Area 23

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by a hobo001, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. a hobo001

    a hobo001 Ancient
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    a hobo001
    Map Name:
    Area 23
    Map Size:
    Player count:
    What gametype(s) does your map support?:
    Custom Gametype
    Hold Out

    Disclaimer- My Goal was to make this pretty close to Realistic as if it were a military testing facillity
    Story:...The year is 2010, the U.S. Government are testing a prototype stealth enhancement drug that was supposed to help our soliders on the front line make them easier to put in the sh** but also to get them out if need be. So the testing was to be done on a abandoned oil rig off the coast of upper alaska. 5 days into testing they felt that it was ready for human testing well they where wrong when word was recieved to eliminate and check for survivors but there were no survivors. A team was sent in with limited Ammo and has to survive long enough to get a sample of what happend and get out they have 8 mins to live.......
    Info- ALL GUNS IN THE WEAPONS CACHE HAVE NO EXTRA CLIPS. You have 60 seconds to make it to your safe base before Night, when the infected get released. The infected have normal jump, and speed but have poor camo so be wary at night. The humans have limited ammo but there is a weapons cache, but heres the catch the infected run through there after spawning.
    Picture walk through
    Human Spawn
    Run this way
    Human base
    Where the Infected go through first when let free
    Then The Infected Run through the Weapon Cache
    Then the infected run this way
    They can choose to go this way Or...
    This way
    Heres an overview b4 night time
    Over view at night time
    Over view of the Human base at night
    All else enjoy and Critique plz
  2. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    This just kinda looks like Blackout with stuff in the way. I like the middle though, very original, and a lot of cover. And no armaries for Infection, or rly anything. But otherwise, good job, 3.6/5.
  3. a hobo001

    a hobo001 Ancient
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    I was shooting for original feel and its bare because i didnt want to go excessive an make it look messy an also i wanted it to be fun an sumtimes the most fun things are simple or plain as you will
  4. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    From the description I understood that humans spawn near the cache, grab as much ammo as they can and then run away. This is missing a central gameplay element because they have gotten their main objective and now have nothing to do but hide. Once they leave they will run out of ammo pretty soon and be screwed. The darkness also makes gameplay frustrating on most maps and I am guessing that on yours it is exceptionnaly difficult to spot the infected. Becasue of the way you set it up there isn't much to do. The zombies end up running the same route over and over again until the humans run out of ammo.

    The map itself is decent and you basically just blocked off some doors, threw in an armory and then set up barriers all over the place as cover.

    I would give the whole thing maybe a 7/10

    Here is what I think that you could do to improve.


    Get rid of the filters please. It may look cool but in the end it just ends up being more of a hinderance. Instead of having the humans spawn at the weapons you should have them spawn in a room with a bunch of low damage weapons like spikers. Then you give them some flares and radar jammers so they are not completely destroyed. With this armament they are weaker than the zombies but can still manage to survive and run away. Sticking in groups will be key. Once you get that concept down you should lay down some objectives for the humans. Make some power weapons in hard to reach areas so that they have to move around. Then you can design multiple bases around the entire map. They shouldn't be very well protected as it could be the humans job to push barriers in front of them and maybe trigger some switches.

    -Here is a way to make a nice defendable base. Where you see a door place a shield door over the entrance. Place a pallet standing up behind it so that you can't shoot it from the other side. Then float a vertical receiver node just behind that pallet to keep it from falling over. If done correctly the zombies will not be able to hit the pallet through the shield door nor will they be able to push it over by running into it. On the other hand humans can destroy it on the inside whenever they want. You could also make it so that the pallet is off to the side at start. Then the humans have to push it into place in order to reinforce the base.


    Now that you have no filters it is acceptable to give the zombies poor cammo. I like the fact that they have normal speed and jump. Maybe you should consider giving them a higher gravity. This will make them go around most structures rather than over them which gives the humans more of a chance to escape. Keep the zombie health normal and simply increase human damage to 150% or less.

    I hope that you take some of these ideas into consideration. They should help alot.
  5. a hobo001

    a hobo001 Ancient
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    Ok after all that here's my response, I have the humans spawning on the opposite side of the map from the armory and the only way for the humans to make it to the armory is the path the infected take so theres more of a risk to go grab the weapons and get out. I put a lot of thought into this the only way possible to make it there is with team work but then thats why i also have the filter on to give the infected some stealth and to even the playing field.

    Next the base:
    The base from the outside may seem tough to break but once broken inside you may use strategy and blow the barriers off the side. because have placed two seperate fusion coils 1 each placed at the bottom at the barriers so all you need is to sacrifice one of your zombie pals to the cause and the rest can run in from multiple entrance points there after. I did like the idea with the pallet but to me that makes it harder on the infectees when you want to keep it even so after reading this give me feed back on my response on what you think from my p.o.v
  6. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    Alright sorry I was a little condused about where the humans spawned. That was a good idea but I still think that if the humans can't get to the weapons room there should be more depots, just not as many. (or do you already have that).

    Now I understand how things were really set up and why. It makes sense and is justified. Im just not a big fan of filters but if they work on your map then keep them. I have used the pallet thing on a couple maps and it works very well. With some determination the zombies can push it out of the way and then smash it but it will at least slow them down. It's up to you if you want to use them. Maybe you could make a panic room for the last man standing. He goes into a room with two entrances and there is one pallet. The last man can then decide which one to block... not sure if that would end well. Anyway your map seems a lot better now. Sorry for the misinterpretation.
  7. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I have to admit, my first impression was "Oh, what, there's some barricades? That's the map?" After reading the description though, it looks pretty well thought out, and fits well with the story you've supplied. However, (And I can't say for sure, not having played on the map) it seems like every game will play out with the humans running to the base and killing zombies for the rest of the 8 minutes. Maybe make one or two more bases, some that can be defended by one person, and some that require multiple people. This will insure the games play out differently every time, and keep the gameplay fun across various party sizes.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Okay, the map type seems a bit linear, and this game'll probably get boring after the first few games. It's just pick up ammo, kill zombies, run out of ammo, die. There's no real objective apart from getting the guns in the first place. A few questions though:

    - What guns do the humans start with?
    - What are the zombies' traits?
  9. a hobo001

    a hobo001 Ancient
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    To Chedder once you become last man standing you get a little more added to how much you can take damage its not much more but you can live still if u get sliced once so to give the last man a little chance and to Epic The humans start with a shotgun(im thinking about changing it) and a magnum the zombies traits are normal health and jump with poor camo
  10. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    Pretty good, I'll have to play it though before I can rate it.
  11. gordofrog

    gordofrog Ancient
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    Wish people like you posted on my map, lol. The map looks alittle dull, but I think its just from the screens you took, Ill dl it and try it later
  12. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    dude this looks awesome,

    i love the story and the fact that this isnt another crappy alpha zombie weak fast zombies game.

    i like the middle bit, but what weapon do the human and zombies start with?
  13. a hobo001

    a hobo001 Ancient
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    -Spaz- thanx humans Start with a Shotty an pistol an infected start with sword
  14. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Its a little weird

    its not really all to great but than again blackouts a hard map to forge nice effort though


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