unofficial Sandbox discussion thread Recently, has released their weekly update. As we forgers head over there to view another pointless update about the lives of Marty' O Donald and lukems, We are surprised by something more interesting. Q. When are you going to show us Sandbox? You expect us to buy the Mythic Map Pack without getting a good look at the goods first? A. Hello, my fine friend, and may I bid you welcome to You'll find that we're always as forthright and forthcoming as we can be. Stick around and make yourself right at home - we'll give you everything you need in order to make a sound purchasing decision before you're forced to open up your e-wallet. Certainly before March 3rd. In fact, just this week the Community Team threw down in some somewhat noncompetitive matches against of our internal friends in Creative Services and Test to generate some sweet screenshots you'll be treated to soon, one way or another. Q. Aw, come on. Can we at least get Luke to give us an interpretive illustration? A. Bam. What is it? We really can't say. Not because we're on gag order, but because there simply are no words. Theories ~Currently, there is much speculation as to what we are seeing in the picture. We do know that it is a picture of sand-trap. Why is not understood. -Possibly, bungie is just trying to confuse you and it has nothing to do with sand-trap. -Maybe this is bungie's idea. Remake sandbox in night form with more forging capabilities. -Trying to draw attention to the sandbox secret. If it does exist. ~Take a close look at the hieroglyphics on the structures. What do they mean. I might try to discover some of their secrets in my free time. ~There is a slight possibility that sandbox has nothing to do with forge, unlikely as it is, Wouldn't it just make you laugh! Thanks to elite mastersam for the comparison picture!! As you can probably guess, this confirms that it is a picture of sandbox! Another reference, not so obvious this time, Is the tower. It is not of sand-traps structure. When you look at it in more detail you can see epitaph on the top right before the light. Correct me if I am wrong!
I'm guessing that Sandbox is a SandTrap at night. They said something about changing around the time frame in maps, so that's my guess. Mabye it will have more forge objects and the camera filters too.
Cool thanks for your opinion. now that i think about it, Sand-trap with immovable objects and expanded forge options sounds better than if you were to have a larger canvas. Think of the air castles. What is up with the writing on the stone. ~forgegod117~
Wow, bungie, if you didn't make amazing games i would say i hate you so much. This gives us a better understanding of Halo 3's HUD, that's about it. Well lets take what we got. The structures seem to be similar the sandtraps, and also the acceptance video structures. Do you know what that means? But what scares me most is that i see sand, which may be what we all fear most, a ordinary map similar to sandtrap. That would be dumb of bungie because it wouldn't just dissipoint map makers, but it would probably be a shitty ordinary map, who wants another sandtrap?
Or maybe they're playing on the name, and the fact that most people misinterpret 'Sandbox' and got Luke to draw out a massive area, full of sand? I also notice the massive thing in the middle looks a lot like what was found to the right hand side of the current Bnet background; A few people in threads about it pointed out that it looked like the forerunner holograms on Epitath. A clue maybe? EDIT: And I just noticed there's a tiny version of it just to the right of the large one in the middle, it pretty much has the same placement as the one we saw on the Bnet background too :/
Even if it is a new Big Team map that isn't flat and everything like foundry it could still be awesome. Look at how much Forgers have done with Avalanche, the same principle applies. Bungie has stated that it would half all new forge items, which could greatly influence what we can build. It could still be awesome, we will just have to wait and see.
I'm guessing it's a large open sandy (duh) area that actually has immovable objects. I sure hope there are enough objects to forge with.
This proves 3 things. 1)It's Dark 2)Maybee Very Santrap Related^^^ 3)Shika can't draw. But, I can't wait for actual game pics.
I get it! That tower in the middle of the screen is Epitaph! And the holograph from the mausoleum is now outside.
There are those "roads" thar are outside of Elitaph that could be used greatly for forging. And then theres the tower in the background, showing that it is indeed near Epitaph. But you never know... I mean, this is the ark
You actually have a point there, this could quite easily be the vast space around Epitath! That would definitely be amazing, but I have a feeling that regardless, the 'hardcore' fans would complain that Bungie didn't deliver again -_- One thing I noticed in the weekly update is this; Surely this means Sandbox currently has a default layout and is actually a fully playable map, like Foundry, as opposed to something solely to forge on?
Bungie could have also created a map and then played on it, so you never know. Bungie isn't that lazy
.... You aren't serious right? Or maybe really, really optomistic. We have done what we can on Avalanche, but short of a few good casual/minigames, nothing all that good has come out of it. It stands, uneven ground is HORRIBLE for forging. Interlocks, geomerges even working with the geometry is impossible. Might I add, if it is like avalanche, we won't get many objects at all, because a LARGE and DETAILED map in Bungie's eyes is reason to limit Items and Budget. I am praying, PRAYING, that this is fake, or that this doesn't adequetely display what Sandbox is. Or else I have lost all hope for the future of Forge.
remember that map that bungie had with one of their acceptance speeches where they had a huge group of players, and mary o'donnel was thanking his mom. that looked like sandtrap a bit and this drawing kind of reminds me of that one they had the acceptance speech on dont have the video but if you know what im talking about please post the vid.
I'm completely serious. Not cereal serious, serious serious. Of course a nice completely flat area like foundry (but bigger) would be 10x more awesome. All I ment was that alot of people have done great, fun, awesome things with avalanche. I didn't mean anything else. Worst case possible is that its just another Big Team map. Atleast we'll have somthing for matchmaking besides sandtrap and valhalla. Try and be more positive in the future.
If you listen to it, one guy says "Keep it clean!", a classic Superintendent quote. And in the blue screen there is the SI and in the bottom left corner, small text with little SI words. Sorry for the bit of offtopic ness, but I just had to say that in relation to the mythics/ODST