Do you dislike school?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RiioT, Jan 14, 2009.


Do you like School?

  1. Yes

    24 vote(s)
  2. No

    16 vote(s)
  3. I Don't Know

    3 vote(s)
  1. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    I was wondering which of you Forge Hubbers like school or dislike school.

    I dislike school because i find it a waist of time. I know all of the stuff they attempt to teach us. Im in seventh grade and i have answers to questions that my teachers dont even have. I make the answer document for the class assignments sometimes (no lie). Im very smart and i Frikkin Hate Schhol So whats ur opinion?
  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    idc what you say but school is not a waste of time
    maybe some skills you will never use... like calculus, but you are in 7th grade so i don't think you are doing that

    ummm school is a segway for college which is where you basically determine your career and without college or a promising non-collegic career, you can't really live up to all you want to be
  3. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    You're in seventh grade and you almost have good grammar.

    I wouldn't call my thoughts about school a dislike, school is something that I don't enjoy, but I know I will need it in the future. You say it's a waist of time because you know everything? Well, you're only in seventh grade, that would explain it. High school is tougher because you'll be loaded with homework, but you learn a lot more. Remember, I'm only speaking for myself, someone else might have a different opinion.
  4. RiioT

    RiioT Ancient
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    All of my classes are Advanced that means i have 9th grade classes in seventh grade. Im very smart and at this grade i find it a waist of time but maybe when i grow older i might like school, But for the moment i dislike it.
    #4 RiioT, Jan 14, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Moved to General Chat.

    If it were called something along the lines of "Is school worth while", that would have been acceptable.
  6. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    A lot of people will say school is a waste of time because they don't like school. It helps you out a lot more than you think. For instance, you'd be surprised at how much random math stuff you learn that seems pointless is actually used on a regular basis in many different careers.

    School is extremely beneficial. It gives you a foundation for becoming a skilled citizen. Which, as we learned in my economics class (see?) gets you a high paying career. Some may say money isn't everything, but it definitely makes the world go round. And if you don't have money, your not going to be going anywhere spectacular.

    In short, a lot of it seems like a waste of time but it is more beneficial than you think. Stay in school, go to college. Best advice I can give anyone.

    In case you don't believe me, I did have an ex-friend that dropped out of highschool. She now lives in minnesota working as a JC Penny store clerk to earn money to pay rent. Nice life.
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Good example John, I'm interested in becoming a game designer or an architect, so I'll need the proper education to qualify for the job.
  8. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I do think school is boring, but definitely not just a waste of time. But I'm glad we have school for the social aspect, that's where we get most of our social status and friends.
  9. Furry

    Furry Guest

    Very smart, eh? Is there even a spell-check on your computer?

  10. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Advanced classes my ass. You can't even type with proper grammar. Stop lying and go take some real advanced classes.
  11. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Jnewcomb, your ignorance may some day reach all four corners of the globe.

    You're in 7th grade. Getting A's in seventh grade isn't an accomplishment. I never got anything lower then a 95% in all of middle school and I haven't cured cancer or solved world hunger, now have I?

    [rant at young whipper snapper]

    Also, you don't seem to have that grammar thing down quite yet :)
  12. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    EDIT: Fixed the math problem, left the question from the previous algebraic one, that I found way to simple, since I could do it in 6th grade. Also, don't get on this kid's ass on grammar and spelling. I **** up with spelling all the time, it isn't that big of a deal as long as it's not like this:
    lik wtf dood. i hate school becuz i am smart and now stuff.

    Simplify the following: (^3 means to the third power)
    Also, explain how it is done, so it is easier to believe that you did not look up the answer on the internet.

    If you can answer that, then I will be somewhat impressed... if you answer it that is, without aid. Chances are, however, that you can't, because you are only in 7th grade and never took Trigonometry. So, what does this have to do with anything? Well, you said:
    And while that may be true to an extent, it isn't 100% true. Maybe you know everything in the 7th grade curriculum, but probably not 8th. If you know everything, take a higher class, or honors classes. Just because you know everything in your grade, doesn't mean you know everything that you will be taught in schools (The problem I illustrated above).

    Also, if you never went to school, you would clearly not even know what you know currently, because no one would have educated you. Now, you can argue that you learned/figured out much of what you know by yourself, but if you never went to school, you would never have learned the basic principles that form the base of your knowledge. Furthermore, even with school, people are still dumb asses, and fail to comprehend even elementary level workloads. Just because you're smart, doesn't mean everyone is.

    Now, another view of this are kids who do not try and school, who like to ditch, and sleep during class, etc. They hate school, say "Why the hell am I here? I am bored, and it is a waste of time." I look at this problem logically, and can't help but think that the solution to your boredom is quite simple: Pay attention in class. The fact is, you HAVE to go to school, by federal law (In US that is) until you can legally drop out of school. If you have to be there, why not make the best of it? Either you can be defiant, get in trouble, fail your courses and be forced to retake them, or pay attention, do your work, participate, and actually make your time there worthwhile. That's what I do. Now, people think I am smart, or work all the time to be good in school, but that is because I do what is logical, and spend my time in class at least doing something to pass the time by, and take advantage of the time being "wasted". As soon as I get home, I hardly touch homework unless an essay or something. I do my homework in class, and if I don't finish it, well, I don't do it at home. I just do it in a class I have before the one that it is due in. See, I am making the most of the time I am stuck there, but leave my time at home open to what I deem fit to do with my life. I find it hard to believe that anyone can disagree with this logic.

