let me know how it goes, although your version is minus weapons and stuff. if you can unglitch that version, we will be fine.
And you already know what I think of your opinion...... How did the forging community make it a joke? There were plenty of good map submissions(including your own) that were much better candidates than what was chosen. So Bungie picks a bad map and it's our fault as the "forge community". I don't think so.
You make it a joke when all you guys do is complain about how it looks unoriginal. It's beyond the point. The point is, this is user-generated content, submitted by another user of Halo 3's Forge tool. If the first thing that happens when someone's map get's playlisted is that people start flaming the user, do you think Bungie will think it's a good idea?
Please come back when you learn how to read. No one said anything about the map being "unoriginal". It's dumbasses like you that are dragging the forge community down. Stay out unless you can actually bring some knowledge to the table. As far as the map getting flamed, it is already recieving some heat now. Just wait till the world gets ahold of it. Bungie choosing this map makes me feel it's purposely setting up for the demise and fall of ATLAS. Why they would do this? Dunno, maybe they don't want to deal with it so there helping it fail.
First off, bud, I wasn't even talking about you. I was using 'joke' because the term was already in my head from the thread title. I was referring to everyone in general when I posted. Like in the map page, people are giving it a '4/5' because it 'got into MM' but complaining about the 'average', 'uninspired', 'not special'. Oh, and that's the 'unoriginal' bit. Yeah, it's called a synonym. It's when a word is similar or identical to the meaning of another word. In this case, 'unoriginal' was more of a catch-all term. So yeah, hm, let me think about what I should type out next. Please come back when you can learn how to read. I said 'unoriginal' when it really said 'uninspired', whoopdeedoo, it means the same FRIGGIN THING. It's dumbasses like you that are dragging FH's community down by wildly flaming people. Stay out unless you can actually use my post against me INTELLIGENTLY, instead of claiming that I can't read. Also, to be frank 'DeathstarOG', what is your point in this thread? Besides basically flaming the hell out of the map and everyone who disagrees with you in the slightest way.
Hold up guys-- I have a joke for ya. nock nock. whos there. who gives a **** who gives a **** who. not me, then who? Note:: this is the beta version of this joke. thanks
I'm waiting for the V2... Also, to make this less spamalicious, I can see where Nemi's coming from in that if we react badly Bungie will see no reason to continue the Atlas project, however, on the other hand they seem not to care about a good deal of the maps (half of the maps posted have not even been glanced at by shishka) which can be frustrating for aspiring map-makers (and experienced ones too) and then after seemingly neglecting the group, they (Bungie) then choose a map that, from our point of view, is not really at the standard we were expecting. Coupling those together can create a fair deal of animosity towards the group. Had Shishka commented on all maps and given good points of view and criticism on each map we may not be in this situation...
There are fence walls so you can shoot people in there form the outside. Once again, Bungie do something good, everyone gets on their back without thinking first...ffs.
OMG LOL! CANT WAIT FOR V2 SOUNDS AWESOME! Not spam, so I'm gonna just add that how is it the map maker's fault that he made the map, and that it got picked by Bungie, and that you guys are jealous that his got picked? Yeah, it's not the best map ever, but obviously he did something better than our maps in Bungie's eyes.
Fence walls over xbox live screw up the shot registry meaning that maybe 1 in 5 shots (unless you're host) will hit... and sniper bullets will rarely register as headshots even if they're standing still meaning that they'll have enough time to either a) escape through a teleporter or b) use the laser that spawns in that room to fire through the fence walls (as it is the only weapon that will whislt off-host) to kill the opponent... This is also why you will not see Fence walls/boxes inside MLG maps, they will never be put in a position where you may shoot through them to attempt to hurt an opponent, they will only be used to block off the borders of the map...
I can understand you thinking that many people will comment on the map without thinking about it, but playing that card on Iv0rY? Not too smart.... And this is the real crux of it. Is it that hard to believe that Bungie have different aims and desires from Forge maps than we do? Maybe they're not wholly sensible all the time imo, but did you really think that ATLAS was Shishka's way of saying that he revokes all former complaints and fully embraces the ethos and goals of the dedicated forging community that we know here on FH? Nothing's changed, and Shishka still wants the same things from forge creations as he always has, he's hardly known for being fully on board with all the variations and directions that Forging has taken, even the milder ones. You may disagree with his perspective (I know I do at times, but I also trust Bungie quite a lot, they have no desire to ruin their own game, and they've proven that they can nail stuff people would never even have thought of before), but you can't really expect him to just change his stance all of a sudden just because he's accepting Forge creations. He made no pretenses about being open to what we may consider the holy grails of map making, seriously, what did you think would happen? As map makers we're always going to push map building in different directions, some of which we may love and applaud, but that's us as a community, wanting to push map making further and do interesting things, use Forge to diversify Halo and make it our own. He has different priorities, and he's hardly just going to sit there and pick up a map that looks OK and dump it into MM. You may think he's wrong, but we all saw disagreements coming, and saying that he isn't even trying is just silly.
