I'll first off say thanks to those who stayed from the start to the very end (you know you who you are) and I'm uber sorry to rusty eagle for not saving the game of his epic get away on Forgotten Crypt. Anyways, I had a blast for in my TGIF. We played mostly competitive maps ranging from Regicide, to Teamwerks. We started off with MLG asymmetrical maps and then moved on to map made for flag games. We had taken a turn and played maps made for slayer and assualt, and then went on and did conquest. We had a nice group photo and went on with the night. Moving into more of a mix of games. Such as multi-team-slayer, 1-bomb, and Flag Quest. After which we played Teamwerks, Battle Snipers, and Loyal Snipers. With the night nearing its end we mixed it up a bit and opened the party a tad. We had massive chaos xX5w33ny70ddXx's map Ambrosia by playing Chaos King. If you don't know the map, it's actually only really suitable for a 1v1 or 4 person FFA. So having 14 people on it with a KotH game (where kills count) was in fact very fun. We moved on to play Forgotten Crypt and Cat 'n' Mouse. By the end of it all I was rather tired. Oddly enough, I got randomly kicked from my own party when I was going to leave anyways, so it kind of worked out for me. I had a hell of a TGIF and I can't wait for the next one. Hope to see you all there. Now on to the recap screenshots! Triple Kill! Stick-to-Win He didn't stand a chance... Ka-blam! I r ninja guy. kthxbai. lulwut? I'm in ur base, sticking ur dudes. Ohai Agamer! ...So there I was, hiding under their base when... ...I decided to sneak out the back way... ...and they just notice me right when I go to score... This guy can't out ninja my ninja skillz... I heard u liek fuel rod gunz nou u wudnt liek meh wen imma angryfaic! rusty eagle pwnin' wit da carbine I killed rusty eagle and stole his shotgun --then started t-baggin' him. Ohai Tz! Running Chron and I had a flawless plan... We were in their base, killing their dudes. It's a trap! Oh look, it's Chasm. Red Spartan, Blue Spartan, YELLOW Spartan! I can has pl0x? rusty eagle and myself during the group photo The group as a whole Multi-team madness! and more! There's just too much going on in here... I thought it looked pretty. We were both waiting for each other. I had his back. Afraid? You should be. Werking together on Teamwerks. BR-pro Mowdown! Sniper-pro Hanging around in the upside down room on. Shooting up the wall at the guy walking on it... wait what? Well, that's all folks, hope you enjoyed it. I know I did. Again, sorry I didn't get all the pics. I wanted to. I thought 40 was enough.
jeez, i clicked on this, and my computer almost froze! i wish i could join you guys, im always busy fridays... but still, great, funny, epic, and amazing shots Vorpal!
Thanks... and sorry about that. I just had so much to recap on. xD (40 screenshots all together, and I could of had more)
lol this thread makes me sad that I hosted one. Looks like you had hella lot of fun. And it is the first time I missed your TGIF since I started coming to TGIF
Yea Vorpals party was fun. The only non-fun thing that happened was Pville would go AFC every so often and do the slow walk.
You forgot the 56Kb warning. Not too many people, looked like you guys had fun, but I prefer more mini games than competitive. I bet I would have had fun either way.
Hey, you didn't take a picture of my epic moving no scope! Battle Snipes was amazing, as was the rest of the time.
Very nice recap Vorpal, I like your captions. I'm sadfaic I couldn't make it to this TGIF but my friend borrowed my disc so I had to sit it out. It looked like a great time though.
Nice Vorpal, I like it how it turned out. Don't worry about the epic getaway. It will pass into lore and I will become legend as the one who got away.
That's ok DeathToll. There's good reasons why you missed my party. lul, AFC. 56Kb warning? lul wut? Yeah, so do I for the most part. But I wanted to spice things up. Sorry 'bout that. It's k. Maybe next time though. We played on more than one map... Fair enough.
Shut your filthy mouth! I wouldn't have run out there, and I'm defiantly not the one getting shot by a Plasma Rifle...