Hello fellow forgers. I, forgegod117, have been working furiously on my map for the conquest map conetst. I am not ready to start forgeing yet. Not until the weekend anyway. So I figured, why not make a rough layout in sketchup. So I did. I think I might have an amazing idea here. I wanted to share part of the map with the community. So here it is. This is one teams base. Preferably blue. Notice the bump pattern at the close end of the picture. This will repeat for the entire length of the map. Also notice the fence box on top of the base. I needed to add favoriots like this because they have become a religion to conquest makers and it doesn't seem right to not include them. The territories are on top of all the bumps. Another angle. If done correctly this may be a geomerging master piece. Really just the same thing as before in a different angle, so not much to see. I am hoping to get this done in the time frame. Two notes before you comment or whatever. NOTE 1) These boxes are not from fritzerz sketchup and don't have smooth bottoms. The map will however. NOTE 2) Just cause it has fence boxes doesn't mean it won't have other more "Original" Features. ~forgegod117~
Nice layout man, you're right, if you could pull this off then it would definatly be a forging master piece, although I don't really see how it would work for conquest, it certainly looks good for other things, like maybe a slayer or a one flag.
Well this isn't the full map. It will be much longer enclosed and contain lots of dualies. Then it would be more fit for conquest. Thank you for your opinion!
i think you should make the whole thing on the sketchup too, like phreakie does. However that piece looks very nice.
Hey, make the entire thing, I won't steal your ideas..., of course not, I have a better moral than that..." lol don't worry, I have ideas of my own, but I do feel threatened from your sketchup and some words from other forgers doing the competition.
Well I hope that comes out right lol... you got alot of geomerging and interlocking to do.... Message me if you need testing.
It looks alright. Think about its gameplay though. The map seems very and as a matter of fact, too linear. It looks like a straight line conquest map. Try some turns and sharp corners.
You will probably not have enough resources, and I think your design will be flawed when you actually try to forge it. Good luck though.
it appears that you have used about 12 double boxes for that part. i don't think you will be able to fully do this. i suggest using double walls alternated with double boxes along the bump part. other wise you wont be able to make this. good luck. and remember don't only use double boxes and it is possible.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this map! It looks very interesting and original. Explain? I hope to see more pics. If you can pull this off, it'll be epic.
You're not the only one. Besides this looks like it would use up your inventory if you have to build this structure twice and the space inbetween.
I am not using fritzers sketchup pack. I can replace double boxes with other objects to the same effect. I am going to start building more in the sketchup right now.