Skate 2 Demo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Linubidix, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    It would have been amusing to watch. Right?

    I'm loving the implementation of hippie jumps, boneless, well all the new tricks. The walking system is the only detraction, for me. Nothing will keep me from buying this.
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate this game. The first Skate was so much better, I played that game to get away from the Tony Hawk feel. This game is called SKATE not WALK. And the moving objects seems cool, but maybe if you could only move objects that a normal human being would be able to move. Not dumpsters and half-pipes. Plus the coloring looks a lot like Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. I hate how they moved the camera back a little to, I loved how the camera was focused on the board instead of the character on the first.

    Game rating 1/10 just because it's not a side scroller.
  3. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Hey, when you go to player party and with 2 people, me and my friend went to the meat thing (Where u hav to kill urseld lol). And when he landed he moved the left analog and the was acting like a kid. Moving in a circle on the ground and got 50.000 points. I would put it on video, but o well. BTW, i called it the mama's boy glitch, i might be the first one to find it...
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I felt a little like that at the very start. But I got used it it and I love it.
    How often do you actually NEED to walk, just to move a few peices of scenery which takes like 10 seconds. I moved a rail so I could do a hippe jump up and over it, and it looked sweet. You know you can adjust the camera settings by pressing back.
  5. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I played through Career and played 3 games of multiplayer to give it a shot. I just can't accept this after seeing the first Skate. Linu I'm going to post a chart and you're going to read it. Okay?!
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Yeah, sure I'll read it.

    I totally see where you're coming from, I did pretty much feel that way when I first played it but it grew on me and I love it to bits.
  7. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Skateboard Based--------Story Based------------------Story Based
    Vague Story--------------Vivid Story-------------------Vivid Story
    Realistic Physics---------Unrealistic Physics------------Unrealistic Physics
    Vague Player Creator-----Detailed Player creator-------Detailed Player creator
    Takes Skill---------------Button Mashing---------------Takes Skill
    Awesome Graphics--------Decent Graphics--------------Decent Graphics

    Green is what I see to be good in the game.
    Question me on anything you want.
  8. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Do you actually have skate 2, otherwise this doesn't make sense. Also, Skate 2 is the same set up as Skate 1's story line. Its not like its more detailed, it seems similar, but that's all i could tell from the demo. Also, the physics are just a real, i used to skate, and all of the tre flips and kickflips look real. Also, i think the graphics improved.

    Lol, i love how you say that this one is story bases, and the last one was skateboard based. and if your saying that because of the whole walking thing, you obviously have never skated, or played skate 1 for a long time. It was a pain finding a way up those tall stairs, now, you can.
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I don't mean to offend bu I don't really see the point in trying to sway you, you seem to have embedded into your brain that Skate 2 is fail because of a couple sketchy features.

    I don't see there being un realistic physics in either Skate or skate 2. **** yeah to Tony Hawk, how you can build momentum instantly and get top speed within a second or two. Graphics, I couldn't really care less about but they're up to par of Skate 1. There just isn't a buttload of contrast anymore.
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I love you.

    I said Skateboard based because of the fact every single mission had to do with skating, not moving dumpsters around and meeting up with people just to talk. Skate's story was very vague and didn't have much story other then getting on magazine covers, downhill racing, and S.K.A.T.E.

    As for physics, I don't know anyone in the world who can move a dumpster around. I wasn't talking about the tricks. And just for the record I did skate, the best thing I could do was a kickflip because I was a filmer. I liked how you needed to find a way up and if you got there then you could just set a waypoint.
  11. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    What does Skate 2 do differently?
  12. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The first skate focused on the skateboard more then the character itself, which was my greatest priority. The colors seems way to colorful and almost seems cartoonish. I think EA has just strayed a little to far from the original feel of the first one.
  13. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I do agree with the graphics being different, but i thing they made a positive change. And i like the focus on the character now. Also, the replay editor is soo much better. I love the new tripod and zoom features.
  14. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I actually didn't take a look at the replay editor because I was so pissed at the graphics and the fact you can move things that are impossible in real life. I'll give the game another chance and take a look at it again. Try to switch the vie so it focuses on the board again.
  15. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Yeah, i do agree with that you can move a dumpster around like no problem. I do like moving rails and tables, like Linubidux said, hippie jumping over them looks really cool. Infact , im going to go play the demo.

    On a side note, if anyone ants to play skate 1, add me.
  16. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I'll get on the box in like an hour or two. I'll play Skate, and can you play online with the demo?
  17. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Skate 2, no.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That's not physics.
    Perhaps they're strong. So you're supposed to take 20 minutes to shift this dumpster out of the way? It's a video game, you can't expect 1000% realism.

    I skated a couple years ago for a couple months, sucked and realised I hate skaters. Skateboarding itself is cool but every skater that I knew was a total douche,
  19. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Or maybe instead of moving the dumpster they make it so you can climb over it? I'm not trying to put this game down as the worst game ever, I'm just saying I think they could of done a lot better and changed some things that shouldn't of been changed. The more real the better.

    Lol. I actually have something good to say about the game, I really like how you can push away your board in mid-air. BUT I think, even though it'll be a hassle and annoying, you should have to go and grab your board or have it spawn behind you instead of it flying through the air right into your hands.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    That's where realism is boring in video games.

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