
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by H3C x Nevz, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    After a long period of anticipation, the next Forge Union masterpiece is released under the name of Tribulum. It is a competitive map with gameplay intentions based on LIGHTSOUT225 and Creep1ng De4th's Verbatim: solid gameplay, durable, and ready for Matchmaking. The map will eventually be submitted to Atlas. It has little flare, aesthetic features, or rediculous geomerging, but everything is smooth, durable and well-planned.

    Attention to detail makes Tribulum stand out. The middle structure that sports a power drain (Or Rockets in asymmetric games) makes the game start off very similarly to the regular Foundry. The back base makes Tribulum an excellent choice for games of One Flag or One Bomb, with many symmetry changes to maximize its gameplay experience.

    There is one sniper on top of the back base, one bubble shield on the B side branch structure, camouflage opposite the bubble shield, and a ghost in asymmetric games only. Rockets and power drains spawn on the middle structure or on the merged single box, and they switch based on symmetry.

    The map has many entrances and exits in every spot, along with many optional ways to higher elevation, so you will find the map flows exceptionally well. For this reason, the map plays very much like many maps in matchmaking. The layout is easy to learn for new players, with no schemes or tricks that anyone could find confusing.

    Tribulum is best played with 4v4 or 3v3, but also supports doubles or 5v5 well. It is only set up for the gametypes below.
    • One Flag
    • Team Slayer (Or any variant - Snipers recommended)
    • One Bomb
    • Territories (Default)
    • Multi Flag (Least recommended)
    The reason for the lack of diversity in the gametypes was again to meet the demands of matchmaking. It was set up with a few gametypes in mind, and made to excel at those gametypes. I'm not going to set it up for a game like Two Bomb Assault or Oddball that I know won't work well. The games it was made for, however, play to perfection.

















    Huge thanks to all of Forge Union for their support, testing and ideas. This includes Furry, Sam, Sdrakulich, Golfer, and Irish.

    Also, big thanks to Crusty Inferno, and the "other Sam" =P for their ability to test.

    Most of all, specific thanks to Furry and Sam. Furry is responsible for half of the back hallway merging, and Sam did a piece right behind the camo box on the back base.
    #1 H3C x Nevz, Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2009
  2. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    Wow, this map is beautiful. I don't know how the gameplay is, but it looks pretty "pick-up-and-play". A lot of attention to detail I can see. Definite download, and I don't download many maps from this site.

    Edit: I just forged around on the map, I've noticed your spawns are messed up, you don't need that many starting points and some of your spawns are unusable since they are underneath a low ceiling. it's better to use neutral spawns and spawning areas for the teams. When you're playing asymmetrical games, you should be able to spawn anywhere on the map (except for the initial stating point) without any spawn areas and then when you're playing symmetrical games you should use the spawn areas corresponding to your team. Also, some areas could be merged into the floor like the rest of the map, I haven't played any games on it yet, but I think it should play very well. Still great job on the map.
    #2 KevinXI, Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Well, the others have it right. This map does look pretty good. Nothing really that original or spectacular, kind of has that original Foundry feel to me. Thats not a bad thing though. This map looks to be fun to play on, and I'll be sure to give it a go with some friends. Qued. (I say this because I am without live temporarily.)
  4. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Very nice map.Very fun to play on,the only thing is its to open in the middle,My be you can put a little berriering on it,beside that the structures are very creative and neat.9/10

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    GAH! Give Creep credit for Verbatim too! why does everyone forget that part? fix! fix! fix!

    Anyway, looks real good H3C.. I'm gonna have to take a closer look and get back to ya. I remember the sketch-ups of this a while back. Good to see it coming to fruition, and good luck at ATLAS with it!
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Lol I remember this from the sketchup sneak peak you posted. Looks good.
    3 qualms.
    1. Did you need to geomerge this wall? if you ungeomerge it, there wont be a bump. In fact it ill take care of a bump. its not like your walking over the bottom of the wall.
    2.If this is for atlas, it needs to support multi flag very well. very well. while you have it set up, you derecomend it, which isnt a good sign.
    3. This is a more akward lol qualms but
    Im not acusing of anything but... lol.
    #6 Mace, Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  7. Furry

    Furry Guest

    1) Not geo-merged.
    2) ATLAS' theme is constantly changing, January's theme is Multi-Flag and Objective.
    3) We didn't copy anything from your map. Matter of fact, I think it's unoriginal in general and nothing new. Please Remove the link as well, it's not a place to advertise your own map in our thread. Good bye kind sir.

