Retribution Retribution is a symetrical map made by me, T4K Shadow, i have done alot of geo-merging on this map and tried to be as neat as possible. Retribution took me over 10 hours to make and i will spend more time on it if it needs it. I used all of foundry except the back tunnels. There are four ways to the other teams base, left side which has a huge structure and a mongoose, through the tunnel in the middle hich is home to the sniper rifle, and right side, home of the shotgun. I have tried to be original and hopefully i have, ive created structures ive never seen before in a map. I didnt use any kind of glitch, no unlimited budget glitch either. Anyway here are the lists: Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer FFA King of the hill Oddball Multi flag Equipment list: 1 Bubble shield 2 Power drainers 4 Frags 4 Spike grenades 7 Plasmas Weapon list: 8 BRs 4 Carbines 2 Smgs 2 Assault rifles 1 Gravity hammer 1 Sniper rifle 1 Shotgun 2 Bruteshots 2 Needlers Vehicles: 1 Mongoose Now then, on with the pictures.....if anything is unclear about the layout of the map then tell me and i will put more on And there it is, Retribution I hoped you liked it, comments are welcome wether good or bad, thanks Download link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy!
i rly like the layout of the map and how u set evrything up... theres only one thing that i would recommend doing, is merging the double box tunnels a little lower in pic 9 cuz no1 likes to jump to get into tunnels, it ruins the flow of the gameplay... otherwise great map 8/10 for me
I would have but then it makes the back of the bases to low, it makes them feel like two different structures, but if you want meo to lower them i will
if you wanna lower the tunnels without lowing the floor of the base, simply flip the box over. Sure, the top of the box will look a bit tacky on the floor of the base, but the tunnel will be improved, and gameplay>aesthetics. The rest of the map looks pretty good. I like floating walkways, although they are becoming a bit overused ever since Regicide came out, it seems. Just thought I would give you some advice if you wanna solve the tunnel problem without lowering the base floor.
I suggest you fix "sre" to "are" where you said comments are welcome. Other than that the map is good. =]
thanks, i never noticed, anyway thanks everyone for the possitive feedback Ill lower the tunnels later and update the post
this looks like a great map. the middle structure is fantastic! Oddball must be great to play on this map. your geomerging skills are wonderful and on this map it really shows. good job!