Forging Theory: Introduction

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ray Benefield, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Forging Theory

    By: AZN FTW


    "You must be one with the map..." -- ii Absinthe

    Alright... this isn't a normal forum post folks. This will be an ever continuing article for those that don't understand the game theory behind building maps. Everyone hears me stretching how game theory has been only a minor part of a map or completely ignored all together and that aesthetics is TOO much of a requirement amongst the community. Because interlocking and geo-merging allows one to make a prettier and more unique map, doesn't mean it is what makes the map go round and has to be used every single time. This article will stretch the long forgotten and important aspects of forge to create addicting, competitive, and fun maps without having to fill an interlocking/geo-merging requirement. These are the tricks that have been used by pre-DLC forgers as well as Bungie themselves to create the maps that we play in matchmaking. Fair balanced, and smooth gameplay is key to keeping your maps in the minds of many.

    Forging Theory vs Forging 101

    "Use the force..." -- Natlisha

    So this is not a rewrite or AZN's rendition of Forging 101. This covers a whole aspect of forging in and of itself. Forging 101 covers the tricks of forging; basically the tools in your toolbox; Geo-merging, Instant Respawn, Gravlift Tricks, Late Spawning, Floating Platforms, etc. However nobody has any real direction on when to use those tools and how to use them. You don't want to use a hammer on a screw now do you?

    Forging Theory is when to use those tricks. These are guidlines not rules, they do not have to be followed. However there are certain practices that are highly encouraged due to the mechanics of the game. By following these practices properly you will be able to make your maps balanced, smooth, and addicting. What more could you want?

    What's to Come*mmm dirty

    "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum... but I'm all out of gum."
    -- rusty eagle

    Alright so obviously this is just an introduction. I plan on typing up one of these every sunday, so look forward to it. Some things I could be covering:

    • Smooth Spawning
    • Area Introduction Through Spawns
    • Effective weapon placement (An article per weapon... snipers especially)
    • Texturing, Coloring, and Map Feelings
    • Cover timing
    • Symmetric vs Asymetric
    • Path Manipulation
    • Linear vs Non-Linear
    • Visual Control
    • Details/Minor Adjustments
    There are a bunch more and those aren't the exact article names, but you catch my drift.


    "Thou arnt finished..." -- oWNo Beebo

    So in conclusion of this article... if you want more speak up. I'm sure I missed tons of topics, but I'll get more as I go along. Hopefully this will bring Forgehub's shine back. I have seen some good maps, but the majority of them need some work. Laterz peepz...

    AZN OUT!!!

    #1 Ray Benefield, Jan 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2009
  2. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can't wait to see them, and could you elaborate a little on Path Manipulation?

    Oh, and when are we getting our next gift? ;)
  3. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I'm taking pictures of Dynamo now... I should have it posted tomorrow sometime... I want to test a couple of random gametypes though... infection, oddball, CTF, etc... swat and rockets/nades has been tested... but nothing else... I hear peasant hunt would be good for it... whatever it is. For those that don't know Dynamo is a randomly generated layout map... that is not modded. Good for mini-games that work on random layouts, like infection, minotaur, special weapon slayer (like fiesta), etc... it feels like an advanced training ground.

    As for path manipulation... it is a technique that allows you to make the map feel bigger than it is by manipulating the path that one must take in certain scenarios. Side longest tried to do this.. but we kinda screwed up one of the paths... you have to do it just right or else one path will be chosen over another because it takes less time to travel.
  4. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Alright, thanks.
    And Peasant Hunt is basically Minotaur, I'd guess.

    Game Specifications:
    • Humans spawn in a chute and fall into the exact center of the labyrinth
    • Minotaur spawns randomly in one of 4 corner rooms
    • 10 rounds (3 minutes each)

    • Minotaur has 10 meter radar
    • Humans can only see him if he is in their field of vision

    • Minotaur runs slightly slower than the humans
    • Everyone has only one life

    • Minotaur can only be assassinated, all other attacks are futile
    • Humans are equipped with a pistol (for a sense of false hope) against the Beast's strong grav hammer

    • Minotaur gets 1 point per kill
    • Last Man Standing gets 5 points at the end of the round
    • Assassinating the seemingly invincible minotaur gives you 10 points
    The Lost Chamber
  5. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Alrighty then... since it is infection... the minotaur spawns on the edge of Dynamo and the humans spawn in a group in the center.. so yeah it should work nicely... when I get back from lunch I will hunt for testers...
  6. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    I tried to do that once but it never worked out. I set it respawn at start: no and respawn time 180. I put 4 boxes to see if it would work and put min on 2. The first few times the boxes that appeared were random but then soon after it started only spawning the first 2 that I had placed. I was going to make a four way symmetrical map that stayed consistent, but the other items would be randomized so that the paths could be blocked off or new ones added. But it never worked so I gave up.

    BTW, an INSANELY in depth respawn guide would be cool. I read the advanced respawn guide but that never really got in to how to set up your own spawns. All it really did was tell you how the spawn system works. So if you could write how to set up spawns that would be great.
  7. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    That's what Smooth Spawning and Area Introduction through spawns is for... I guess I should include basic spawn position selection as well as direction you should face... but that is split into smooth spawning and area introduction...

    Should I post a poll to what you guys want me to write about first?
  8. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Well, if you do put up a poll, I'd be torn between any of the spawning ones and Path Manipulation.
  9. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    yes! I personally want spawns and weapons first...
  10. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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  11. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I just looked at that guide... his guide is too specific. Those are more like tricks for placing weapons/equipment/etc. Everyone's map is different. I'm gonna cover the theory behind placing the particular weapon for balanced gameplay, and YOU decide where to put it. No specifics, just reasoning. It is a good and dedicated guide though... I'm not gonna lie...

    And I don't think I'll do a poll, I'm gonna build up to certain topics by doing some baseline stuff first. On my way to and from lunch I decided my first article will be called "My Anti-Foundry". I think some people need to be reminded why to not use Foundry officially... not just thread to thread... you know what I mean? I'm tired of seeing another foundry map on features... ARGH! lol...
  12. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    So, are these gonna posted in one thread, or have their own threads?
  13. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    They will have their own threads...
  14. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    It would be alot easier if you could put the guides on one thread. Then we would only have to look in one place.
  15. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    No. Just put the links to each guide in the OP.
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    This looks good. I hope to see what I can learn from this.
  17. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    I am going to try and get a sticky on this. It would really help novice forgers and elaborate more from forging 101. To INSANE. I Hear he is on right now.
  18. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Well I'm sure most people know how to do basic spawns such as not having a wall in front of them, spawning in enough cover, not in the open etc. There is a guide over on Atlas that OctoDeath just made, but it wasn't as in depth as I would want. So I'm guessing smooth spawning is the actually placement such as direction and cover, and area is where to group them, spawn areas for gametypes and such.
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Hey, are you going to cover random item spawning, or can I use that in a map?
  20. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    That's a trick and belongs in Forging 101... I can write it if the journalists want... or I can explain it so they can write it... I am releasing Dynamo soon, but I'm waiting for someone to help me geomerge something for the map... It's the only thing that's ruining gameplay right now... they aren't online right now...

    And yes you can use it in a map...

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