Update 11/17/09 : Map complete Forging the Layout : 99% Adding weapons and equipment : 99% Testing the map : 10% Name Decided : Vanilla Extract Reason for Name : I was making cookies, and i didn't have any vanilla extract. soo.... yeah B) How I came up with the layout : I wanted to make a map that flowed as much as possible with several routes/passageways to take. I wanted to also create more than one option in every part of the map during combat situations. HERE are pictures of the layout AND HERE are pictures of what I have built 2 weeks ago Well this is the very first part of the map I built. Left or right, where do you choose If you went right, then this is where you will end up. The right side of the picture inside the room made of walls is where the sniper rifle will be The stupid crane thing is in the way but it doesn't block anything important other than one of the entrances to the room. Inbetween the wall merged with the fence and the double box is a short 3-way tunnel. The Zipline is revealed! Haha this is the only way to get to the rockets, which lies on the opposite fence wall. Those stairs you see that turns right goes into that room in the 3rd picture. UPDATE 11/17 I am finished forging the map and will be running tests on it soon. The map is in my fileshare now and my gamertag is BboyLeon if you want to check it out early. Honestly, the map is escapable for team slayer (because you can do the double jump thing), but for FFA, you can't get out on your own by nade jumping or anything like that.
Looks nice so far. I have wanted to try the zipline for weeks ever since I learned the technique (not from Zipline) and I'm using it in my newest map too. Great job, I'll get a game on it when you release it.
If I were to name a map, I would go to Thesaurus.com and look up words that describe your map, then pick a cool sounding one. Example:Chamber Result: Alcove, Cubicle...
good map man how did you make those pics the first 2 man that was awesome nice job i would help you but you probably already have some name!
What I normally do when I'm making maps (that aren't re-makes or re-imaginations of other maps) is take an aspect in a map, like the "Zipline" in the map you're working on, and name it something that relates to that. As someone previously stated, you can use a Thesaurus or Thesaurus.com to find a different word that means the same thing, but make sure at least you understand what it means before making it the name of your map. If you have a plan on making a background story for your map, you could make the name relate to that. That is normally how I name my maps, hope this helps. I am also curious to see how that Zipline works...
Dicey. Or something along the lines of that. It's the first thing I thought of when I saw those rotated blocks on the outer edge of the map.
Lol I got on mine name from the internet i went to Thesaurus.com Although I've always wanted to name a map Lithium Just a suggestion you could use.
keep it simple, one word names are cool but some preffer to do a few word phrase. This map has interestin geometry in terms of elevation and angles so i might call it. Post names when thought of _________________________ Shell shocked (Just sounds cool.)
Thanks guys for the tips on naming. I like dicey haha and.... Damn. I'm worried right now that I might not have enough stuff to prevent players from escaping the map lol. So I was thinking if I should name the map based on the challenge I am going to face while forging. And maybe I can make a background story of it. I searched on a thesarus for words that meant escape.... this is what I got Synonyms of Escape : Evasion Outbreak Synonyms of Trapped : Adhered Perplexed hmm how about Synonyms of Flow : Continuance or Continuity Emanation (lol perverted word) Effusion EDIT : Just wanted to post a few things i will be having trouble with Merging 2 Fence boxes vertically into the ground Merging 2 Walls into the...wall. lol Interlocking Angled, Floating Boxes and DoubleBoxes Preventing Escape Making good use of the back left of foundry.
If you would go for two word, i would say "Route Complex". Complex is used like system there. So it means a system of routes.
AWESOME, but different word for route. im thinkin Course Complex Itinerary Complex Chamber Complex No those are horrible. haha But I really like the word Complex for some reason. How about... "PHENOMENON"
Lol, you have never given a map a different name from that, have you? Seriously, does this look like a battlefield? I do not think so. If you give a map a name like that, everyone will think it is just like the 2.000.000 other crappy maps out there without interlocking etc. Why not name it skycastle lol. Be creative! My suggestion: When I saw the pics, sepulcher or sepulchre came to my mind.
Circumflexion 1. The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form. 2. A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold. I don't really think it has anything to do with the map, but it sounds cool nonetheless.
UPDATE 11/17 I am finished forging the map and will be running tests on it soon. The map is in my fileshare now and my gamertag is BboyLeon if you want to check it out early. Honestly, the map is escapable for team slayer (because you can do the double jump thing with a teammate), so there will have to be honor rules for that, OR I could have just as easily told you that you can't escape at all... ANYWAY for FFA, you can't get out on your own by nade jumping or anything like that. THE MAP NAME IS VANILLA EXTRACT, IT IS COMPLETELY RANDOM, I WAS MAKING COOKIES AND I DIDNT HAVE THE VANILLA EXTRACT TO MAKE THEM, SO I HAD TO GO BUY SOME AND I THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD BE AN AWESOME NAME HAHAHAHA. I ALSO NEED HELP WITH SPAWN POINTS I ALREADY F'D UP WITH THE budget glitch so i can't really add anything else unless i glitched that item already. While forging, not everything was perfectly aligned, but that was good because now there are secret ledges and secret ways to get a certain weapon B)