attention-to-detail has been paid to every aspect of the map. The weapons are fun, none are too overpowering, and the equipment items and power-ups suit and add to the gameplay. One of the map's most entertaining and satisfying points whilst playing is shooting needles or the laser through the fence walls or boxes and scoring a kill...
    I am confident that this map would fit well into matchmaking, and would be enjoyable for the community to play.
    2. Octoplex is a symmetrical map.

    However, the map is set up using the 'Symmetry option' in Forge to work with asymmetrical gametypes.

    3. Ideally Octoplex is designed for 8 players both in team and FFA gametypes. But the map will comfortably support 4 to 12 players.

    4. There are no vehicles present on the map.

    5. There are teleporters present on the map.

    There are two sets of teleporters on the map:
    Behind each team's default base (the bases move location for some gametypes such as Multi-Flag) there is a teleporter at each set of pipes. These two-way nodes lead to a corridor containing the spartan laser.

    Side A - Side B - Splaser Corridor

    These teleporters also act as another way into the opposing team's base and as an alternate route across the map.

    The second set of teleporters
    Next to the fence box structures on either side of the map (the bases in CTF) there is a sender node

    View from Side A - View from Side B

    These nodes send the player to a receiver node behind that side's default base wall.


    Teleporter set-up


    - Node A1 to Laser Corridor A2. Take A2 back to A1 or take B2 to B1 on the opposing side
    - Node A3 sends the player one-way to Node A4
    - Node B3 sends the player one-way to Node B4

    6. Supported gametypes
    The map supports all gametypes.
    Slayer, Team Slayer, Crazy King, King, Team King, Oddball, Multi-flag, Neutral Assualt, Assualt, Land Grab are most suited to the map.
    VIP, and Infection are supported.
    Asymmetry - One Flag, One Bomb, and Territories are set up. Using the symmetry option certain features of the map change. See below for more details.
    7. Non-standard gametypes
    Recommended non-standard gametypes for the map are:
    - Team SWAT (I have created a variant of the map to support SWAT - link to follow)
    - Shotty Snipers would work well due to the mix of open and enclosed spaces, and long lines of sight present on the map
    - Due to the tight quarters aspects of the map, Swords would be an excellent variant.


    Game 1 - Team BR's
    Game 2 - Multi-Flag
    Game 3 - FFA Slayer
    _____________________________________________________________ _______

    Weapons & Equipment List

    Assault Rife
    x4 | 30s respawn | Spare clips x 2
    Battle Rifle x 6 | 30s resoawn | Spare clips x 2
    x 1 | 150s respawn | Spare clips x 1
    Sniper rifle x 2 | 150s respawn | Spare clips x 1
    Energy Sword x 1 | 180s respawn
    Spartan Laser x 1 | 180s respawn
    Plasma Pistol x 1 | 30s respawn
    Plasma Rifle x 2 | 90s respawn
    x 2 | 90s respawn | Spare clips x 1
    SMG x 4 | 60s respawn | Spare clips x 2
    Needler x 2 | 120s respawn | Spare clips x 2

    Frag grenade x 6 | 10s respawn
    Plasma grenade x 6 | 10s respawn

    Power drain x 1 | 90s respawn
    Regenerator x 2 | 120s respawn


    This map has been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to finally share it with the community. I hope you all enjoy it, have a wander around, play a few games and please let me know what you think!

    Download Octoplex

    Thanks for reading

    #1 OctoDeath, Jan 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Okay, I don't mean to sound rude here but, i can NOT believe that this map was put in the objective play-list. Honestly, I downloaded and played on this map before when you put it on ATLAS. It is nothing special compare to castleanche or verbatim. Some points to back up my opinion. Players can easily grab the energy sword then hop down for the overshield and be VERY powerful. Why are the bridges and boxes not turned over. It makes extra bumps as well as look bad. Shield doors should never be allowed in a matchmaking map ever again since snowbound. I would like to post some good feedback, but sadly I can't think of any. I would actually rather play on the default foundry. Sorry if that was a little harsh. Make a version two and ask bungie to switch it. Also I wish you luck in the realm of MM even if I don't agree! 5/10 for me
  3. Killex

    Killex Ancient
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    While this map is very well forged, I have to say that it seems rather uninspired. What sets this map apart from all the other maps that get spewed out into the forums? Where is its soul? Im sure it plays well, and is balanced as anything can ever be, but it just doesnt look like it has that extra touch needed to pull 5 stars in. 4/5
  4. Elemantis

    Elemantis Ancient
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    Well, aesthetics aren't everything. You have to have good gameplay, too.
    After my playtest with this, the Energy Sword isn't as accessible as it seems.
    (A)symmetrical Objective games flowed pretty well, too. I don't like the shield doors, though, but that's about it. Weapon placement is balanced, as well are the spawns.
    4.5/5. Congratulations on making it to Matchmaking.
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Look, no offense and all, but this map is pretty average. It looks like most of the mainstream stuff that people have been posting for months. But, apart from the dull look, I have to say, it doesn't look bad. However, I'm only giving it a 3/5. It looks ok, but could be a lot better. Try and fix a few things up next time. Oh, and good job on getting it into MM.
  6. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    yes this maps looks a little average, like mastersync said.

