
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by JEEF, Jan 16, 2009.

  1. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    TKS x MoNsTeR x
    Stockade is an asymmetrical map using only half of the default foundry; therefore it is smaller than most maps. Stockade has a zip-line that is like no other, which is its key feature along with its forge defying geomerging.
    Setup for 3v3 and 2v2, Stockade flows smoothly for one flag, territories, and team slayer as well as FFA. The defenders have a teleporter that takes you to the outside of their base. Its main purposes were for the defenders to flank the stockade section, and for the attackers to get the flag out of the base.
    Stockades weapons are mostly BR’s and duel wieldables. Having a battle rifle on this map is flexible, but it is recommended you have an SMG up your sleeve at all times. When testing we (solo, monster, and me) used BR starts to speed up the action. If you do the same stay as a team, because team BRs are effective on this map. Also there is a grav-lift and camouflage on Stockade, which enables attackers to sneak into the base or let you scale their tower.
    Stockade has many forge firsts, but the post was delayed through work. Along with its originality, it was fun working with some friends.

    8 BR 20 2 clips
    4 SMG 60 2 clips
    1 Needler (asym) 180 2 clips
    1 Beam rifle (sym) 180 n/a
    2 Magnum 45 2 clips
    2 Carbine 45 2 clips
    1 Plasma rifle 60 n/a
    1 Spiker 60 2 clips
    1 Sniper rifle (asym) 180 2 clips

    4 plasma grenades 20
    2 frag grenades 30
    1 grav-lift 120
    1 bubble shield 120
    1 camo 180

    1 mongoose 90
    Thanks to my good friend shadow flair 7x7, I have a youtube video of Stockade. Although there is no gameplay in the video, it shows you parts of the map that the screenshots couldn't. Just click the VIDEO header to view.
    These first few screens are of the defenders base, which is in the back part of foundry
    The defenders base has a teleporter inside of it that takes you just outside of the base, mainly used in oneflag.
    Now we are going to work our way from the defenders base to the attackers.
    To start the transition this is the picture is of the "stockade" section, or where the teleporter takes you.
    This is the "Stairwell". Its entrance is right by the camo. Inside there is a grav lift, and a br.
    Were now at the terminal, which is the attackers base. It has a lift inside that takes you up to the asymmetrical sniper. Also if you look through the tunnel, you'll see that there is a fencebox, that is the starting spawn.
    This is the attackers return flag base. made entirely out of bridges it was the most difficult base to do.
    Nearing the screenshot limit I made a GIF of extras.
    Enjoy (Click it for the link)

  2. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Played this a while back, its really good, but me and Tyrant Hacker broke out of it pretty easily.
    I can show you online sometime (GT: LI I III II I)
    I like all the geomerging and interlocking, its a really great aesthetics map. I havent got around to playing a full game on it tho so the gameplay is still a mystery to me.
    Like i said before, i'll play it anytime just invite me.
    And congrats on finishing the map, i've seen it in the works many times.
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I liked the map. It was well made. Unfortunately, to me, gameplay lacked a bit and the spawns were pretty bad, and someone broke out with a mongoose.

    I'm not too sure what you can do to the spawns but I can say that People always spawned directly behind me resulting in a few assassinations as they spawned.

    For the gameplay, I'm not entirely sure what you can do. It might have been just the spawns that pissed me off so the gameplay may actaully be great. Maybe a bit more cover (structures on the ground) would be nice.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Sorry I was never able to help with spawns, with my NAT giving me issues and being busy with school, I just never had time to get to it. Its nice to see the final build of the map, its come a long way from when I first saw it.