    Not original at all. The aim was to try and mix stuff up by placing already seen before structures in a way that is simple for gameplay. In a way, it was intended.

    Ahhhh, silly Nevz...

    Good luck to you too Lights. I'm surprised you guys' were not accepted this month. I would enjoy playing it. It's not multi-flag though so I guess Shishka decided to wait for an asymmetric theme to arise to the occasion.

    ...And Quoted.

  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks okay, very neat and well-forged structures.

    Your maps always lack something...height. Try to elevate some of your structures or add some high structures to the map, making it less fast-paced.

    The camo place looks unique, never seen it before, lol.

    I have it queued right now on bnet so I'll go check it out when I play Halo again.

    I hope you consider it.....Height.

    Good luck in the ATLAS.
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I wasnt acusing of anything, I said it was an awkward lawl. I even said "im not acusing you of anything"
    And yes, I know about teh advartizing rule. Look at my rank and join date lol.... I simply put it up so that you could looks at teh op beasue of similarities.
  10. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks to all. Mace, that's a bit odd but I have never seen that map before, and in the original sketchup, I didn't plan on adding that wall. The intention of this map was to be durable, simplistic, and have great gameplay. Not at all aesthetics.

    And to Blackout, it does have a good amount of height, and roughly as much as default foundry. Yet not enough for height to be an extremely overpowering advantage. Other maps, such as Titan, my next project, will have more height. By the way, nowhere does it sayy in Atlas that maps will need to support multi flag. Why can't I submit it to TO for One Bomb, Territories, and One Flag, plus TS?

    *Action Shots Added*
    #10 H3C x Nevz, Jan 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  11. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    (Pretty much all that is in the screenie besides the double wall on the left side and the dumpster and fence wall by the 'merged open double box)

    And you're more than welcome! :D

    It's nice to hear all the good words about the map;
    Sure, it may not be anything original or new, it was never meant to be, but to be totally honest, what is these days?
  12. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Exactly. It wasn't intended to be original; just a map with great competitive standard gameplay.
  13. drak

    drak Ancient
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    It has finally been posted.
    Had much fun teamkilling on swat Mr. Nevz, when you were testing spawns.

    My favorite part of the map is the part nobody can see, when I hid mongooses on your map when you were forging it *gasp*
    Thanks Y35 :)

    Well, epic win one flag, remember boys and girls, you can always take the shortcut throught he stairs....
  14. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Lol, thanks for your "useful testing" on SWAT, Sdrakulich. I've heard rumors of Y35's amazing mongoose hiding ability, but he's never been in my party. The "shortcut through the stairs" is a nifty jump from the second floor of back base in-between the stairs to the top, and the fence walls on the top. Not really all that useful, but the testers love it.
  15. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    I loved attempting to do that in one flag, attempting to make a run to the capture point, ending up getting fragged as I slip through and blah blah blah.
    I really enjoy playing on Tribulum! :D
  16. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Glad to hear it Sam. :D I will need some Atlas films in the near future, with timed games, etc. and I hope you can be there.
  17. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    You talking directly to me?
    I'll sure as hell try my best Nevz, as I always do when you need me to.
    Let me know when you're thinking of doing this match and I'll get back to you on it.
    I'm on holiday from the 26th to the 30th so that'd be a no-show.
    I look forward to it!
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    From the pics, this map looks really cool. A nice improvement from Fissure. I really want to get some games on this. I'll be back after I do to tell you what I think.
  19. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Thanks blackfox. Hope you have a good game on it.
    Sam: I was, and it'll probably be a while before I do ATLAS tests, once a few other priorities are cleared.

    Action shots and new headers have been added. ;)
  20. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Ahh, fair enough, well I'll definitely be happy to help you out when you need me.
    I really wanna get some SWAT games on this tomorrow night during our custom night :D
    There isn't much more I can say about the map since everything complimentary I can think of I've already said in my previous posts here!
    I'll just praise you again after we play a few matches tomorrow and as always, I'll end up saying "Hey, I did this geomerging right here!" and get assassinated or something ;)

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