Modern Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shihuru, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    Hey is it okay if I take this "class choosing" idea and try to make a map out of it myself? I want to try a cleaner version where there is no possiblew ay of cheating

    OH ****, you know the map with the giant S-shaped arena over a death pit? WHAT IF you nvm.

    EDIT : Okay I got it.

    combine chasm with the ability to choose classes. B) thatd be sick.
  2. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Go ahead, i wasn't the one who made up the idea. I think the idea of class selecting was created before the first DLC's. There isn't anyway of cheating on this map. Except for the deployable shield, which is no point because thats in the supports hole, and the most important thing in the supports hole is the custom power up. If you take that you get 150% gravity. The only thing youu can get is the shotty...
  3. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Wow, i checked your signature in the blitz ball thread and saw this! I really like the call of duty franchise. This seems really cool! I never really got to see any maps that utilizes class selecting. I think that changes the Halo gameplay totally! If i was to play this map, i'd think i was playing call of duty, lol

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    a guide to understand Nukezilla $=f #=u %=c ^=k &=i *=n 1=i 7=t @=a 5=s

    its a good idea in fact i usally make class based game (such as kingdom hearts link below for suggestions) but the way you made it has several flaws.
    first no roof someone can easily grenade jump or depoyalbe cover jump , doulbe jump with person,etc to another class to get their stuff like overshield and so on.
    second the rooms are placed next to each other. this means players in one room would be able to take a weapon out of another through the wall if the weapon is leang or on the wall. i would suggest spaceing rooms or putting 2 walls instead of 1
    Third and most important rule
    make your classes even
    people not doing so ruin the game and makes it pointless. in your gam the support and demo are the best. sure guys are like "but D00d i iz lke an awsome snip3r and liike shud totaly get reconz!11" your assain class is made bad it gives them swords and camo which are nublets favorite toys
    your support makes the guy have a higher def and atk and turret wich is not thought out well your demo sits in the back and blows guyz up with is rockets and all the whille the assualt guy is like why the f#ck did i pick this mother $#%^&* sh17y @55 class

    overall the map looks okay and the classes need work but i think you could get it right by the v3 or v4

    and i will be pissed if i get a damn notification for flaming or any of that type of sh17
  5. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I can put a roof over the class' holes, if i did, how would players get in? You can't take weapons that are on the other side of the wall. Trust me, i've played the map plenty times to know. Each class is balanced believe it or not. You think just cause they have rockets and overshields they can kill anyone, wrong. It's not even difficult to kill a support or a demo. Assaults can easily take out anyone in the battlefield as any other class. A power drain and BR combo can take down both supports and demos and reveil and kill assassins. You have to actually play the game to understand what I mean, you can't really tell just by looking at pictures unless you have really played the map. Because the demo class actually has a roof/covering thing over its hole, but you don't see it the picture because i didn't put a picture of it up. Basically what im telling you is that you can't just go off based off judgement. If you just play the game, almost everything you said will be the opposite. Get a good game going with about 5 or 7 friends and trust me, you will understand that each class is balanced...

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    okay then fix your post about the classes their are many ways to create class room an example is my kindom hearts map. at the begining you just walk into one of three rooms there is the shield door and grav-lift trick however i have made 2 layers in order to stop others from destroying them be creative and the world does not end with you-( for the 3 people that got that joke your welcome)
  7. yahtzee414

    yahtzee414 Ancient
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    Could I see some screenshots of the actual map? I mean, your Call of Duty style class-based shoot-em-up is refreshing and new, but FORGEHUB is focused on maps, not game types and technicalities.
  8. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Dude, you don't make sense. Forgehub isn't about gametypes and technicalities? Forgehub isn't just about maps. Some of the best and unique gametype ideas started here in Forgehub. Also, check out the best of forge section. FH has a category for Best Technicals for a map! For instance, switches. So you can't say Forgehub is focuses on entirely on maps alone.