Wha? What'd I do? I'm just stating a fact seeing as that other guy said that it was a solution to the problem that everyone seems to have. all I said was that it wasn't... As for bungie not having the same goals as us of course they don't, and yes shishka does seem to have a, for lack of a better word, prejudice towards our style of forging, but you'd think that bungie would put more than one guy to overlook the project because in any situation if you have just one person in charge there is always a high chance of a bias decision, it's just human nature... I hope that made sense...
My comment was actually addressed to the guy who yours was in response to (domomd). It was merely a lol at the insinuation that you would just jump in with a rash and unfounded comment on a map. Sorry, was hardly clear looking at it again. You did nothing Iv0rY, other than make a concise and reasoned point. For shame. Yeah, I was making the point because some people seemed to be outraged that he hadn't just leapt in and asked us 'what maps do you want to see', if not in practice, then at least in the ethic with which he chooses. But you do make a good point, it does seem odd having Shishka alone take care of this (although I wonder if it is literally just him sifting through the maps...). I know it's a gesture as well as a change in direction, showing appreciation and recognition for the Forging community (and for this, make no mistake, I am thankful), but (even if not actually the case), it does seem odd to present the whole endeavour as Shishka alone picking out what he does and doesn't deem fit. Idk, maybe it was a project spearheaded by him and so he takes on the brunt of the work, if so then maybe people should be a little happier about the gesture, even if it doesn't pan out exactly as they'd like in practice. But whatever, it was never going to be a massive change to MM that involved Bungie at large, it's a nice sidenote that should hopefully spread some great creations a little more. I'm not saying I like how it has turned out fully, but then (as said before) it hasn't even really turned out at all yet, this is map 1, and it may go right, it may not. I don't doubt the seriousness with which Bungie are treating this project, nor do I doubt their intention to do the right thing and their willingness to try things out, if not always successful.
As far as I know, it was taken over by Shishka as he is the Playlist Overlord, but he did not do it off his own prerogative, but rather cause they had a strokey-beard meeting at bungie and came up with the concept... But I'm almost certain he's the only one checking the atlas forums for new maps, and that the only maps the rest of Bungie sees are the ones handpicked by him.
Since your not too good at picking stuff up, that was called an insult. My point of this thread was to wildly flame this map as much as possible and try and get people to bandwaggon with me. I then wanted to burn OctoDeath alive for creating it and and leave a steaming pile on his map the first time I play it in MM. After that I was gonna promote my map and say how it's so much better and Shishka would be a douche nozzle if he didn't put it in MM instead. If he said no, i'd go to Bungie studios and let the massacre begin. Thats sarcasm, what else do you wanna see?
And heres the reason why I hate many people from MLG. You think you are so much better than others. I have lost most of my respect for you deathstar. You probably don't care so it doesn't really matter. Octodeath, I want to praise you on your maturity in this thread. You go make a game and have it sell as much as halo 3 and have the fanbase as big as halo 3 and incorporate better community maps into your matchmaking. Until you do that, quit bitching. Deathstar, you also said "What if MLG picks op Octoplex for next season?" Have you figured out this isn't MLG, it is matchmaking?
Well I'm sure Shishka picked a good map that plays well rather than a map with "OVER 9000!" geomerges. It's not about the way it looks, but rather how it plays.
You know I kinda think atlas is more of a business decision than any kind of appreciation of forgers. Look they got sandbox coming right? Well if it is a forge map, what better way to sell the third map in a map pack to regularly non-forging players? Tell them hey! your maps can make it into matchmaking! As lights himself said: we put a really piss poor showing over at atlas, and apart from lights himself, there weren't many of our maps. I believe as well that lights' maps may have been submitting a little late for this round? At least two of them. You can fault them for picking a map that they may have played and considered it good. Look at their own forge creations they consider good? Octoplex takes the cake on those tenfold. I really think this all has a lot more to do with selling mythic, particularly sandbox. If this is the case, it really has me fearing sandbox is much less the ultimate forge map, and more of a casual forging map for new forgers.
Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner! I could care less about what anyone thinks about me. I'm not here to make BFF's. I wanna design good maps and put them into creation. I actually wanna build maps for a living in the future and I see forge as a good start toward that career. Everyone else here can kiss eachothers ass all day and tell eachother how awesome there craptastic maps are, but I won't. Also it has nothing to do with MLG. I have plenty of respect for most forgehub style maps. But I'm looking for a map that was designed to play well, not just look good. I was attracted to MLG because of this. And I don't think I am so much better than anyone. I just come off as arrogant because I'm strongly opinionated.
Did I ever say his "craptastic" map was good. I havn't played it so I won't comment on it. Don't we all want to make games or maps when we are older. I'm making one now in my c++ class right now. point is you have to make friends because you don't work by yourself. What better way to start that than forging with people. And I know you could care less about what other people say about you. Why do you think I put the "you probably don't care so it doesn't really matter" part into my post. And sure MLG maps play great. I love them. I don't think there Is one I don't like. You know what they have more than any other map? Spawn killing. Except for some of the default maps like the pit, they don't have any. As someone else had said, I believe this is sort of like bungie favorites. Bungie favorites isn't for putting the most amazing stuff on their, it is to show what you can do in the game. Atlas is showing that you can get your maps into matchmaking. I doesn't have to be the best. Also, when you flame someones map, why don't you provide suggestions on how to fix it so you don't sound like many of the idiots that post in the map forums.