Okay, well, the title says it. This is very easy, and its not the best thing ever, so yeah. Here we go... 1). Okay, Look at where my curser dot is, thats where you start(Where the warthog goes). 2). Okay, place a warthog there 3). Keep moving it until you see a small glare, it may even be purple or a light green. 4). When you get it right, then let it go, but, if you want, you can move it just a little to make it more blue. Finished Product : Spoiler Sorry, its the quality of the pic, thats why its not tooo blue... IMPORTANT : If it dosen't work, let go of the warthog right there. Then start a new round and go back, then try again. If it dosen't work then, then your screwed up. lol Have a good time, I guess?!?!?!?! BTW, you can use tank too
wiw. i thought it would be something more epic, like a gravhammer through a deployable cover, and a regen or something, but it's just a lighting glitch. it can't even be recreated over in other maps.it's still extremely lucky that you found that spot, but it just lost some "epicness" from me. Still, some great pics can be achieved from this...
I had a feeling it would be something like this, but I was hoping it was a permanent glitch you could use in any game mode.
yes cuz the sun is blue. anyways i wouldhave never guessed. nice to know that i can have a colored warthog in a screenshot
This works on a number of maps. There is a place on foundry were things turn purple(sometimes blue...), and a spot were they turn super bright white, I don't know the spot however. On avalanche you can turn things full blue in the lift area. Other levels have them but I can't remember all the spots.
You can even turn things shadowy black in the middle of Foundry. It happened accidently on my map Scyphozoan (the fan like bridges in the middle). Spoiler But you can only see every now in then in forge. I've tried to make it again but I can't figuire out...
At the very top of Foundry things get colored slightly green, Swords actually turn almost completely green.
Chicks love when I show up at the base in my colored warthog OP: Good tutorial and nice, interesting effect.
I remember you posting these pics originally. Thanks for telling us how to make them. I'll try it soon.
Actually its probably a combo between the light on the monitor and the sun bouncing off of the ground. Good find tho.
i did this once witha tank it turned solid green and I couldnt do it again i got a pic though if you wanna see