Its out!? I'm going to have to get my friend to buy it for his PS3. I thought it looked amazing, and that paint gun looked really cool. Media Molecule is smart.
Cool, and thank you kindly. It's very short, though. Basically it's the result of me learning the system. I'll give you a hint... both of the red balls serve a purpose, as do both the cardboard boxes on the wooden frame. I have a better one in the works right now. Oh yes about the MGS pack. Let me just say that if this is the caliber that all their DLC is going to be, the game is going to get much better over time. I love the paintanator, lol.
Indeed ... IMO it was well worth the £5 i paid. For that you get: - 5 full Story levels plus a bonus level. - New Stickers. - New Level Editor tools. - New Costumes. - New Sounds (for the editor) - New Materials (for the editor) - New Machines/Objects (for the editor) Outstanding stuff ... hope they bring out some more Licensed content in that kind of vein ... it was brilliantly done.
I can't believe I did'nt notice this before. I have LBP and a PS3 my ID: DeathToll77 I would like to build/play levels with peeps.
Little Big Planet is a PS3 win if there ever was one! The story line was unique, and the levels were all vibrant and fully detailed. If I'm not mistaken, every level in the Single Player mode, can be "remade" with the level editor! Anyway, I haven't made any maps yet, probably because the editor is so complex.
lol, I have to apologize for that. I couldn't help it. I fell for it too. I'll try to make it up to you.... if you're looking for a good forum for the game, the best one I've found (the exact same place I got that Rick Roll) is edit: is also good