    Yeah thats what i was going for. The first class-based map I made was kind of bland, basically it didn't have anything in it. So months after that disaster of map, I came out with Modern Warfare!
  9. wormy104

    wormy104 Ancient
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    i love the map its very fun but my only problem is that people like to camp in the opponents baseas an assason with camo

    Other wise great map it flows nicly and its pretty fair besides the camping
  10. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    The whole concept of classes is a cool idea, but you might want to put more effort into the map itself. It looks like the whole map is a big, empty space which could be fun but then get's boring after a while. You should try putting towers or outposts to control so either team can gain ground.
  11. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    I don't know, the map looks pretty well done, building the class pits seems like they took up some resources though. Did you use a budget-glitch?

    Me and my friends use this map in our lan party, it was really fun! You was right Shihuru. One of my friends had one of those instant spawn slayer types. We just copied the settings from your Team Deathmatch gametype and used it with the modded gametype. It made the game really seem like CoD.
  12. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    Overall it looks like a nice fun game. I esspecialy like the "class" system.

    Im a little shaky about the map. It's "modern warfare" which i assume means a war in a modern urban city. I would suggest making it sort of like a city. The street in the center could be empty with vehicles on it. Then then two sides of the map could be building with diffrent floors, windows and other things.

    Overall looks nice.
  13. phillipinoJ

    phillipinoJ Ancient
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    This is a very fun map. I downloaded it and played it with my friends. There's a nice amount of cover and the class option is very original. Since I play CoD, the weapons and equipment fit well into each class. The only problem is that the invisiblility for assassin is to powerful. All the assassins have to do is grab the cloak and energy sword and start pwning. Perhaps dulling down the invisibility in your gametypes. Other than that this map is phenomonal and is worthy of a feature.
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Thx for your feedback. I tried telling everyone how the map isn't what they think. It isn't an empty room, its a battlefield with cover placed stratigically around the the battle area. The class I also made sure was balanced as well. For the assassin, they are only class where you can consider the "Most Powerful", but that is only after 30 secs of obtaining the camo.

    Well, I won't agree with you 100%. Just cause its called "Modern Warfare" doesn't mean it has to be centered around a city. It could be in a desert with bunkers everywhere, or a warhouse like foundry. =P
  15. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Very interesting. Dl'ed and fooled around w/, but haven't had the chance to play a full match yet. Very interesting, and well put together, but where exactly is the Fuel Rod? It's not in the demo spot where you said it would be...
  16. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    Welll made!

    I like the class idea you came up with. It really adds to gameplay. Though I must say the Demo Trooper lookes a little "overpowered". I mean overshields with rockets= sad face...

    I will download and be back with a rating
  17. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i played a game and i have one thing to say (lol rhyme) you camo you win, that's about it I played a 3 V 3 game and i don't if i am missing something our what but the best strategie seemed to get both warthogs and everyone, place it around the ONE!!!!!! entrance then camp, it dosen.t matter if they got a splazer sniper our rocket, your only chance is the camo witch is, btw way overpowered so yeah, and the flow of this map was horendus. I just ran to the middle and camped the shield doors. Yeah not much variety even with the different classes, I like the cover however, very nicely placed.
    2 campers out of 5
  18. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Thx, the fuel rod is in there though, trust me. You probably missed it.
    Thx alot! The Demo troopers may look over powering but they're not. Just cause they have overshields doesn't mean they're always going to win. Thats why the Assault class is my favorite. They can easily take out the other 3 classes with the proper equipment. They may look like nothing, but an Assault with the right equipment can easily win the battle. Don't underestimate it...
    Well, this is your opinion and I'll respect that. I'd just like to say that the warthog strategy is a bust because every 45 seconds or so, fusion coils, or Artillery, will drop and knock the warthogs out. Rockets can easily knock the warthog on it's side as well. Camo-powerup is only good for 30 seconds, after those 30 seconds are up, you're just another soldier with a gun. I can't tell you how easy it is to take out an assassin with the assault. You could use the power drain to kill anyone, any class! I also believe there is a lot of variety between the classes. I mean no class has the same weapons, not even the same grendades or equipment.
  19. JTB123

    JTB123 Ancient
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    Wow, I want to play this map! I really like the idea of class based fighting, must make for some really good confrontations.

    Awesome screenshots too.
  20. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Oh, and I'm not sure if this is intended, but if you take the warthog, and smash one of the barriers against the truck, your front end will go up a little, allowing you entrance to the center field.

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