There are times when I do like it, and time's when I don't. It all depends on the class. My hardest class has my favorite teacher, so that's not too bad. Some of my teachers are just plain drunks who shouldn't be allowed to teach though. School provides an environment to meet people and whores(I don't consider them people). It provides a sheltered form of what a community somewhat runs like. School is a good thing, not sure if I like it.
Yeah that in my mind Sweeny is a cluster fu*k. I am in Geometry M.(A lower Geo because I almost failed algebra) I'm in Tenth grade and I'm 15. Junior Year I will be taking Algebra 2 Senior Year I will be Bridge to Advanced Algebra. So I won't even take Trig. Otherwise school has it's positive sides. And it's Negatives. Hey guess what I have no school due to the fact it is going to be extremely cold tomorrow. yay
I hate school. The only thing good about it is being able to hang out with friends. Luckily it's still summer holidays here but they will end soon. :cry:
Ofcourse I dislike school. Pretty much any kid does. However, school is really important and its just something you have to do.
I would definitly say its not a waste of time because its education that are country needs to make us well a better overall country. I really do not enjoy it but I have friends in like every class so it makes the experience a whole lot better
I don't mind school, going to school, the learning or the homework. I breeze through it all. I just don't like the teachers and the bullshit they get away with doing and saying and put you through, such as favoritisms, harassment etc. That be why I bailed that joint. lol
This education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. - Alexander Pope, Moral Essays, 1735
Right, I was just pointing out that even if Jnewcomb actually was taking 9th grade classes as a 7th grader, he may no know what you have known in 9th grade. However, I now realize that I sort of misunderstood what you were getting at. Also, for all of you judging how smart someone is based on their typing ability on a website where they most likely do not care how well they type, please stop it. Everyone can make a mistake, and I'm sure most everyone doesn't go back and read what they wrote and look back for mistakes when they type 11 word sentences.
I didn't like school. I never minded the work and I always got nice grades, but I couldn't stand the people and getting my ass grabbed all the time. Really, it's something that needs to be done but I wish they could make it more specialized in regards to what people are interested in career-wise.
I kinda like school for friends and things, but other than that I REALLY dislike school, I mean teachers are ok, and wood shop is fun, but other than that it is boring.
I dont dislike school at all. What I dislike is the school system (at least here in Germany). I am at the highest school (Gymnasium) in the class for the more intelligent students (e.g. history in English, stuff like that) and I still know 3/4 of stuff we get taught and everything is repeated so many times that we are learning slowly. Most are 16 years old, and some really say things like: (After teacher says: What do you think why water jumps on a hot plate) Maybe they have to get to know each other. That was not a joke. And this girl has a 1 (A) because she asks stuff like that all the tim (She is participating the lessonz). I dont ask stupid questions, and teachers say I have to say more. About school, we need it. Although I am often frustrated, I still would be some knid of stupid if I did not go to school.
Water jumps onto hot plates? That water is so desperate, it really needs to control itself. I really didn't like seconday school (11-16). You were treat like idiots, you had no responsibility, and most of the teachers were useless. I'm really enjoying college however. Plenty of freedom, plenty of responsibility and options to do what you want to do.
In Ireland, I'm in 6th Class. That's 7th Grade in America. I'm only 12 (13 on the 3rd of February) and have an execellent spelling grammar. For a matter of fact, there's a Spelling B going on in the school. All the 6th Classers (7th Graders) go against each other, I'm representing my class. I'm good at maths, english, and History. I dislike my own native language as it's hard to learn. I'm thinking that you all know why I have learn my own language in school, I'm Irish you see. I should speak Irish but I speak English because England took over Ireland years ago and forced us to speak English. My language is hard to learn. Now, onto school, I do not enjoy school due to: Homework, getting up in the morning, early nights. However, school has some advantages like: Seeing friends and Learning new things. (Duh) School is a pain in the @ss but it'll help you get a good paying job if you stay in school and go to college. My dad said that if I stay in school and my exams (Tests), by the time I'm 17, (4 years from now) he'll get me a car. But I can type fast and spell good on the computer too. Please don't go asking me questions because in Ireland we have'nt learnt the type of maths like what Sweeny posted.
I love school. Unlike 98% of people that go to a public school, I live by NONE of my friends. The closest friend to my house is about an hour drive away. The closest person that's even from my school, lives about a half hour away. So usually after a week or two of break, I want to go back because then I don't have to work or anything. Just learn. Which is ALOT easier, and I get to see my friends. I have friends over to my house like once a month, so my house gets lonely. I guess that's why I enjoy talking on forgehub and xbox live with people.
School isn't horrible, but I don't love it. It is alright. It offers us the ability to interact with friends and other people. It is also not a waste of time. Your in seventh grade. I got straight A's also. Its not that hard to be smart in seventh grade.
The only thing I don't like is homework. I don't want to do anything after school but relax. Oh, one other thing that peeves me is a teacher that assigns a lot of work and doesn't teach the material very well.
Wait, matty's in college at 17? thats hardcore man personally in the whole "is school a waste of time" debate what i have to say is that being in school is really something you need to do People in my district started going away for cyber school, but guess what? they didn't learn anything and now they are going to public school again It's the interaction with others and personal lessons that matter.
School teaches you just as much about having a social life as it does teaching you your core subjects.