Awsome, perfect geomerging, and interlocking. This looks very original, and i like the tunnels and water looking things. I'm going to DL and tell ya how da gameplay is, fro the looks i givezz : 10/10, for now.
I think the bottom seems kinda open not much cover , other than that 5/5 geo and merging is outstanding im downloading
My Xbox had to break now. Laaame. Well, at least I can queue it. Be back when I get the Xbox fixed. (Goddammit.)
Oh, no, it works pretty well for slayer. I set up Lines-of-Sight respawn areas and whatnot as best I could. The only problem is that high-ground control is a bit to easy to pull off, so it's difficult to oust the high-team once they're up there. If you're into some slayer games with some epic swings from one team to the other, then go for it.
I hate to be the oddball out here, but i must come clean and tell you that i didnt enjoy this map much. It is wonderfully crafted, and everything looks very nice. I like the layout style and how innovative you were with everything, but i found the gameplay to be moderately frustrating. I was always on the verge of quitting when playing as the attacking team because it was just not fun in the slightest. Playing on the defensive end was a bit more my pace, but it soon got repetative and old to me. I think the weapons are done well, but the active camo was done kind of bad to me. Anytime i saw anyone go for it, they suffered the same fate as myself... a shitload of crossfire while helplessly trying to squeeze in to get it. Overall, this isnt my favorite attempt from you. Excellent forging though.
Aah, well you should try 1-Flag with the new flag-spawn. I found that it really made the game play a LOT better. Less repetitive and more actioney. You'll still hate bomb, though. That's the same as when you played it. And have you TRIED Mongoose-snipers?!?!
I love your forging. The bomb plant room, the pool and the tunnel some of the many unique and superb features this map has. It's good that you have approached the use of vehicles on your maps. I will see how it all turns out once I hopefully get a game on it. The thought to game play is very wise. Some tactical jumps and all those ramps and pathways all sum-up to great game pay. Nice job.
You need to let me know when you post your maps Cosmic! I had a lot of fun testing this map out, and one flag and one bomb were certainly my favorite. You really create a relic-like set up in this map, which makes foundry feel much larger than it really is. The bomb plant point has always been my favorite part of this map, hands down. The geometry is so unique and clean it would be hard not to admire. This better not be your last map Cosmic, or I shall come after you and force you to forge. I don't know how well a forced forge creation would turn out, but its better than nothing! (I think).
Following up on my earlier post let me rate this. I would give this map a feature if I was able to and if you could make it so that the tunnels's structures were hidden from sight. You just need to work on how it looks a little and try to make it seem more like an actual base instead of a playground. Also the trip mines underneath the fence walls are a bit hard to reach and in a real game they are impractical if you can't be on the run and pick it up at the same time. I would suggest moving them or getting rid of them. Also get rid of the grav hammer, because if people start playing this they will want to go after that all of the time. Try replacing it with a shotgun and try it out then. Score: 8.59/10 Rated and Review by Vanyel37
You'll be the first to know, Draw. Spoiler: new map post tomorrow, hopefully. Thanks for spending the time reviewing this, man. Glad you liked it overall. I agree about the tunnels, but unfortunately there just aren't enough (or properly shaped) pieces in forge for me to mask it as well as I would have liked. Weapon and spawn placement took priority over aesthetic additions to the base exterior. As for the trip mines, they're meant to be a little out of the way, since they can be SO useful in specific scenarios. If they were easier to get, I'd have to take them out altogether. And then the hammer was really a personal choice because I had previously never used one in a map to any respectful degree. I never found it to be unbalanced, though, and I love where it spawns. Feel free to replace anything on the map with anything else in your own personal version, though, as always.
Geez Rick, it'll be ready tomorrow? (Hehe, I know what "it" is) Look at your sig. When you make maps of this high quality, you really shouldn't be crapping them out daily... lol.
Testing this was an absoulute blast. Im glad you fixed that break that Insane found( even though what ensued afterwards was funnier than hell). 1 flag/bomb on here is, as far as im concerned, is the creme of the crop on Forgehub right now. A feature, in my opinion, is in need. That'll be 4 now, right? P.S: The person failing to defend the flag in the tunnel may or may not be my old character... Cheers! Desert Rat 852
Thank you kindly, sir. And yes, I am forever indebted for Insane for exploiting (or trying to) that jump. OK, so it took me 2 days and 7 minutes, but it's up now. Lol. And I think I'm allowed to work on a big map and a small map at the same time...
lol well then silence, you must not be aware that the camo can be reached much easier by jumping by the plasmas, and melee towards it.... although i think that it should be replaced with an oversheild, il will try it on my own. personal manipulation allowance and all... =)
I strongly disagree with your choice of putting diagonal fences at the camo. It makes it incredibly difficult and borderline useless to get the camo in the middle of or even several seconds before a battle. My only other problem with the map is that it might actually be too vertical.