ATLAS group a joke?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DeathstarsOG, Jan 16, 2009.


ATLAS chose the right map??

  1. Yes, without question.

    10 vote(s)
  2. Hell No!

    10 vote(s)
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  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Recently announced by Shishka was a map named Octoplex created by OctoDeath to be the first map chosen for matchmaking through ATLAS. Here is a link to the thread if you haven't read it already: : Atlas : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    Now, I know we're all suposed to be encouraging of other forgers and not belittle maps for how much they suck, but this has got to be a joke. The map chosen has absolutely no right to torture people in matchmaking. They are trying to bring more people into the Team Objective playlist by adding user created content and I believe map choices like this will turn people away. While there at it, throw Anvil back in the Team Doubles playlist or even BTB while we're at it.
    I did not submit a map to Atlas so I don't want to hear anything about me being mad that my map didn't make it. What I wanna know is if this is the types of maps there accepting over maps thare are actually GOOD, is why even bother submitting a map to ATLAS in the first place? This is seriously a joke. Sorry if I look like the asshole that said it, but I'm just saying what others can't or won't.
    Somebody please tell me i'm not crazy.
  2. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Ain't it obvious? they want a crap user-made map so that the default foundry looks good...

    at least... that's the only plausible explanation I could come up with...
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Some people just can't do anything without others quickly getting on their backs.

    Shiska has selected one map to add to a playlist! I agree, Octoplex is not a masterpiece of Forge but Shiska didn't ask for maps which have tons of geomerging and lots of forging tricks. He wanted original, user-created maps.
    You have to remember that the the Forging community makes up a minority of people who play Halo 3. Just because it looks a bit dull compared to some of the (dare I say it) - epic - maps posted here, doesn't mean its no good.

    Shiska wanted good maps, not good forging.
  4. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I tested that map once or twice, and although it may not look great, there were various routes making for some decent gameplay. At least play it before flaming it. Believe it or not, the matchmaking community as a whole isn't as conceited and stupid as the forge community that bases map quality on interlocking. The gameplay can be better than some interlocked and merged crap with no gameplay value.

    Oh, and by the way, even if they picked a bad map, and they didn't, why would you call the entire group a joke based on the very first of many selections??
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    ATLAS is for the selection of maps for the matchmaking playlists and it has to be liked and non-glitched. Geo-merging and Interlocking is ok, but Budget glitching is not normally. Very good playable maps do not need to have interlocking, or any fancy technique, it just has to have a good flow.

    Groups normally made by Bungie employees should never be critisized as jokes but rather groups to actually HELP the community.
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I trust their (Bungie's) judgement, and we'll see how it turns out in matchmaking.
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    ...Your are wrong. Shiska wants maps that play well, and technicly work. He is not interested in all the stuff we get on this site that looks amazing and everyone goes 'OmG AMaSin InTERlokZ' when it actually plays badly. The maps weapon layout and spawns are fine, and i would rather play Octoplex than Foundry any day of the week. And i did'nt mind Anvil either, since a your team could always get hold of a power weapon/ power up, so you always have a chance.

    I really hope you are not one of the many people on this website who sees a map with no interlocking and automatically assumes it sucks. Way to much of that on here, it is forge hubs only downfall.
  8. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    I lol'd cause everyone basically just said that Octoplex was better than Kentucky Tango...
  9. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I can't see said thread. But ugly doesn't mean shitty.
  10. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Hell yeah! nothing better than shottys, swords, 3 shield doors, and innumerable teleporters!!!
  11. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    there is a room that can only be entered by a teleporter at each end... and seeing as the flag is instant kill in MM there will be much camping in there methinks...
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Campable shield doors+shotty

    Doesn't this seem funny when they removed shield doors from the other shotty camping maps because people hated it?

    It's a joke because they don't honestly have the time to dedicate to making this group good, thus they won't have the time to actually play map, and thus you have octoplex...we'll see what happens in the future.
  13. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I don't thing Bungie particularly likes what FH did with forge. Sure, Atlas accepts anything beneath the budget glitch, but all of these "advanced forge techniques" are really just beating the system they painstakingly set up. You wouldn't want someone to win the lottery when they can alter the rules.
  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    It's not the lottery, that's luck, this isn't luck
  15. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Who said anything about the map not having "interloxz"? No one. I merely said it is a terrible map and I have played on it. I never once said the map was ugly or didn't use interlocking/geomerging. Some parts of the map it actually does. What I said was it's a crappy map that shouldn't be in matchmaking. And for the poster who said they "like" Anvil, you are retarded, nuff said.
    Octoplex has terrible geometry, mixed with bad design to create a horrific flowing map. There are teleporters on the map that take you into an incredibly small room with no way out. If you knew anything about map design and competetive gameplay you would see what a horrible choice putting this map into matchmaking is. I could care less if the map looks good, but this map doesn't play well, it wasn't designed well and there were TONS of better choices out there to be picked. On the subject of interlocking/geomerging, we ALL know that these two aspects of forge really increase the gameplay potential of a map so stop acting like it isn't important.
    And as far as me saying that ATLAS is a joke, well from what I see it is. They are not choosing a good map to represent the ATLAS community and are going to scare people away from Team Objective even more now. It will be Anvil all over again.
    The reason I am so heated on the subject is because there are people that actually design and forge GOOD maps and a map like this getting chosen is a slap in the face for them. I have lost all faith in ATLAS.

