Hey guys, I usually am not one known for starting new threads, but I just had to write something about this. I have been working on a new map on Avalanche for quite some time now, and yesterday I finally showed some of it to some ppl. I've been trying to keep quiet about it. Now today, I was looking at my career stats and found that my map I've kept quiet actually says the map name is Secret on B.net! LOL. WTF. Here are some links to my profile and the games I've played on it. LOL THIS IS JOKES! What a mess up. Game History Page Career Page - Look at Recent Games A game example Has anybody else had this happen to their stats?
I've seen this happen to a couple of my friends but not to me. From what I have been told, it is a glitch on the website that rarely happens but sometimes will.
No this has never happened to me, but Its probably just a minor glitch. I don't think it would be a big deal at all.
Castlanche Is Super 1337, and Toxic Spade Is a Super Haxor! Pass It On! Rofl, looks like Master Chief and that Octopus are violating the Tiger! Anyhow... this has never happened to me before and I can't believe that you didn't show me the map! Well I guese I can always wait for it to release... I can't wait! Back to the Secret Map thing again... it sometimes says I'm playing Sandbox when all I'm doing is Forge. I think that things just come out wrong sometimes on Bungie.net, that's all. Castlanche Is Super 1337, and Toxic Spade Is a Super Haxor! Pass It On!
I was just viewing your custom game history, and I think I've realized something. From past experience and now from looking at your game history I've noticed that sandbox always shows up as some sort of gametype rather than map. Could it be that sandbox is actually a new version of forge rather than a map?
Maybe they're cracking down on people who glitch in Forge (e.g. people who interlock, goemerge, use infinite budget glitches i.e. US!). Or maybe it's just a bug on the website. I like the *censored* picture though.
Adults are looking into it. When the database can't determine what map was being played on, it defaults to "Secret."
Some times when i forge, instead of saying 'Forge on Foundry' It says that the playlist (forge) is sandbox. I have had that a cpuple of times, but never secret =)