    The map looks very visually appealing, and the zip lift is just a wonderful addition to the map. I'll download this and see if I can get a game on it tomorrow. If I have time, I'll see if I can tweak the spawns, no promises though.
  5. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    I like this map alot. It has really nice geomerging (which I cannot do lol) and everything is like perfect. One of the greatest asthetic maps! Gameplay looks pretty awesome too. 5/5 =)
  6. SPOC

    SPOC Ancient
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    I played this a few weeks ago, the zip line works amazingly!
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I played this about 2 weeks ago, and sadly, the spawns were terrible with six people, and i broke out of the map like 3 minutes into the game. Even if you didnt fully break out of the map, you could stand up here on the fence walls (gravlift):
    and easily pick people off with a beamrifle/br combo

    I liked the geometry, and i dont know if these isues have been fixed since I played it, but overall, its a map like no other. (well, nowadays thats hard to say)
  8. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    We actually meant for that to be accessible, we thought it would be good to counter the opposing team trying to come in and spawn kill.

    And besides what everyone is saying about the spawns, when we tested it multiple times over many days and about two weeks, we didn't run into many bad spawns. In any map, when a team is in the other teams base, its near impossible to prevent any bad spawns. However, we didn't run into the same spawn problems all you guys seem to have.

    And i'm pretty sure we worked on the spawns after you played on it Mace.
  9. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    The keyword in this sentence is many. Even if you didn't encounter these spawns, they can still be their, as spawning is for the most part, random and the more spawns you have the less likely the bad ones will be chosen, but they are still there.

    you should still try to eliminate them, it would make the map much better.

    Otherwise, the map looks quite well forged, and has quite a bit of potential. Clean interlocking and geomerging too.

    No rating from me, as I did not download.
  10. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Wow. Interlocking in this map is everywhere making it look amazing. I can't rate on game play yet but from the pictures it appears that more cover is needed. Once I play it it give it a better review.
  11. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    wow, thats all I have to say. Even if itcan be broken I have to commend you on you amazing structures. I love that one lift zipline thing, and although there are some unnecessary geomerges the accuracy is great.

    Is there any chance that you could help me with some angled geomeging?
  12. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Jesus, that is beautiful geo-merging. The maps is forged very good from what I can see, I just wish I had more of a overview to see the basic layout of the map. It seems very fun to play in and there are some really nice features. If I wasn't at the item limit I would download it.
  13. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Sorry for no overview pic, Jeff took them all, and he's a noob.
    And you should delete some, because this is one you will want to keep.
  14. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    THis is a great map I like the asthetics and geomerging! Youve really got interlocking and geomerging down!
  15. DistantStar11

    DistantStar11 Ancient
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    This is a really sweet map. You've figured out how to do geo-merging that is almost impossible. Gunna download and check out more.
  16. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    theres some overviews.
    and mace you mustof not played oneflag. because guarenteed that if you play oneflag br start, 2v2 or 3v3 youll never get spawnkilling, no matter how bad they are.

    and if you downloaded it cheat, you wouldnt add to someones false opinions.
    also you can get out of the map, but maybe in a blue moon in a custom, because when you play there will actually be people trying to kill you.
  17. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    i thought one flag was pretty fun.i thought spawn killing was preettty bad. if you play wityh the right people it'll work fine though. This map was amazingly forged. i think the zipline was awesome. there enough cover, weapons are balanced, overall its a great map.
  18. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    I tried this map with 2v2 and ran into some pretty bad spawns... If one team waas in the attackers base the other team would spawn on top of the attackers base and then we were like wtf! how did they get there. Also in the defenders base where the beam rifle is the enemy team spawed behind us up on that top area where you can spawn at start and assassinated us ='( For that area me and Hydro think we know why. The spawn area there is not all the way to the beam rifle spawn... So if you were just outside of it they would be able to spawn there. That is what we think. I would definetly try and fix the spawns. Oh and also get rid of the grav lift. The geomerging is amazing and the lift is sweetness though!
  19. JEEF

    JEEF Ancient
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    PLAY FLAG!!!!!!!! also the spawn ontop of the attacker base is just like spawning in the attic on the pit. it is safe. it is not bad. you pushed so hard that they spawned in a spot that gives them the high ground advantage.
  20. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    JEEF, I admit. The one flag 2v2 spawns were really good and there was one spawn kill in 3v3 flag, but in any game thats likely to happen once. The problem I have hit as I told you is Team slayer but even more FFA if you play with more than 4 people, the spawn killing gets a bit ridiculous.

    I do love the structures though.

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