    It seems like it would have some good gameplay but i believe that bungie goes for the maps that seem to have ALOT of power weapons to put on MM..

    Does anyone else agree?

    anyway, its okay over all but i think that it is alittle... mediocre. no offense.

    3.5/5 gratz on MM though
  7. Uc Gollum

    Uc Gollum Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Seriously, play a game on it before posting; looks aren't everything.

    The first glimpse of the map is rather unappealing, but when you actually play a game (Multi-Flag in my case), it flows very nicely. Spawns were perfect along with Objective placement. It wasn't too difficult to grab the flag, nor was it too easy to score the flag.
    And as you said, there were many times the laser would come in handy in combination with the fence walls. Great map design, and congratulations on making it into Team Objective.
  8. xpistolxwhipper

    xpistolxwhipper Ancient
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    I just have to say this: The sword and overshield placement is awful. As you could imagine, as soon as somebody gets the sword, they could just jump down to the overshield. That would easily make a walking tank, making gameplay very unbalanced. I can see the your merging and interlocking looks clean, but the map is very open. I would suggest adding a few objects here and there, but try to keep the long lines of sight. A new weapon layout would help you too. 2/5 until updated.
  9. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Anyone with half a brain would realize that you pretty much solved your own conflict with the map by saying it's open. An overshield is not that powerful and on such an "open map".

    There's an overhield right above the sniper on Guardian, there's an overshield right below the sword on The Pit, there are so many examples of power weapons being close to overshield that it's ridiculous. But they all work fine and fairly. [/rant]

    Now onto the map, apart rom the rest my first impressions of this map were very good. Sure it may not have the crazy geomerging or interlocking of some of the maps today, but the design just leaped out at me like something that was right out of Bungie's studios. Your weapon placement and map geometry seem very solid and I look forward to playing this in matchmaking.
  10. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Hey, I'm just wondering if you could put out a weapon list? My friend is working on his 50 in objective (49 right now) and we just want to know the exact count on all the weapons so we have a better shot at winning. The map actually looks nice, obviously not "looks nice" as in aesthetically beautiful, but it doesn't look as terribad as everyone is making it out to be. Good job with this, and if you could include a weapon list that would be awesome.
  11. The EAKLE

    The EAKLE Ancient
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    For some reason i havent looked at this map yet. I just decided to because its going in MM. It looks very good and it is very clean. it does look a bit open, but if all maps had a lot of cover there wouldnt be any variety would there.. Im gonna take Shishka's word that its good because i dont have time to play it.

    Congrats at making it into matchmaking
  12. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Ignore the jealous ones who, immediately upon seeing someone succeed, think your map is overrated. This map will make me want to play TO more; it is a refreshing change.
  13. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've updated the original post to include a weapon list.

    Thanks for all your comments, it seems this map is splitting people right down the middle. I realise that not everyone is going to like it, and that there's no harder crowd to impress than the Forgehub community but I hope that whatever your opinion of the map is, you will get some enjoyment out of it in Team Objective.

    To address some feedback:

    forgegod117: Flipping boxes and bridges would ruin the intended aesthetics of the map. All surfaces are interlocked to ensure minimal bumps.

    Oh, and there will be no version two. In fact the map you'll be playing on has gone through far too many iterations for me to count! It is more or less exactly as I want it.

    Uc Gollum: Thanks for the kind words!

    xpistolxwhipper: I can see why at first glance that the sword and overshield placement may cause concern, but the sword isn't that easily accessible - Billy Reloaded has nicely explained this

    Again, thanks for the feedback!
  14. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    Thanks for the weapon list, I appreciate it. I feel sorry for you that everyone is complaining, you obviously put time into this map and it was designed the way Bungie wanted for it to be added to matchmaking. Congrats.
  15. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    yeah, this map is great...i like how the map is laid out. i like the fence boxes and how you can shoot through them.. the map uses all of foundry.. but you guys shouldnt take that much off just for the interlocking problems, really its a great map with a great mind behind it, but if yoyu did make a v2 interlock and make it look nicer.
  16. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    Interlocking is a great technique to use when forging. It is not a necessary requirement however.

    But without sounding like a complete idiot I would like to reiterate something:

    Octoplex is interlocked, for the love of God please first download and look at the map before saying:

    "Make a version 2 with interl0ckzzz"
  17. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I haven't had the chance to do more than a forgethrough, and when I get some proper games on this I shall return with feedback. Once again congratulations on getting this into MM.

    I do have a question regarding your spawns, though. What made you decide to put all 100 spawn points on the map? Default Foundry uses nearly half of that, and I can only think of two others that use them all. The reason I ask is because I know that Shishka made the comment about how this map and the internal one that will be in MM were the only ones that didn't have poorly planned spawns. Was there a method to this ultimate decision or did you figure "why not?"

    Please note that I'm not here to bash anything about the map. I'm genuinely interested in your method, as I have a map of my own that I have waiting in the wings to submit.
  18. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey very nice looking,and I love how you embedded so many pictures of it,and very nice description.Looks very fun so I am downloading it right now

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