Teen assaults mom with taco after she unplugs his Xbox

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Insane54, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    "VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A 19-year-old Deltona man is arrested for assaulting his own mother, with a taco. Dena Moir tells Fox 35 News her son, Zachary Moir, got out of control Wednesday night when she was calling him down for dinner. When he refused to stop playing his X-box and come down for dinner, Dena Moir says she went upstairs and unplugged the game, that's when she says Zachary pushed her and called her a bad name. "I've been having trouble with him for awhile won't work, wont' go to school. He's being rude and disrespectful. Pushing things to the limit as far as the violence.”

    A few minutes later Dena says she was in the kitchen cleaning and cooking tacos for dinner when Zachary showed up. That's when she says he slapped her arm and threw a taco in her face. “He went ahead and hit me with the taco and I got taco all over my shirt and kitchen. I’ve threatened to call police before. But anyway this time, I thought he went too far so I called police and he's in jail now.”

    Dena Moir called cops and said she wants to press charges. Moir says Zachary has tried to call several times, but she's not picking up the phone yet. She says she's going to let him sit in his jail cell in Volusia County for a few days to teach him a lesson."

  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    This made my morning.
    This reminds me of this other story.
    Shanon from this season's biggest loser was arrested for beating a guy with a bag of flour.
    Taco, flour.....this world has gone insane
  3. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Cell mate "Hey man what you in for?"
    Guy "I assaulted my mom with a Taco."
    Cell mate "Holy **** man your such a bad-ass"
  4. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    That guy would be a riot in the dinner hall...

    Anyway, why choose the taco? There are plenty of other weapons in the kitchen.
    I want to know what the deadly filling was.
  5. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    My god, I hope she is okay. It sounds life threatening. Do you know the hospital she's at?
  6. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I highly doubt the guy actually wanted to kill his mother, if he did, well then he fails.
    That is very sad though, threatening his mom for turning off his xbox....man.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Am I the only one who noticed this?
    Fox 35 News

    By now, we should all be wise enough to know that in the case of video games, if Fox News is reporting the story things are gonna be blown out of proportion. First off, the kid is 19 and probably old enough to live on his own. Second, he "refused" to come eat. I doubt that. Chances are he said "I'll be down soon" because he needed to finish a level, or an xbox live match. I do that all the time, and when I am done, I go to eat. Then the kid came down a few minutes after the event, to beat her up? Well, that is probably due to the fact that when she unplugged his xbox, it gave it RRoD, or ****ed it up in some way.

    Funny, but I really don't need to hear more about "videogames cause violence!"
  8. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Lol, like when someone in a country i forget killed a taxi driver to see if it was as easy as it is in GTA IV.
  9. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    It is actually much easier.
  10. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I don't care about the taco to the face. Does no one else see what's wrong in this story. The kids putting his hands on his mother. Sure, it sucks that he couldn't finished his game, but to afterwords go downstairs and physically touch his mother. That my friends is completely out of line. If I was one of his siblings I smack the **** out of him for touching my mother. Then, I'd throw his xbox into the street. Maybe he would try and burrito me in the face if I did that.

    I know in my house my entire family sits down before we all start eating. There is no waiting to finish a game on xbox.
  11. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    This made my week, possibly year already. Put in jail for assault by a taco. You can't make this stuff up.
  12. Mr Snowballs

    Mr Snowballs Ancient
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    Why in the hell did that ***** unplug his x-box because he wouldn't come down for dinner and then afterward go downstairs and start cooking taco's..
  13. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    How do you hit somebody with a "Taco"? A freakin' taco? A burrito maybe, but a taco!? Thats just stupid!

    Lol, i can't stop laughing though. I mean whats going on in your head to make you hit your own mother with a "Taco." Where's the dad at? He needs to put that kid in his place. Jail time should do the trick though. Guys in there like'em young. =)

    Im too much...
  14. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    "Inmate" Sup, whadda ya in for?
    "Taco guy" I assaulted my mom with a taco...
    "Inmate" LOLWUT?
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I love the title of this thread. Why can't they just order him into forced work and a flat until he has enough money to buy a better flat/house? In other words, why don't they order him to move out?
  16. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    First off, the mother should've shown him who's boss a year ago and put him out of the house. Second, who wastes a perfectly good taco?
  17. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    "He went ahead and hit me with the taco and I got taco all over my shirt and kitchen."

    hahahhahaha. i'm sorry, but the ridiculousness of this story, that quote, and the proportion their blowing it out of is hilarious. This is what you call not raising your kid right, it's not the video games, the dude has anger/priority issues.
  18. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    LOLZ, looks like that taco got what it deserved.
  19. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    wow that kid has some serious problems I mean no one can be that addicted to xbox to got that far...here we go again i bet the news are going to say violent videos games caused this problem.....ugh that's not true but o well nice seeing this thread.
  20. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    This is so rediculous. This guy has issues of all things, why the hell would he throw a taco. What an idiot.

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