Haha, "Sam's Geomerge" is practically a callout in our games now. Did you find any spawn problems at all last time we played? I didn't see anything. And that's with using zero respawn areas in Slayer games - Shishka seems to require them, but the spawns are still so efficient here.
I didn't really notice any, no; The only thing that I did notice was there was this one time during One Flag where I was running to get the flag and Crusty spawned directly behind me and assassinated me, it was right over by my geomerge, by the open double box. Although it could be to do with the fact it was over by their flag spawn. Other than that, no spawn problems!
I been reading over this map for a while Nevz... Hope to get a game on it sooner or later... the map is setup in a way that actually catches my attention...keep up the good work.
Yeah, the spawns right on and inside the open box have been resolved (Already resolved in the DL link). G04: Thanks. I know the map itself usually doesn't "catch the eye" of many people, but that wasn't its intention. hen you play on it, it feels very competitive and right out of Matchmaking.
So, I finally got a game or two on this. Unfortunately, I, and people in my party, had a few problems. First thing, I spawned directly behind the other team, and got a Double Kill Assassination 5 seconds in. Fun for me, but not for them. Also, the general response to the map was quite negative from everybody. Everyone thought that most of the structures felt quite disconnected, and one scathing comment from a party member of mine was that, "It looks like somebody dropped a bunch of big rocks out of bag randomly and stuck weapons on them." Now, while that is bit harsh and by no means true, there is some sense behind it. Honestly, I have to say that the map felt quite disconnected. Though there were some structures that I liked, particularly the sniper spawn and the Blue Team box wall, I didn't feel like the map had a sense on purpose. A lot of structures just felt like scattered walking spaces that just didn't do anything. There was no need or motivation to use any other structures besides the sniper tower, because frankly, I could just walk around them and I might get to my destination faster. Also, each structure, when I did happen to get on top of one, always felt too small. There was no space to strafe or to move. I, and others, fell off way too many times. By the way, one little section of the map got a nickname, "The Ramp to Nowhere." The Ramp to Nowhere is in the second screenshot, and is the double wall pointed up at a 35 degree angle. Also, a lot of people felt that the weapon list was questionable. Everybody was looking for BRs and Carbines, and was complaining about the amount of power weapons on the map. A Sniper and a Rocket Launcher? The map felt too small for those. The spawns were also quite predictable, and spawn killing was rampant. I'm sorry man, I don't want to be a jerk, but based on the two games I played, (Team Slayer and One Flag) this was not your best map.
I'm completely shocked to hear all of that. How on earth did you get a spawn assassination? Did you do like 5 or 6 teams or something? There isn't a lot from what you have described that could be corrected, but again, I am shocked at what you've reviewed... I'm sorry to hear that.
Actually this looks like somewhat of a solid map. There really is nothing spectacular in the aesthetics/merging, but it looks like it has good flow and gameplay. I just feel like I've either played on this or downloaded it before, because I really recognize that plasma rifle spawn in the 8th picture (well either that or spikers, can't see, the part next to the B sign and under the power drain). Maybe someone else used the same thing in another map... But there are a lot of ramps which is great as well. BTW, I would try to be as unlike Verbatim as possible, as Shishka banned them from Atlas... I will try to post more once I've gotten a game on it.
Okay, beautiful as the map may be, to me when i played a 1v1, you almost always had to be on an upper level to win. Some walls could be raised for blocking some lines of sight... and preventing people from easily being naded. The ground level almost has nothing. You can significantly alter the gameplay with raising walls n stuff... I know I didn't say many good things about the map, but that's because you should already be proud of how awesome you made it look. I didn't really play much of the map and the 1v1 was with my 5 yr old brother XD. So... I'll go play some more. Good job on it.
the rocket looks a bit onesided but thats the only negative comment i can come up with so excelent map i will definaly dl this and i cant wait to see your next map full of beautiful merging and geomerging i hope 5/5 good job.
That would be the gameplay. You know, the parts of a map you can't see with screenshots? Anyways, thanks for the kind words guys. The high ground is fairly powerful in this map, but I'd say it's about as powerful as the default foundry's high ground. Although it stretches out to SWAT and One Flag fans, you'll get the best out of this map with classic Team Slayer, preferably 4v4 or 3v3.