First map! This is V1.1 I edited one thing so yea. This is made on Foundry and the name of it is Skills or Death cause if you make one mistake you will crash. I made this not as much for speed, but more skills and technique. And time for some pictures, and realize this is my first map! This is the first ramp leading you into the technical course! After the first ramp you will come on to this fast, but be careful you can fall in! IF you lucky enough not to fall in you go on over to the stairs. After the stairs you go through the two open double boxes then... you drop down pretty far, you may flip you may not, I just made the map where the driver had to know what to do. Get as far back as you can and make this leap it is hard sometimes, I fail at it sometimes myself, but you you make it it is nice! Then once you land drive up to the man cannon and let it fly you through the air! Here is where you land and then you go through tunnels that looks like this: Go though the tunnel then a end surprise The end with a DOWNLOAD!!!
Go to Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps and post your map properly. Also for help on geomerging, check out Forging101, at the Homepage. Good Luck.
You should've at least given us a description instead of saying that you can't interlock or geomerge that well. If you need help, on the home page to the left is where forging 101 section is located. That will help you on becoming a better forger. And just to let you know this thread will be locked if you do not put pictures up AND a decent description of your map in 24 hours.
No need to flame, guys. Seriously... its his first map, he's learning. But yeah, 24 hours to fix it up, add a little description and some pictures. Read that thread posted above and you should be fine. Any further 'OMG NOT FH STANDARDS LUL' will be infracted mercilessly.
You should read up on the rules before you post anything: Ok, that's not the actual text, but posting pics is a rule.
im not going to download, but if you want people to test it and helpyou . that would probably get you more opinions on it before you go out and post it on these forums. if i can seee pics i might have better advice
Guys don't down rate his map just cause he don't have pics! You guys don't know what it looks like so please don't lower his rating its not fair! I actually downloaded it and noticed some potential in gameplay and it's not bad! but I suggest to just practice on geo merging and interlocking and make a V2 with new techniques 3.5/5 Keep it up
Ok thank you Also I am taking pictures right now, I found out how to get them, so they will be up shortly!
Yea hes right.But in my point of view the map is really good for a firrst map,Yea mybe start a canvas and practice geomerging and interlocking,but otherwise keep up the forging,Good job.
Okay, thank you guys, i will just upload the pics to Photo bucket I guess then put them back on here. Okay, everyone, I got the pictures up now!!!
Not to say anything mean or nothing but ummm this is really not at all up to forgehub standards. Before you post a map again check out some other posts and look at the page Forging 101 it will help you with forging alot. And hopefully you V2 is better. -JNeWcOmB-
Wow this is an interseting piece of work, im kinda new at this forgehub thing, but this is a really different type of race track than i am usually seeing on xboxlive. I think that this could be a really nice addition to the race track universe over xboxlive, ive seen that alot of people rate map, so i guess i would give this race track a 4/5
Can you say suck-up? Look, just because he's new doesn't mean you have to lead him in the wrong direction. Ok, I understand this like a "hone your mongoose skills track" but these type of race maps get little to no downloads. I suggest to look at some advanced forging guides and if totally necessary, consult someone like a forgehub map tester to help you build. I do appreciate you coming to forgehub though and having the guts to post a map. Love, ZAchary9990
Of course they are...aesthetics have nothing to do with standards. In fact, I actually downloaded this last night and played around a little. Interlocking would have been nice for a smoother riding surface, but I did somewhat enjoy the challenge. I'll admit though: I cheated, if I fell off I'd just delete the mongoose and spawn it back on the track ;D
haha well, yea that will happen sometimes, and I found out how to interlock better, and I promise a better V2!