    Chew on this for a minute: What if "Octoplex" was picked up for MLG next season, what do you think would happen?
    Or even what if Bungie gave you a map like this in the Mythic Map pack, would you be dissapointed?
    It is a joke, a ****ing joke.
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I, too, have no faith in this map. I can invision gameplay on it currently, and it doesn't look good. I am afraid, for 2 reasons.

    1) Clearly, Bungie does not understand "true" forging. Even after giving us a spot on their home page, saying they are paying attention to us, they go ahead and allow a map such as this into Atlas. That's a slap to the face. What's more, is that clearly they are still reluctant about current forging techiniques and tricks, and where we have gone with Foundry, creating a new class for Forge map; how can we expect sandbox to be any good at all? I mean, we wanted a perfect forge map, yet those who will be making said map, can't even accept what forge is now, currently?

    2) Many people hate forged maps. They might play better, have better spawns, and all else, but they hate it. They find it a pointless hobby, with shitty maps. They prefer Guardian, and other default maps. Well, force them to play a custom map, will either make them learn to accept and enjoy forged maps, or hate them. Well, this map will surely result in the latter. In my opinion, this is all a hoax. We've been wanting this for a long time, so Bungie thought "Let's give it to them. But, let's select shitty maps, making sure this fails, so when it does we can say "We told you so" and not have to listen to them complain anymore." Maybe I am harsh, but I don't know... It just doesn't look like this map is taking Atlas in a good direction.
  17. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    To me it seems as though all Shishka gives a rat's ass about is the spawning. I played on Octoplex and it was terrible. The only thing Shishka said was wrong with Verbatim was the spawning. He said something about "spending more time on gameplay and not aesthetics". I bet this Smashed! map is going to be just as bad.
  18. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    The two above posters really hit the nail on the head.
    This map is going to make an embarrassment out of the forge community and push people even farther away from user created maps.
    The whole Bungie Favorites thing that sponsored Forge Hub for a while was really cool and showed they did give us support, but with a selection like this, it really shows the opposite. Now i'm scared that Sandbox is going to be worse than anyone thinks.(I hope not)
    And yes, I can see this "Smashed" map being really horrible as well based on there first map choice.
  19. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    Wow! Ever since Shishka announced that my map, Octoplex, was to be included I've been waiting for some discussion.

    I knew straight off that many members of the forging community would be less than happy with its inclusion into MM, and I knew the aesthetics of the map would be viewed less favourably by some.

    Forgehub members create some astounding maps, the stuff you guys do with the limited tools provided can be incredible. However, my personal choice was to create a map that suited the warehouse setting of Foundry, and as such I am very proud of Octoplex's aesthetics. It is exactly how I want it to be. I believe that interlocking and geomerging are powerful tools and as such I've utilised them in the forging of Octoplex but nowhere near to the extent that the majority of members here do.

    The map has been a work in progress for some time, I think I started work from a rough draft about a year ago. Since then I've slowly chipped away at it to make it what it is - and to be honest I always forged it with the blind hope that it would one day make Matchmaking.

    I am proud of the map I've created and I fully respect the community's decision to either like or dislike it. But to say the group is a failure is a step too far. It's still early days for the group, which is open to submissions by all, and I am confident Shishka has made a good decision investing Octoplex into Matchmaking.

    There is scepticism about shield doors and teleporters present on the map. But I have tested, tweaked, tried, tested again every aspect of Octoplex to make it great fun to play on. This for me is the only real thing that matters. The teleporters are an interesting dynamic under-utilized in matchmaking, and I'm happy with the movement they give to the player. By the same token, the shield doors on the map also are essential. There is more than one way to deal with campers behind any one of the three doors.

    Every spawn, weapon, grenade, equipment item, wall, crate, teleporter, fence wall etc. has been thoughtfully placed and with the aim of making the map play as well as possible. I am happy with the map's gameplay mechanics and am confident others will be too.

    I hope that the Forgehub community, of which I am a part of, no matter what their opinion of Octoplex is, can recognise the achievement and in some form respect the map and future Atlas successes.

    Thank you for your feedback, I'm sorry I can't please everybody! If you get matched with me in Team Objective and Octoplex pops up, don't press X!

    Think I'm going to get my flame-proof suit out of storage ready for when the playlist update goes live...
  20. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    I haven't played the map, but I am going to trust Bungie on this one. Regardless though, congrats OctoDeath.
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