These introduction threads usually only get a few replies. But you're a girl. So it's a big thing and there are heaps of replies.
lol. My avatar is a wolf, so it's cooler. But I suppose that yours is okay considering the fact that it might actually have a chance of being a relatively realistic picture of you, or maybe TSB. I don't know. Stop asking. Also, your signature is the greatest ever!
To "Mandarotica": You seem to have practiced the whole "my name is blablabla" speech a few times...I know how that goes. It's no fun, but getting past the troubles is nice. Also, you're new & a female, prepare to be enthralled by visitor messages, private messages, & random spam posts pertaining to you in various threads. You're tsb's female at that, so welcome, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Lastly, you're sig is win. You don't cut yourself enough.
Tex says it all, random messages, because no one here as seen a real woman. lol, but, yeah, welcome to FH. Have good timez.
Say what you will... I have a real woman ... lol well a few... I can't control them all. lol... But yeah... what tex said... random msgs just to try to get your attention... ignore them...
Ofcourse I talk to women. I'm a playa yo, but its all good coz I got it like dat. When I say something like: OMGAGIRLONTHEINTERNETOMGDOYOUTHINKSHELIKESMEBECAUSEIGOTAKILLINGSPREE? I am joking.
I'm actually gonna try and make a proper welcome (even though I'm on Page 3): Welcome to FH. Rulez (We're not as strict as gladly) Pic Embeddingz Mapz And I think you're like the third girl? There's Tex, you and someone else and another one. And Frag Man once called himself a girl, but he now denies it. You're going to have a very full PM inbox...
Thanks for that, Mace. Anyway, unless you have vaginas Im not interested- I already have a boyfriend. And if John fell off the earth and so did all the women, you'd still be too young.
This is nice. I see a girl on FH! That's possible?! Surely! Oh wow, a girl! Really, a girl. Girl?! This is exciting! Finally we can have the opinions of more women around! Okay, see ya later!
To the above post: -.- To mandarotica: Why did you finally decide to sign up on forgehub? You should have been here ages ago...Then again, we did need our quarterly woman appearance.