    In addition, for those who decide to do bad, and then drop out of high school, you are retarded. I find people who drop out, do it because "they are tired of wasting their time in school, and want to have fun." Well, time to wake up to reality. By dropping out, you will not have fun in life. Your chances of working a shitty job, with hardly any pay, day after day, hour after hour, to just make rent, are greatly increased if you choose to never finish your education. If you actually graduated, then you could go to college, and get a degree in a field you want to work in, one that pays more and that you have fun doing. Sure, in the short term, dropping out may be fun, but in the long term you are just extending your hell.

    However, I do feel that a certain level of education is a waste, and that is taking core classes (Math, English, etc.) in college. You've already taken then in high school, why are we forced to retake it? I do understand, that you are able to test out, and that is what I plan on doing, and I also understand that these are "weed out" classes, to separate the poor students who aren't actually going to college for an education, with those who are trying and working hard; but cmon. I will test out, but if I fail to succeed, then I will be genuinely upset. Then again, I am not knowledgeable in this, since I am only a sophomore in high school.

    If you couldn't read all that, to summarize it:

    • Just because you already know what you are taught in your grade level, doesn't mean you know everything that public education will teach you in future grades.
    • Make the most of your time at school. You're there, might as well try and gain something from it.
    • WTH is up with college weed-out courses?
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I really do hate school. Now, when I say school, I mean the parts where you are sitting there taking notes, doing busy work, or taking exams. However, these things don't happen all the time and I am usually allowed to talk to my friends while doing these things, which makes it tolerable. I know it is useful and all, but I just find it extremely boring, mostly because they teach about things I have very little interest in.

    The thing that really makes me say I hate school is homework. I would like my time at home to be just that, my time at home. Now, there are some classes, mainly math classes, that require a consistent stream of homework because there isn't really an easier way to study those subjects other than practice, practice, and more practice. However, I find this is the main reason I find myself dreading the fact of another day at school, because I know that even when I think it's over, it will still last another hour or so in my own home.

    Also, I have grown to dislike school alot more in the past year and a half or so. This is most likely because I moved right before 8th grade, and so I lost many of my lifetime friends that I talked with at school and after school everyday. I also started attending high school this year, which really seemed to only make things harder. There is more homework (which takes much longer than what I was used to) and more teachers that I hate because they don't have much of a chance to form personal relationships with their student.

    Also, my school gets out at 4:00pm, and if that isn't already late enough, it takes 45 minutes for the bus to arrive in my neighborhood and takes me about 10 minutes to get to my house. So, I don't get home until 5:00, and seeing as how I live far away from everyone (about a 20-30 min drive to a friend's house), I pretty much never get to hang out with anyone on weekdays.

    Sweeney, not to disagree with you, but people in other states in school districts learn different parts of a subject at different times. In my school district we haven't started learning trigonometry until this year's Pre-AP geometry class. I'm taking this as a freshman, but technically is considered a 10th grade class. Anyway, I found that friends where I used to live have just started on trigonometry, while I have been tested over it for about 9 weeks now. They are just starting to learn trig right now, but they have also learned things that I haven't in the geometry field.

    I realize I have probably worded that paragraph rather strangely, but the point is that just because you learned something at a certain point in your education does not mean someone else learned it at the same point as you.

    Also, is that equation using the unit circle?
  14. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    In a way yes and no.

    No: Teachers, Work, Getting up early, Bed Times...

    Yes: Hot Girls, Friends, Socialize.
  15. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    This is why you need school

  16. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    13 and almost has good grammar.

    Really, that's a terrible way to show that you don't need school.
  17. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    I hate school cause all the big BuLLIES hurt you cause your such a lame faget and never get girls. LOL
    no but anyways school may seem boring or school may seem fun it is your opinion. sometimes it is your teachers fault for your dislike in school. like my teacher she has a grudge on everybody that get's in trouble , i got in trouble one day for talking in class and now that i got in trouble, she has always blamed me or my friend for everything. like everybody could be talking and shouting in class, and i could be whispering to my friend something and she would get me in trouble, and totally ignore the rest of the class, even though everybody else was shouting.
    P.S - I am also in seventh grade and i can spell way better than you.
  18. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I hate school, but I supposed I need to be educated.
  19. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    considering you made an error in an eleven word sentence, I'd say so.
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You are quite right, I took Honors Trig last semester as a sophomore, but it is actually a Junior/Senior class. I am currently taking pre-cal. However, my point of posting that questions the fact that in 7th grade he cannot possibly know how to answer that question, proving my point that there is more to learn in school than just what your grade level teaches. I understand, many people don't take Trig, but those who actually are ontop of their school lives do, which is again, relevant to my case.

    As for the solution, it is not using the unit circle. Here is the solution and how you arrive at it. It is actually quite simple.


    -First, factor out 2sinΘcosΘ so you get:


    - Due to Pythagorean Identities, cos^2Θ+sin^2Θ=1, therefore:

    2sinΘcosΘ(1) or 2sinΘcosΘ

    - 2sinΘcosΘ can be simplified to sin2Θ because it is a Double Angle Identity. Therefore, the answer is:


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