Mess. Of. Shield. Doors. I don't like your use of shield doors here. They give players with low shields a easy place to hide and the attacker can't even toss a nade their way. They seriously inhibit gameplay. The entire map feels cramped and claustrophobic. Apparently people haven't learned anything from the 2v2 Tourney maps. They were small and comfortable for 2v2 yet they didn't consist of tight hallways and short lines of sights. I highly recommend you check some of those out. Oh, and grav lifts? Aren't those just sorry excuses for people who didn't plan enough room to have a ramp or staircase? I will, however, commend you on weapon choice. Too many of these tight maps are killed by a rocket launcher or shotgun sitting in the middle. "Once me and my friends started a game on this Covenant training facility, it was quickly abandoned." 2.10 out of 5 noob-protecting shield doors. P.S. Sorry the review was a little late
I'm glad you like the weapon choice. As for the 2 vs 2 Face Off, I actually started version one in August but was held up for a long time... The gravity lift part didn't make since to me, because if you don't like them there are other ways up to the top level. The shield doors, I had just the other day considered geo-merging them so you could shoot through the top half, but not the bottom half. Like I said, I'll be making a version 3 of this, and I'll probably make it go the other way across Foundry so there's more breathing room, and some new geometry.