Ok, so today when I went to bungie to download a couple of maps from here, i noticed i couldn't because my gamertag wasn't linked. But I was linked to it. It even showed all of my friends were online but it still said my old gamertag name and showed that i didn't play any halo. Plus i couldn't get to my file share or service record. I am really pissed off and I have a headache from trying to figure it out. Please help
Could it possibly be that Bungie has asked you to change your Gamertag because of a bad name? So try signing onto your account..and if it doesn't ask you to change your gamertag then try to go back to your fileshare.
Did you change your gamertag on XBL, then? If you changed it recently then it might be a little while before Bungie.net updates your account info.
Yeah, I had a similar problem. My account was hacked, but I was still signed in, so they couldn't retrieve it off my Xbox. So I had to change my Windows Live ID. Now that means that my BNet account is no longer linked with my GT. So I had to make a new BNet account. Try that.