Perhaps a hidden shout out? I was surprised. Bungie must like FH. We are a relatively small community and they interview a Staf and feature us twice.
i was thinking the same thing sweeny lol. well nice to see lots of people from our site getting attention on bungie, and so far, yours has been the most entertaining to read
wayt u noticd that two??/?!1!11!! Just kidding. It's nice to see some recognition for ForgeHub. This definitely brought out the saner side of Insane. Paradox much?
This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS Hehe I loved that, nice one Insane. Not bad, not bad. I am sure that will bring in some more members because of that shoutout piece at the end.
no offense, but wtf did that interview have to do with anything? it was sort of a waste of my time reading it.
Since when does it have to do anything? Its the same as all the other Average Joes, pretty much personal interview about someone in the Halo community. @Nemi: Haha, I've been getting so much of that . I wasn't even sure if I should put in specific shoutouts at all because I know I'd miss people. Whateva.
You're such a ho. Oh well, I wouldn't want a million people sending me friend requests anyways. It would've been funny to show off to my irl friends though. "I know a guy who knows a guy who played with Bungie!"
I know how you feel; If anyone watched American Idol tonight you would know it was in Arizona tonight. Well I went to the auditions when they held them (I did not actually audition but my friend from work did) and I gave out a few shoutouts to the camera. But it did not show on the tele. Sadfaic.
Congrats Insane... Hi Five bro! lol... shoulda stuck around eh? Meh coulda been a contender, but now I get to watch all my ol' buds get the recognition they deserve. Gratz again...
it was just an interview. No need to come down on Insane for it not leading to any big announcement. Insane is a good guy and urk decided to interview him. dont be jealous.
Thanks for the shout! And I agree, n33dZ maoR BAtmAN Quoteesz. Like," Shanon has no jurisdiction...." or "If Yomvtraps isn't banned in an hour, Im blowing up off-topic." You, know stuff of that nature. You see, the Shanon has no jurisdiction He'll find the noobs and make them SQUEEL I know a squeeler when I see them and.... Do you want to know how I got these lols? he sticks the energy sword in my Mark V and, lolling, he says WHY...SO....CEREAL?! You see, these...infractions, these warnings...their a bad lol... <---- Insane did all that xD