Bungie has told us how Orbital is made up of two overlapping levels and have posted screenshots which show this as well as some with a nice image of the whole map! Seeing as we're not going to see any info on Sandbox for a while and we already have a map and videos of Assembly, lets look at Orbital a bit more. I'd like to take the screenshots Bungie has posted and work out where on the map they are, buidling up a better view of the whole map. I have already remade part of the map seen on the monitors in the screenshots. I'll give you a walkthrough of what I have worked out so far. Remember, lines may not necesserily mean walls, they my also indicate different sections of the floor. Seeing as the map above was made using this screenshot, we'll start there. You can see it is a large room with a corridor leading in to it, also, look to the left of the screenshot - there is a paltform there. The platform is the same as the one in this screenshot. You can see in the corners of the 2 screenshots that there is a ramp between the 2 sections of the floor. The 2nd screenshot as has a curved wall. On the map above, we need to find a large area, made up of 2 large rooms, one with a curved wall. It can be found on the left of the map, the first screenshot is in the bottom left corner, looking up the corridor to the right. The 2nd screenshot is taken in the top left corner, looking towards another room. The ramp between them is the small rectangle in the middle. Another 2 screenshots which link together seem to make up part of the 'blue base'. The first is the corridor, you can see the main entrance in to the room, as well as a red corridor to the right which will take you up on to the gangway of the same room. That screenshot also shows us behind the camera of the corridor screenshot - the escalator. The escalator looks like it leads to a corrdidor similar to the one we've already seen, but with a red colour scheme. The two players in the red corridor are heading towards the escalator. You can see the rest of that red decor and the vines on the wall. Now look a in to the next room, look at the bit by the Recon's leg. Its the return of that spiral staircase from the 2nd screenshot! Lets look through the doorway in that room - more red decor and look a little closer, you can see the top of the escalator rail! Lets put this on to the map, the second room from the top left is the one with the Recon player. That screenshot was taken from the escalator and you can see the corridor does deviate slightly next to the purple CQB, this can be seen as the narrow corridor on the map. The escalator is therefore the larger box above it and 'Blue Base' is the large L-shaped room in the top right. From what I've gone through so far, we can see that this level of the map, is infact at many different levels. The Blue Base is the lowest section with the large area with the spiral staircase atleast one of Foundry's boxes higher. Returning to the corridor I mentioned in the very first screenshot. So far, each section has been fairly unique. Those Red and Blue corridors look similar but they are right next to each other and I suppose that its just for a bit of continuity within the map. So the corridor seen in the first screenshot, it has many dangling wires, monitors hanging from the cieling. It looks a bit of a mess. A good thing is, this makes it very easy to indentify in the sceenshots, and it appears in quite a few. To recognise which direction the camera is facing, its easiest to look at the triangular pillars with neon lights on. They only appear on one side of the corridor. In the Assault screenshot, the players can be seen running away from the spiral stair case room, as well as the 'Blue Base'. In another gameplay screenshot, we see the ghost heading in the same direction (in such an enclosed space, getting in the ghost must make you pretty vulnerable, but with all the long corridors we've seen so far, it must be pretty good to get a load of splatters)! And lastly, the Loading Zone also has the neon-blue corridor and, as you can see to the right, the Sniper Spawn as well as a corridor not marking on the map, I assume this is on level 2, but the map in the screenshot is so small its nearly impossable to see how exactly the 2 levels line up, or even how you get from one to another! I am not sure where the Loading Zone is on the map, it might be the room with the 3 bold walls (the black boxes) or it might be the part just to the left of it (which would make the sniper spawn ramp that box under the L-shaped room). --- So that's all I can work out at the moment, or at least they're the only parts I am nearly completely certain about. This leaves us with Wish I Could Quit You and mongoose slayer. These two, I would say are most probably on the upper level and in mongoose slayer, we can see an example of one of the closed doors. --- What are those bold sections? For now, I thinking that they indicate windows or doors. Some of them usable. The ones on the edges may be windows or doors which are permantly closed. The ones between sections I think are the operatable ones, for example the top one of the 3 in the bottom right corner. It looks like you can open it to get through to the next room and then the Blue Base. --- There may be mistakes where I've mentioned two places occupying the same space, sorry about that. This is just what I think the map will be like, what do you think, where would you put the screenshots?
Great compilation. It seems that you chose all logical areas. I won't be surprised if you were very close to the final product. How long did this all take?
Wow, dude, very nice! Looks neet, accurate, usefull. I concider this a make-up for bungie's lake of a good overview. You should show this to the guy who made a prediction map of orbital. To everyone who thinks this is a pile of ****, this overview matches the overview on the moniter in the first picture!
Nice find. How long did this take? I origanlly thought that it was going to be like Elogation but looks not.
So did I! Honestly, I actually expected that level in the map to be more or less flat, then the escalator would take you to the 2nd level with the red an blue corridors. At first I saw the original screenshot had the Blue service corridor which has features which show up in a number of the other screenshots. That's when I decided to try and fit them in to the map. I'm sure Bungie must have taken the screenshots so we could do this, some of them have just a tiny preview of the next room. I'm sure all those screenshots were carefully planned! As for the map I did, that is more or less a trace of the map I resized a little while ago (I posted it in another thread). It was taken from the first screenshot Bungie released
This looks really good, nice logical thought into the image of the playspace. Now I'm just hoping it doesn't remind/play like an overlapped and wrapped "Longest"
Wow, I will **** bricks if your not right. You seem to have analyzed this in depth. Where are assembly video plox?