I'm not kidding by the way. Right after lunch, a bomb went off in the upstairs bathroom and destroyed the bathroom and part of the hallway. It was quite the Friday at school today because of the bomb and two kids got into a fight a few hours before. First off, nobody gets in fist fights or sets off bombs here. Bomb threats are common, but this wasn't a threat. :O Article Pretty bad title, damages toilet. It blew up the whole freaking bathroom.
Oh. Wow. Now watch what's going to happen to all the school's in the nation. 'Oh, one kid set off a bomb, therefore school's have become the next terrorist target'.
Ya, Psycho and I go to the same school. 10,000 dollar reward! It was scary and funny at the same time. Should we tell them where the bomb was?
Urinal? Toilet? Sink? BTW, Vids or it didn't happen. Preferably in slow motion with a high speed camera. (That means, can you find a news article on the interweb or a news vid on it?)
You put the bomb in the wrong bathroom! Geez, lol. Yeah, I bet they caught it all on camera and they still don't know who did it. *sarcasm* I'll get the news article later.
Wait, that's it? A bomb goes off, and no one's going to do anything about it? Are you forgetting to tell us something here?
same with mine, all 1000 kids from both campuses had to go onto the football field for like 3 hrs just because someone wrote something about a bomb on a piece of paper or something like that.
a bomb went off in a school? no way this happens and it doesn't go to national news in 2 days tops srry, but ppl get shot in schools and it goes national... same with a bomb
Or in the gym, where every single person in the school was for a really long time. EDIT: OP updated with news article.
Last year, when I was in 5th class (6th Grade), the school was evacuated and put into the local church. Someone in 6th Class (7th Grade) brought a bomb in. The principle of the school called the police and the Bomb squad came. Turns out it was a home-made fire cracker.
Good job on the article, Psycho. I was a victim of the explosion and even I didn't know that much about the situation.
Where the f do you live? The getto? Seems like the worst I've ever gotten here was when some kid tried to stab himself.
Washington State. Pretty much the opposite of the ghetto lol. It was the weirdest day of school I've ever had in my life besides the time when some guy was walking down the street with a shotgun and a "pipe bomb" was in the track field and we had a lock-down for three hours.
Your school...has some problems, the worst at my school is some kid stabbing another kid with a plastic knife. yep
LOL yes I was a victim, my lunch was in that hallway. Did you have B lunch? That line was the longest thing I've ever seen. (thats what she said)