Actually boyle, You'd be surprised at what effects gameplay and what doesnt. A small jump could cost your life. Especially when the expense was an active camo. We should keep his suggestion in mind but elaborate a little more on his idea.
It does look cool and I agree with Camoflaug that the middle does look very cool. I am alos loving the bridges that have the fence walls: that looks very origonal and it really grabbed my attantion. I hope it turns out good Phreakie and I will be there to test if you need. I'll get my xbox back from repairs in about 2 weeks though
we r hoping to be done be4 2 weeks... so u should catch testing... the design of the map is well on its way and u can see it really starting to take shape... the bridges are the sig of this map and u spl attention wrong lol but i wont correct u b/c im much worse.... the maps design is probally on a 50 50 scale of phreakie 50 and boyle 50 62%ish.... preakie is done and i have just finished the camo wrap around... that is just the building tho... phreakie has to add a wall to his half and we have to put weapons spawns... and do finishing clean up b4 testing can begin... so dont get to far ahead of urselves... and sorry for the "..."... lol jk
ya i no but lets try to keep this about what we can do to make it better what u like n planning on finishing the corner "wedge" and the direction away from the suspension (spl) today and the suspension part tommorow... which will be the end of the sketchup design... thought i would keep u all posted... and yes im sure u will play this with us if u ask n we r testing
Make sure you invite me to the testing sessions Boyle. this really looks amazing... I have notcied that not famous forgers are doing collabs with very famous forgers. I love the aesthetics in this map. it will stay on my HDD. 5/5 needz moar intrlox kthxbai
wat the hell is that supposed to mean u ass nugget... im going to put less interloxzorz now b/c u my freind r an asshole in the famous words of william smith.... and now u cant haz invite... jk i will invite u but plox cut the duchebagery cause u hurt my feelings... jk lawl Edit: to keep u all to speed ima little behind my previous claim... due to unseen homework... but it will be done soon for testing... yo tengo los huevos para el chico al lado comer un hamburguesa... lol im using al lado to mean next to lawl spanish 1... pues neccisito un galleta hola