Type: Infection Players:3-10 Canvas: Foundry Makers: Dr3adNAUGHT39( X1 caboose 1X ) Mea xoverkillx Description: I dont know if we are the first people that have made a gametype like this but we have made a gametype similar to the popular arcade game wack the mole the purpose for the humans is to get in the mongooses and run away from the zombie as he tries to wack you on the head with his hammer i do not recommend more than 12 players or it will be clustered Map Download: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Download Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Extra info: this map has been perfectly interlocked and merged and has been fully tested so theres no way to escape Pics:
this sort of game was already posted: whack a spartan is there any way for the zombie to get to the humans if they just camp at their spawn? 4.8/5 for forging (a few bumps) 2/5 for originality. also, give a bit of a better description of the map and gametype/scoring Edit: it doesn't seem like there is very much room for the moles to move about.. not as much area..
Wow this is so much better than the other `Whack a Mole` thing. The only thing I can see that would go wrong is when you start you could just stay in there. You should make mancannon spawns or fusion coils or just something to prevent that.
wow this version of whack a mole looks alot bigger and funner, the first one i played was tiny and bumpy, this looks very large and clean. nice job.
sweet! i love whack-a-spartan! this map looks great- ive played one other- but i think ill enjoy yours more. it is much bigger- complex and all out funner looking than the others. so great job! few things though: 1 looks like the zombie can just wait at the point where the moles exit their spawn- you should try to make pathways that the zombie cannot enter in the beginning. 2 you dressed up the map a little too much with powerups- i think you should delete them, or atleast make purple ones or ones that are fused in boxes. 3 this thread- its annoying to see "Do fish get thirsty? take the dumb test" im just twitching now thinking of that!
I forged around in this map for a while and i felt as if the hallways were a bit cramped but everything was perfectly interlocked.. it was almost too interlocked. 5/5 forging 3/5 gametype
can you at least say what you are going to DO with the feedback instead of just thanking people out of the blue to bump your map?