Debate Hunting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thelastsparten, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    should hunting be legal there is a lot discussed about this topic with some people saying that animals should have the same rights a as people but in places like New Jersey where it has become illegal to hunt bears their population has grown out of control should hunting be illegal or shouldn't it i have my stance and i will put my input into the debate frequently.
  2. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I personally do not really like it, I believe we should leave them alone. But if it gets over populated i guess hunting should be legal in only parts that need it i guess
  3. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    I believe it should be legal. I personally don't hunt and probably won't, but it's the whole predator-prey thing. Making hunting illegal would like be telling a lion he can't hunt antelope.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Without hunting, how do you expect us to eat? Get potassium?

    I believe its fine, as long as it isn't abused. In my religion, God gave us animals to eat. Animals don't have souls which don't make them human, which shouldn't give them rights. Remember, thats all my opinion and religion.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I guess well i thought of in a for fun way. But ya if we need them to eat well of course we should eat.

    I meant in a fun way like shoot just to shoot, you know hwat i mean
  6. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    It should definitely be allowed, imagine their slow deaths they would experience if they die in the wilderness. Bullets kill in normally 30 seconds. 30 seconds of extreme pain then death. Or 3 weeks of agonizingly slow pain before the disease finally kills the animal.
  7. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Huntings fine. Now what you hunt is really the issue I prefere hunting the overpoulated "Noob" but hunting rare species like "Game producers" should be liumited. lol.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I find hunting (at least some forms if it) to be a far less objectionable way of getting meat than via the industrialized ranching industry. I don't hunt, though.
  9. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Hunting as a sport is not very moral IMO, but for food, why not?

    You can think what you want about this, just don't try to drag me into your beliefs, k? I don't like that. I mean, it's like vegetarians. I know this girl at our school who will literally knock meat out of my hand if I try to eat it. I do NOT like having other people's opinions shoved down my throat, so I won't put up much of an argument in this thread, more so just leave my opinion and sod off. k?
  10. chiefy11

    chiefy11 Ancient
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    I have been hunting scince I was 12 and I have to say venison is delicious, so keep deer hunting. But bear hunting (while they are the #1 threat to America [Colbert joke]) is a little overzealous.
  11. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    Really, theres nothing wrong (in my opinion) with hunting animals if you're going to eat them. Also, if an area is way overpopulated and they're goign to starve from not having enough resources to support themselves, I think its alright. The thing I really hate are all the rednecks in the area where I live that trophy hunt like crazy- Im sick of seeing animals strapped on top of cars. I must admit, though, at times I do hunt humans for food.
    #11 Mandarotica, Jan 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
  12. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    Hunting should only be legal if you wear horns on your head. No bright orange vests.
  13. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    OP, learn to use periods. That is one long sentence you have there.

    I believe sport hunting should be illegal. Killing things JUST to kill things is murder. For food, I'll make exceptions. Population reduction, fine. Shooting a rabbit because it stepped on your lawn, no.
  14. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    For one, we're not cavemen, so hunting isn't all our food source. I prefer bowhunting, and that's not all about killing the animal, it's about firing the bow, and the competition is about getting the game. Rifle hunting is much less spread as a hobby directly related to firing the weapon and all, as much as it is get the kill and claim the prize, be it food or a material prize. The gun is a weapon for killing. I'm all for any kind of hunting, but I think anti-hunters should get that a lot of hunting isn't to derive pleasure from killing a being, but as an enjoyment by the people who are into it.
  15. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Hmm. It is interesting, but if you think about it, people do not hunt to keep population numbers down, or anything like that. They do it because they think its fun.

    Example, in England, assho...people hunt foxes as they like to eat the chickens on thier farm. 2 things about that -

    1- The rate at which they hunt does not effect population numbers.
    2- It is natural for the foxes to do this, can you blame them? These people will kill the chickens anyway, but do we kill them? No, because they are human, and we seem to think we a better than animals when the fact we hunt them proved we are not higher than animals in any way.
  16. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Well hunting is what my state is all about, I never hunt, but my family does, and I eat the deer meat a lot, it is good.
  17. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    If you eat it, i guess it is not so bad, since you killed it for a reason, just like animals do to each other, but it hunting for fun that really gets on my nerves.
  18. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    1- if the hunting doesn't change the numbers of foxes then think how high the population would be without hunting.
    2- the foxes kill the chickens that the humans have to feed them selves. the foxes are not acting nature in pure nature they would be killing wild turkeys and other wild animals. by all intensive purposes the chickens are already dead that has been decided, to feed the humans. by killing the foxes humans are simply defending their kill, just as a bear would kill a fox if a fox tried to eat what he had killed.
  19. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Of course it makes minor population changes, but nothing worth doing.

    And of course they are acting in nature! They are foxes for **** sake, they see food, they want to eat it! Do you expect them to think 'Ooo look some food, but that belongs to Humans so i won't eat it?' WTF! We were going to eat the chickens, but you don't see foxes chasing after us shooting us do you?I bet you would love that, since you think it is acceptable to shhot them? No, maybe because they are not intelligent enough to think of such a thing, nor physically capable, but to be honest, shooting a fox because it was hungry is bullshit, the fox never done anything dleiberate to you, grow up.

    Don't pretend we are just like other animals either, other animals would fight each other, not get a gun. shoot each other and then Hang them up like some of the sick bastards do. We can take on any animal we want due to advanced intelligence, that does not make it right.
  20. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    wrong we are just like other animals its just that we don't have all the things like claws fangs to fight with, instead we have our intelligence. with that we made our own weapronry to replace what we don't have. I'm not saying that you just shoot anything that moves but if I see a fox going after livestock be it chickens, sheep,etc... i would shoot it i would lay down my gun and chase it down with my fists. also clarify are they hanging foxes to scare away other foxes or the clean them for food because yes the first of the two is sick.

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